You make a badass kill

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Admittedly I thought I had updated it not too long ago so I forgot about this book, only to then see it say "updated four months ago" so... yeah, sorry for that.

And sorry if this is bad, I'm not good at writing action scenes.


He finds most of your kills badass and fascinating, praising you each time. He gladly tells others about how amazing you are during combat. When you accept a mission and the person looks worried you won't be able to do it he will assure them that you will be able to do this as he has seen you succeed in many missions and win all your battles in such amazing ways. He once even commented movies should come back as you would be a natural stunt person for movies.


The first time he saw you help him out was probably the most badass you have ever been to him because it was badass of you to stop your journey to help him, a stranger, from so many enemies, and even more badass when he learned you had just woken up a few minutes prior so you did that all confused and new to everything.


You were both starving and running low on ammo so you decided to go hunting in the tall buildings for anything useful. But sadly your luck was against you as you just entered the building filled with enemies. So many enemies you couldn't even fight back properly, and sadly you were already so high in the building and the lower floors were swarming with enemies. As you ran, trying to shoot the enemies nearing, suddenly your gun didn't go anymore so you tried to reload but you were grasping at nothing; your ammo was all gone. As you kept running up, suddenly a missile launcher came into view and you got this fun idea in mind as you knew Danse was waiting outside. So you ran towards a window, which luckily already had the glass blown out it. As you stepped onto it, you did a twirl and jumped backwards. As the enemies raced to the window you shot the missile to them. As the blast came you somehow still managed to hear Danse scream your name in clear horror and disapproval. You let the launcher go and now just put your trust into Danse and not dying. Honestly your only thought was now hoping that looked badass, though you doubt Danse would care about that and give you a lecture of a few hours on how to never do this again. If you survive that is. And you did, though it came with serious pain throughout your body as Danse managed to catch you. Danse stared down at you, and you could just tell his heart was racing faster than any heart ever has. He angrily asked what the hell that was, but you just smiled and assured you you knew it would work because you trusted him to catch you, and he did. He stared then yelled that doesn't change the fact it was dangerous and you could have died. And you were right, the next few hours was him rambling on about safety and all that.


She tripped over her own feet as she was trying to hurry back, her gun slipping out of her hand due to the sudden compact of falling down. She cursed, scrambling back, only to let out a huff as her back hit a building. She stared up at the super mutant as it raised its bat. Her chest was clenching so hard and her whole stomach was turned upside down. She wanted to scream for you but nothing could come out. But suddenly something swinged past and there was a sharp thing aside the super mutant's head. The bat fell out the mutant's hand causing her to flinch in surprise. And then its head wobbled before it fell forward, and only its head. Blood flew out the headless body then its body also fell so she scrambled more to the building. She stared as you stood there, a sword in hand, with a very dark look. All she could do was reach her hand out with hope. You took her hand and pulled her up and into an embrace then pulled her along, assuring her they are all dead now so it's fine. Once she was okay again she couldn't help but wonder if she should write a novel, with you as her inspiration for the warrior in it that saves the herione each time.

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