They meet someone who acts as if they are you

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He did a twirl, feeling as if he will have a malfunction at seeing and hearing this nonsense. He scolded them. They stopped doing it. Not because of the scolding but the fact he was shoving a saw to their face and waving it wildly out of anger to this wannabe. When they ran off he huffed, saying "I thought so!" then went to you. He didn't bring it up to avoid giving stress or distract you.


He has heard that there is some man out there acting like him, and he couldn't believe people would do that, but then he met someone who kept claiming to be you. He was displeased they would lie and try to steal all your accomplishments, but he decided to just cross his arms and ask if all that is true then ask for the details. He did find it quite amazing all the weird lies they came up with nervously while he watched, knowing the true details of what happened from you and when he would tag along. When they finished he sighed and told them to go and do something more useful with their life because none of that was even remotely how any of your adventures went.


He just demanded they stop this as he knows you personally. The person chuckled and said they don't know him so Danse argued you, the real person, knows him so they must stop this. The person kept going with the act so Danse sighed then decides this isn't worth his time and energy so he stormed away. He told you about it when he found you, his tone clearly showing he disapproves of it but it was too tiresome to deal with.


She had to hold her laugh as she asked them questions only you would know; all writing it down, mentally thinking this will be the first time she's gonna be publishing a comedy. Later on she asked you the same one then had a good laugh as the answers were so opposite of each other. When you asked why she's laughing she snickered to just buy the newspaper next time.


He hasn't been this amused in a long time. He was working on files as you left to go work with someone else. He does admit, with his focus not on them but the paper and not listening properly it did sound and look like you. But the second he properly listened and focused on "you" he saw it was definitely not you. But he decided to amuse this person; until they were disrespectful then he turned cold and told them to leave. It was said in such a menacing way they broke character and hurried out.


The person broke character when Hancock suddenly slouched on them and tried to start a heavy make out session. When the person hurried away, snatching off extra layers of clothes and messing up their accesoires, yelling their actual name. Hancock stared: very confused then laughed before apologizing, like apologizing to a close friend. He reached over and pat their shoulder; or at least it should have but the person was standing way too far away. Hancock answered he's taken maybe a bit too many things but all good. He assured them they are good then walks off to go find his actual partner so he can start a make out session with the right person. Hancock did not remember this the next day.


She warned them to stop it or she will sucker punch them. They did not. So she sucker punched them. As they cried out in pain and held their broken nose she shrugged with a casual "I warned you". She warned them to never do this again or next punches will be way worse. They scrambled away; assuring they will stop and it was just a joke.


He stared, feeling something is wrong but unable to place it. So he lifted the person with ease then growled something's not smelling right then swung his arm. The person lost their shit; having thought they could approach a mutant if they simply acted as you. Let's just say it did not end pretty for this fool.


He stared then sighed, saying he doesn't have time for this as you are expecting him. He continued walking, so the person followed: claiming he doesn't have to go anymore as you are here. But Maccready simply ignored; not gonna entertain this idiotic behaviour. The person kept this up until they got bored as Maccready did not even glance so they stormed off, muttering this is stupid. Finally the first true thing Maccready heard from them.


He had a good laugh about it. He loved this, found it hilarious. Even gave some tips on how to act better as you and just tips of how what he does when he wears his disguises. The person was very confused and taken back. So when you arrived to see what's taking Deacon so long you found him seated with "you", excitedly sharing advice.


She was very confused, even asking if they are mentally okay as they are acting as if they are her partner. The person insisted on being you but then said "let's go, servant!" making Curie gasp then firmly state you would never call her that or treat her like one. She insisted they stop this because this is mean and nothing like her partner. Later on she informed you of this person in a tone that said she's clearly displeased by it.


He found it silly and confusing. He asked them why they are doing this. So of course the person acted oblivious, asking doing what. X6 narrowed his eyes then added acting like someone else. The person kept acting oblivious so X6 gave up and just walked away to go find the true you. As you both walked he shared his weird encounter.


He growled as they approached, acting as if they knew him and calling him Dogmeat so sweetly. But Dogmeat knew just smell this wasn't you. So he bit their leg; and so hard his teeth sank in. He shook his head, tugging, causing the person to fall. Once down he ran off and searched for the true you.


He warned them to stop before he sends the Kings after them. At first he found it funny but then they began saying lies, trying to mock you, and so it went from amusing to enraging. The next day he found out they did not stop. And so the Kings went to the person with baseball bats. They beat the person until they were pleading for mercy and that they will stop it. So they left once they had few broken bones, bruises, and swollen areas.


He just shot them. Doesn't need someone ruining your reputation or making fun of you. He expects you to do the same if you ever meet someone who is acting as if they are him.


He was so confused, and disgusted. Especially when they began flirting. He even stumbled away from them from just pure disgust. He told them to stop before he puts a bullet in their head. They did not. Until Butch actually did pull out his gun. They even broke character; begging for him not to shoot and saying just some silly fun to pass time. Butch threatened him, telling them they better never do this again so the person nod vigorously then ran away.

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