When you need help taking care of yourself

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The reason for them taking care of you is up to you: if you lost your arm and need help with certain tasks, if you just gave up and they are looking after you now, if you have a disability that requires you to need help, etc.


It's his job to take care of you, he does it every single second. You don't even have to ask him anything because he's already doing it.


He loves helping people who need it so obviously he doesn't mind helping you when you need it and taking care of you. At first he always felt a bit awkward, unsure how much he may help you and hoping he doesn't make you feel awkward, but after a while he got comfortable with it and knows the limits.


Soldiers always look out for each other, so he knew how to look after someone, but that doesn't mean he's good at it though. He was a bit awkward, especially when you needed help bathing.


She will try to motivate you to try to do it yourself since she isn't always around to help you. She doesn't mind taking care of you, and she's decent at it since she helped raise her little sister and took care of her.


When he has to help you change or bathe, he wears a glove over his right hand so he's sure he won't accidentally hurt you with his sharp fingers. When you apologize for the trouble or thank him, he always assures you it's fine and it's no trouble at all.


He's always taking care of you, even if you aren't injured. He just doesn't like his lover overworking themselves or thinking they have to do everything alone. And he just likes doing things together. So if you need help with something simple as cooking or big as making something, he's always ready to help a lending hand.


She can act quite cold and tough, but the second you need help, she's always there to help you. When you feel embarrassed or useless, she will assure you there is no need to feel so and that you can still do many awesome things before reminding you of some fun and exciting memories to try and change your attention to something more fun.


He will assure you he will get you some milk as milk will heal you and make you strong and able to do all this alone again. He made many comments about how weak your kind is and comments about what's causing you to be unable to take care of yourself on your own and what he thinks about it.


He looked after a wife and child so he knew how to do it very well. When you needed help bathing, he only felt a tiny bit uncomfortable or awkward, he did make sure to ask you if you are okay with it since he didn't wish to make you uncomfortable. He knows being looked after can be a bit annoying so he doesn't try to make it obvious and always keeps an eye on you from a distance, ready to jump in if you need help but also letting you try stuff on your own first and waiting for you to ask for his help or give a signal you need help.


He will be joking around a lot since he doesn't want you to feel helpless and let you know that he doesn't mind helping you out and even enjoys it. He might not be the best but he learned over time and both always had fun.


She was more than happy to help you change, eat, bathe, and such things. She didn't see it as a bother at all. She will always tell you what she's gonna do before doing it and ask you if it hurts or if it's too hot, always making sure you are comfortable with what she's helping you out with.


He will help you out. When you feel embarrassed, he assured you there is no need to feel this way and that he isn't thinking anything bad so don't worry.


He will bring over anything you need. He will nudge you while whimpering as if asking if you need help when he sees you struggling with something.


He's glad to help you out. The other Kings are also nice, also ready to help with anything you need, which makes King always so proud of his boys and happy that he got such a nice and considerate gang.


When he isn't around, he has some people hired to look after you. When he has to look after you, it's with a lot of flirting, even if it's the situation is a bit weird since he doesn't wish to make you feel pathetic for being unable to do this alone and saying some flirts is his way of letting you know he still likes you and everything about you despite this whole needing care stuff.


You didn't even have to ask, he just began doing it. He was weirdly good at it so you couldn't help but ask how he's so good at taking care of someone. He was hesitant but then he began telling you how he would take care of his mom as a kid when she was drunk or she would give up on everything and he would have to take care of her.

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