When they walk in on you changing

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He was quick to apologize before leaving. When you exit, he politely apologized again, promising to make sure it never happens again.


He was quick to use his hat to cover his eyes, apologizing while nervously patting the door for the handle before he hurried out. When you exit, he awkwardly apologized, saying he didn't mean it and he didn't know you where in there, getting changed.


He let out a curse out of shock before he turned, awkwardly apologizing. He has seen many soldiers change, but seeing you, his lover, change was a very different situation. When you jokingly said he can stay, he said that is not approppriate before he left. Afterwards, he didn't bring it up but he did feel awkward around you for a long time.


She let out a gasp and apologized, saying she didn't mean to. When you said it's fine, awkward silence fell. She was unsure what to do so she just mumbled you look good, immediately regretting saying that weird thing so she hurried out the room before she embarrassed herself any further.


He entered, needing something from the room, only to awkwardly apologize when he noticed you. When you said it's fine, he awkwardly pointed to the thing he needed, mumbling he's just here to get that. So after he got it, he apologized again and hurried out the room, muttering apologies.


He will casually slouch on the nearest furniture, watching you with a smile. When you tell him to get out, he will just laugh and say there is no need to be embarrassed because you are so beautiful and to just ignore him.


She just smirked and gave you a wink, complimenting your body before she laughed when you told her to leave. She did leave, but when you exit, she kept teasing you about this moment.


He doesn't see the issue with it so he will just wait, watching you changing. When you ask him to leave, he will ask why. When you tell him it's awkward, he frowned but left, mumbling he doesn't see the problem with it.


He entered, saying a sentence only to trail off and stare. When you said his name and shook your hand in front of his face, he flinched, snapped out of his thoughts before he apologized, promising he didn't mean to walk in while hurrying out the room.


He let out a curse, covered his eyes, but opening his fingers a little so he can take in your body. When you yelled his name, he laughed and apologized before leaving.


She entered, only to gasp and apologize. When you said it's okay, she gave you a smile and said it's good manners not to walk in on someone changing before she turned and left. When you exit, she apologized again.


He entered, stared, processing what's going on before he politely apologized and said he will wait outside before he exit the room. When you exit, he didn't bring it up.


He's a dog so he didn't care, he will just sit down and wait till you are ready to continue the journey.


He entered his room, having forgotten you were in there, getting changed. When he noticed you, he was a bit shocked but then smiled and greeted you. If you don't feel comfortable with him here, he will leave. But if he can see you don't mind, he will sit down at the chair he usually sits and listens to whatever you have to say.


He rushed in your room, not knocking like usual, only to stare when he saw you naked and getting changed. Before you could ask him why he stormed in, his face turned red as he yelled excuses, asking why you didn't lock the damn door, before rushing back out.

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