When you meet with someone shady and tell them to wait for you farther away

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The title didn't fit, it's supposed to be: "When you are about to meet with someone shady-looking and tell your lover to wait a bit farther away."


He gasped, his saw moving in a warning way, telling you that this person looks dangerous and he does not think this is a good idea. He insisted on going with but you disagreed. After you made a good reason for him not to come, he let out a huff sound but said fine and he will wait then floated a bit farther away and waited there.


He asked if you are sure. He trusts you, he just doesn't trust that shady looking person. You assured him you will be fine, which made him frown but nod and say okay before walking a bit farther away and waiting there.


He refused, saying this person is clearly not a good person. After enough convincing, he finally stopped refusing and said okay, but he first made you promise to immediately let him know if anything bad happens, then walked away to go wait.


She told you in a doubtful and unsure voice that she doesn't know what you are doing but she trusts you then walked away to go wait farther away. She kept watching you two, curious what you are talking about and also making sure this person makes no move for their weapon.


He had done this a few times as well for inestigation cases; meeting up with shady people. Sometimes those shady people are actually nice and just wish to help, other times they are actually dangerous. So he trusted you with this and nod, telling you good luck with whatever it is you are meeting them for. He stood a bit farther away, just having a smoke, waiting for you to finish your talk with this person.


He gave you "what the fuck are you on about" eyes then motioned to the person with his thumb, saying that person is gonna try something the second you two are alone. He assured you with a smirk that he can be your scary back up so they will be too scared to try aything, but you told him you will be fine alone so he sighed out fine before telling you with a chuckle to call him over then if you still need him to act as your scary companion.


She gave you a "have you gone insane" look before telling you you must be kidding her and this is such an obvious trap. You told her you will be able to handle it alone so she doesn't have to worry, she huffed and said you are an idiot for this. She told you to make sure your gun is ready for shooting then walked farther away, wondering why the hell she's in love with such a fool.


He loudly said he doesn't like this person, gesturing to them with his melee weapon. You assured him it will be fine but he said he protect you and refused to leave so you had to meet the person with him a bit behind you, giving the person nasty eyes.


He gave you this questioning look but then sighed out sure. You both done a lot of weird stuff, this wouldn't be the weirdest or dumbest thing you done yet. He did keep an eye on you two, holding his gun at the ready the whole time.


He let out a "uuh" then laughed out that's obviously trouble. When you told him to just wait, he asked what then said no, saying he can't just stand back and watch you walk into trouble all alone. So while you spoke to the person, he put on a disguise and sneaked a little closer. He thought he was being sneaky but you already knew he was sneaking closer because you were just expecting it from him.


She gasped and worriedly asked you if you are in danger. She assured you that you can tell her and she will help you the best she can. When you assured her it's fine and you are meeting with this person, she gave you this shocked expression before telling you she does not wish to interfere with whatever mission is causing you to meet with this person but she does not think it is a good idea. But you said it's fine and told her to just wait a bit then left to the person, making her sigh and wonder why she even advises you if you are just gonna ignore it.


He gave this very unimpressed look, saying this person isn't even hiding how they aren't trustworthy. When you asked for a few minutes alone with the person, he glanced at you but then said of course and walked a bit farther away to go wait and give you two privacy. He was expecting something bad to happen any second.


He sat down and waited like a good boy. As you talked to the person, he sometimes looked at you, wanting to go do something exciting again.


He warned you that this person looks shady so be careful. He trusts you to be able to handle this yourself, you did travel across the whole Mojave after all so he's sure some shady person is nothing compared to all the dangerous stuff you have encountered.


He gave you this confused look before telling you he sees many of those people enter his casino, and they are always the ones who cause trouble or start cheating; you can't trust them.


He gave you this unsure look before slowly saying that person is the shadiest person he ever seen. When you assured him you will be fine, he huffed and said this is stupid before walking off. As you talked to the person and he waited, he made imaginary arguments, all of which he of course won.

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