When a big fan of yours keeps following you two around

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I made a Red Dead Redemption 2 scenario book so please check it out if you're interested.

I was replaying some old games and then I remembered in Oblivion that adoring fan you can meet at the arena and that's how I thought of this scenario.


As their constant praising of you kept going he agreed that you are avery amazing and capable person but this is too much and they might make you uncomfortable. Sometimes he will reply back to them with mocking answers when they are trying way too hard to get your attention. He doesn't mind the fan, just when they start trying way too hard for your attention.


He was happy that someone appreciated your work. Of course he tried to encourage them to join the Minutemen, telling them a person like them will be appreciated. He actually thought it was amazing that someone, even in these awful times, can look up to another person and not justwish to kill them. He told you you have to be sure to be a good rolemodel then happily added you might even have more fans out there before jokingly adding he's definitely one of them.


He found it annoying and a distraction. His job is also to protect people and that's hard to do if the person keeps running in danger to chase after you. So after a bit of trying to endure it he roughly took their shoulder after a fight and shoved them away, strictly telling them to go home before they get their head blown off.


She whistled, impressed when the fan said they travelled all the way across the land to meet you, then jokingly told you they are more determined than she is at her job. She actually found it rather cute, and a bit amusing, especially when they get so flustered at the tiniest of attention from you. She joked that's how teenagers with crushes act.


He just chuckled at it, telling you it's almost as if you picked up a stray. When the person begged for your signature Nick was already holding the pen to you, giving you the "just give it so they will be happy and leave" eyes. But they didn't leave, kept sticking around to you, which made him sigh. He didn't really mind it that much but trying to work while there's some big fan ranting on about stuff is difficult so he made the rule that if they wish to follow you around they have to at least keep quiet and not distract you two during work.


He will be amused, asking them what exactly they like about you, liking when people are praising his lover. When you praised them and they stumbled, nervously muttering they think they are gonna faint since their idol just praised them, Hancock held some mentats to them and asked with a smirk if they need a pick-me-up.


She didn't really care at first but the more they kept following and such the more annoying she found them and annoyed she got. She would mock them behind their back but eventually she didn't do it just behind their back.


He kept calling them small, lost, and annoying. He claimed they remind him of a stray dog he once saw that got attached to this person who kept feeding it. He ended the story by stating plainly "they died" then just walked away.


He just felt uncomfortable and awkward, unsure how to act around them as they kept acting as if you were some kind of god. He's always keeping a close eye on them, suspicious of how they are acting since he also thinks you are amazing but the way they are acting as if you are some god is suspicious.


He teased you a lot about it for having such a big fan. With the way the fan kept trying to do everything for you and knew almost everythingabout you he jokingly asked if you are sure it's not a stalker instead of a fan. Sometimes he likes to tease the fan by picking upsome random item and holding it to them, telling them it's yours then laughing when they take it so excitedly.


She will gladly greet them, happy to see someone who appreciates your efforts. She will talk with them a bit about different things. When they are fanboying/girling about you she just watches with a smile, agreeing with all they are saying. When they do stuff like rush to carry your items she will tell them that's very kind of them but they have to be sure not to strain themselves.


He didn't really care, would just glance at the person then continue ignoring them. He will ask you if you are okay with this crazy person chasing you like this. Sometimes he will give them very cold replies or blunt questions like when they will go home.


He will be jealous that the person is trying to get so much of your attention and always distracting you away from him. So he would always bark at the fan or growl, upset his time with you is being taken away by this person. When you assured him your attention will always be for him his tail began wagging as he happily barked at him.


If it's one of the Kings he finds it cute because they start acting like teenagers with crushes, stuttering and always growing red in their faces when you talk to them. When they start offering to do things for you he assured you you can trust his boys to deal with this stuff so let them and just take a break for now. He's also a little the reason they are your fan since when you are away on missions he's usually telling to the boys the cool things you did.


He was the one who found them since they kept staring at you from across the room in his casino so he approached them then asked them if he can help them. When they began sputtering out about how amazing you are and such Benny just thought to himself about how creepy and weird this dude is then thought "this will be fun" and dragged them to you, telling them they are in luck as he knows you very well. When you asked who that is he happily said probably your biggest fan. So because of him you spend a long time with this person chasing you around, ranting about your quests and how amazing you are, and trying to do everything for you. Benny was watching from across the room with much amusement, happy something is finally happening in this boring place, when you had finally gotten enough of the crazy fan and yelled you appreciate it but this is driving you insane.


He called the person creepy the first time they met since the fan kept praising you and bringing up all kinds of cool and small events that you did that even you two had forgotten about. He argues with them a lot. He hates how they are always trying to get your attention and do everything for you, which usually results in him angrily telling them you can do that yourself or he can do that for you since he's your boyfriend so they better stop trying to steal his thunder.

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