When you both take a shower together

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IMPORTANT: Tik Tok has a new fucked up trend, like they usually do, this time they will make it "national rape day" so they will rape people on 24th of April so please be safe and only go outside if needed!

I don't know if this is a fucked up joke from trolls and they won't do it or if they will actually do this, but either way, there are always fools who will believe this trend and go do it so be careful.

Before anyone asks why you are showering together, showering together with your partner is one of the most normal/common things couples do, nothing really weird about it.


He doesn't need to shower, he will just wait outside, telling you to call him if you need any help.


It was he who actually suggested it, saying you all have to use the water carefully so it would be best to shower together to waste less water. He was quick to add he won't try anything so don't worry. He was happy to finally take a shower after so many months without one. As he washed his hair, he happily thanked you for helping with the settlement because now everyone can finally take some showers.


He showered with his fellow soldiers before but he couldn't handle this, this wasn't the same at all. He felt embarrassed, unsure where to look and what to say. When you asked him if he's okay, he cleared his throat, saying he's okay before he focused on washing his body.


She chuckled, saying she sees you added some new wounds to your collection before telling you to give her the soap so she can clean them before they can get infected. She will carefully wash the wounds and wash around it. Once finished with the shower, she will hum and say she thought showering together would be more awkward but it was actually quite nice and normal.


Yeah, no. If he does that, then he can certainly call himself the dumbest being alive. He's not ready to electrocute you to death either.


He wasn't shy to shower you in compliments and eye you and help you wash yourself. If you tell him you don't want him touching you, he will respect it and hold his hands up, saying if you say so then he won't do it. The first few times he was nervous because he was worried you would find his body disgusting but when you assured him you don't find it digusting and he's still very handsome to you, he immediately perked up and became confident again.


She will make sexual comments about you, some sexual jokes. When you dump a ton of shampoo on her head, telling her to just focus on cleaning herself, she will groan but start washing her hair, cringing as the water at your feet was turning brown from all the dirt washing off you and her.


He was too big for the shower... And even if you find one where he fits, then you can't shower aside him because he takes up all the space so you both have to shower separately.


He did this with his wife a lot so he didn't find this weird, he found it a normal thing for couples do to. Of course he assured you you don't have to do this if you think this is weird or awkward.


He will make awkward jokes, unsure how to act right now as you both stood so close together, naked.


She doesn't like showering together, she finds it a bit weird and it's uncomfortable to stand in such a small space together. She will just stand outside the shower, folding your dirty clothes and laying out clean ones, saying to scrub well because you are covered with dirt and blood. She advised you to use enough soap but not too much so you have enough left for the next shower.


He doesn't take showers with you, he dislikes it and finds it weird. So while you shower, he will patiently wait. Once you finished and exit the bathroom, he asked you how it feels to finally be clean again and not covered in dirt and blood.


It wasn't really planned, he somehow managed to open the door and rush inside, happily jumping in the shower with you, barking while biting at the water. Once you turned off the shower, he shook himself clean before rushing out to bite the towel and bring it to you.


He finds this normal and will help you wash your hair and back, talking with you about some stuff. He enjoys it when you wash his hair, he finds it a very relaxing thing.


This is Benny, of course this man is gonna try to seduce you and get you in the mood to do it with him. If it works, he will happily praise himself for it before excitedly getting to it. If it fails, he will pout and ask what's the point of showering together then.


He always thought about this but now that he's here, he's not sure what to do. He wasn't even sure if he's allowed to look at you so he was just staring at the wall, questioning every decision he's making and was gonna make. When you chuckled and assured him he can look, otherwise you wouldn't have let him shower with you, he slowly looked before staring. Let's just say his friend down there for very excited and he loves showering together with you now.

Again, please be safe on 24th of April.

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