When you sing/dance to very old songs

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Some people say the songs in Fallout stopped being made in the 1950s, but then in New Vegas are songs that were made in the 60s and some in Fallout 3 from the 80s so, euhm... I'm very confused to how the technology works in Fallout.

Most songs are from 1980s because there are many good songs in that decade.

I normally don't say what songs the MC sings, but I found some songs I could make fun scenarios with.


It doesn't matter which song you listen to, he will always let out a happy noise and say this makes him think back to the life before the bombs. When you tell him to dance with you, he will chuckle and remind you he cannot dance. All he can do is move his arms, acting as if he's dancing along with you.


He will just chuckle and ask where you got these very old records from. He helped you build a shelf so you can store all the records you find on that shelf. Sometimes he will listen to some of them. They go all the way from jazz to rock. When you sing and dance to the music, he will just smile and watch you, enjoying how much fun you are having.


You once got excited so you happily sang the song "I'm So Excited" and danced around while making sure you stay on path to the next mission location. Danse just made sure there were no enemies, a bit unhappy you are so loud, but he didn't have the heart to tell you to stop because you looked so excited and he hasn't seen you so happy in a long while. When you take his hand, telling him to dance along, he will let out a nervous chuckle, pulling his hand away and gripping his gun better, saying he doesn't dance. When you danced around him, singing, "I want to love you, feel you, wrap my body around you", his face went bright red and he decided you had enough fun so he covered your mouth, clearing his throat to make sure he won't stutter before he said he thinks he heard enemies so it's best to stay quiet.


She didn't know who Billy Joel was so you played his songs. When it got to the "Uptown Girl" song, you sang it to her while holding her hands to guide her along to your weird dancing, singing the lines like "And when she's walking, she's looking so fine-", which always succeeds to make her laugh and jokingly say you can be so embarrassing. When the song "We Didn't Start The Fire" comes on, you will both be shouting the lyrics, trying to see who can successful sing all the lines without messing up. When one of you messes up, both can't help but laugh at it.


There is this one song you always manage to embarrass him with, so of course any chance you get, you will begin singing it and dancing to it. Whenever you sing the song "Let's Hear It for the Boy" and hold your hands to him while singing lines like "Let's hear it for my man" or "But he's my lovin' one-man show", he will nervously chuckle and try to hurry away to avoid being embarrassed any further. When you tug his coat, singing the line "And maybe he don't dress fine", he will give you unimpressed eyes as he pulls his coat away from you and says it's just a bit torn, nothing a few stitches can't fix.

Hancock: (I discovered this song while playing Far Cry 4)

You were singing along to "Should I Stay or Should I Go", dancing a little to the beat, just doing your thing. When suddenly two arms wrapped around your waist from behind and Hancock snickered out you should definitely stay before he turned you around and both danced together. In other words: if you dance and sing, he will sneak up on you, give you a kiss before dancing along with you.

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