When you clean up/repair a building

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He claims a bit of change of pace and focusing on something besides always combat is good and he will be here to help if you need it. So when you need help lifting stuff he's quick to grab and help. One time he tried to grab something way too heavy and broke one of his arms so you had to spend the time trying to fix it, for which he apologized, somehow sounding embarrassed this happened. Once fixed again he decided to focus on the lighter stuff and do the boring clean up stuff so you can focus on changing everything and fixing stuff.


He loves it, and hopes you will also fix some more buildings for other people. He gladly helps you out, and if it's a big job then he will call over some others to help out as well. He makes sure to keep all the supplies you throw out as one never knows when they can use the extra stuff. If you throw out a desk he will be sure to place it in a house without one. Seeing it go from a terrible, torn down house go to a great, clean, proper house it brings such joy and hope to him, and he uses it to encourage others to do the same to their houses and start influencing others to do it as well to create a better, cleaner, more hopeful future.


He lifts all the heavy stuff, each time asking where you need this then walking to where you point or say. He will pull stuff off the wall, like the wood off boarded up windows. When he has nothing to do he just rests, checks the supplies, makes you some food, or keeps guard outside for any potential danger. When you get tired from all the work he gives you a hug from behind, giving a kiss to your temple, telling you you are doing great so should reward yourself with a break.


She makes a report about it, trying to make it sound as good, easy, and fun as she can to influence others to also do it as she finds this a fantastic idea and always thought people should stop letting the world be this shitty. She finds it stupid people haven't started doing this yet, complaining that it has been 200 years so everyone had enough time to process, grief, and start rebuilding. She posted the report but not much changed. But once you finished your work she did it again and then it did work, probably as it was seen how easily and quick it indeed was. She did help with a few tasks, mostly small, but she was more focused on spreading the word and influence as she wants to fix the shitty way the world is now and she had tunnel vision to how this might be a way to fix it.


He finds it great and will visit, even help but that's usually only if he doesn't have cases to solve. He praises you, making sure you still eat and drink enough, help you with the annoying tasks, all such things to ensure you keep motivated to do this till the end since this is a great idea. When you need a break he will ask if you need anything or if he should continue the work. When he arrives and sees you being tired he gives you a hug, advising you to go take a nap while already walking you to your bed.


He found it great. It's what he did with Goodneighbor so he helped out, and people in Goodneighbor also gladly helped out. Sometimes he just lays back, takes some stuff, and watches you working. It's weirdly relaxing, fun, and sexy to watch you cleaning/repairing. When you scolded him to help out or otherwise get lost he just hums, totally not properly processing with all the stuff swirling in his system, so you just end up letting him lay there and get back to work. Once it's done he gives you a big proud kiss, praising you then thanking the others for helping out as well. If everyone had fun, it didn't go too bad, and have enough materials and time he excitedly proposed to everyone they do this to more places.


She found it a waste of time, telling you every place is shitty so just blend in. It caused a lot of dumb arguments, but eventually it was settled when you shouted "just let me have my fun!" so she left you to have your fun. She just did some scavenging, annoyed at you for wasting time with what you are doing but still making sure to get a lot of food and water for you. Once it was done she was impressed with how new the place looked, as if right before the nukes fell, but of course refused to admit how impressed she is and just gave a cool "yeah, it's good" with a shrug.

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