When you become addicted to drugs/alcohol

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He will nervously say you seem to be taking those things a lot, worriedly asking you if you're feeling okay. When you lay on some random spot, staring up at the sky, he will worry a lot, asking you what you're doing. When you said thinking about all the people you lost and killed, he will apologize before leaving so you can be alone with your thoughts. He can't do much besides try to convince you to get some help.


He will frown, telling you you don't need those and assuring you he is here for any issues you are going through. When you try to drink or do drugs, he is quick to take it, telling you this won't solve anything before asking you why you're doing this. When you opened your arms, telling him to look around him, he sighed before he said he knows how cruel this world is and that you're going through a lot, but you need help, not an addiction. So he watches you very closely, making sure you don't do drugs or drink, talking to you three times a day to talk about problems you have, things you wish to rant about, about whatever you wish to talk, he will listen and try to help.


He will strictly tell you to stop it before sighing out that he can't believe he has a lover who is addicted. When you get violent, he will hug you from behind, crossing your arms and tightly holding your hands so you can't reach for a weapon or throw a punch, telling you to not attack him or any innocent people while forcing you to sit on the ground, saying you're overreacting and need to calm down right now. When you break down in tears and cuddle to him, he will slowly let go of your hands before wrapping his arms around you, whispering the Brotherhood of Steel has some good doctors so please let them help you. When you cried out you need time to think, he nod, not pressuring you. So when you came to him, saying you want help, he couldn't help but feel proud, a smile growing on his face as he said he's very proud and happy you are willing to accept help and fix this.


She will worry, saying you should see a doctor. When you're in denial, claiming it's only once a month so no need to get a doctor, she will give you upset eyes, whispering you do it every single day. When you huff and say one of your family members did more than this, she will frown and say no matter how much you do it, it doesn't change the fact that it is bad for you. When you finally agreed to accept help, she supported you the whole time, feeling awful whenever you got withdrawal symptoms. When you puked, she would cringe but rub your back, saying you're doing a good job and you just have to keep it up a bit longer and then you're clean.


He won't lie, he will tell you how awful you look, claiming you look as if you climbed out of a gutter. One day, he was walking through Diamond City, searching for you when he spot you talking to some suspicious person. He didn't have to question, he knew what was going on, you were buying drugs. He was quick to rush over, taking your arm, taking the drugs from your hand before throwing it at the person, telling them to scram before he calls the guards. When the person ran away, Nick gave you a glare, asking you if you haven't had enough of this dangerous stuff before he took you back home, saying he has had enough and is getting you proper help.


He will advice you to slow down on the drugs and drinking. When you refused, he will frowned, trying to take the drugs/alcohol only to curse and shout when you tried to punch him. But it gave him an idea. He took you to some random spot before handing you a bat, telling you to destroy everything and shout about whatever you want to shout about. So while you slammed everything with a bat, screaming about all the terrible things you have gone through, he ignored the pain he felt in his chest from hearing his lover having gone through such things and focused on making sure no enemies come over. When you were done, panting and sweating, he couldn't help but laugh, asking you if you feel better. When you nod, he took the bat back, saying if you ever feel like doing drugs again or drinking to get rid of problems, just come here and smash some things instead, it's way better than putting those dangerous things in your body.

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