When you get shot

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He will panic, saying you need a hospital immediately. When you groaned out you doubt any hospitals still work, or even still exist, he will mumble you have a point before saying luck you, you still have a stimpak left. So while you inject the stimpak into yourself, Codsworth will give you some purified water, saying to drink this and stay hydrated. Then he will guide you back home, saying you will not go on another adventure till that wound is healed.


He will let out a curse, shocked you got shot before he hurries to you, helps you up while shooting the enemies. When he got you behind cover, he was choosing whether he should first take down the enemies or help you. He decided to take down the enemies, knowing if he doesn't, they could shoot you again and cause even more damage. When they were down, he wrapped your arm around his shoulders and helped you up, saying he will bring you to a nearby settlement and they should have some medical supplies to help out.


He will curse, asking you why you are not behind cover before going in front of you, shooting at the enemies, letting you use him as a shield as you hurried to cover. When all enemies were down, he hurried to you, asking you if you have stimpaks. When you shook your head, saying you used the last one yesterday, he groaned before picking you up bridal style and saying he will bring you to the Prydwen then. After you got patched up, he scolded you and told you to always use cover during fights or this will happen again.


She will panic. She likes a battle once in a while, but you getting shot was a part she forgot could happen. In her eyes, you're the best fighter in this whole land, so you getting shot and falling to the floor, clenching the wound, angrily cursing scared her. She almost forgot about the enemies, that was till a bullet flew past her view. You could tell she didn't know what to do, so you shouted her to first kill off the enemies then worry about this. When the fight was over, she ran over, tears in her eyes as she said she doesn't know what to do. But you stayed calm, mostly so she doesn't start panicking and will calm down as you instructed her to pass you your stimpak and you will handle the rest. Piper's whole body was trembling as she hurriedly pulled your stimpak out your bag and handed it to you. While walking back, she insisted on wrapping her arm around your waist and that you lean against her, telling you not to waste energy.


He blamed himself. He saw the enemy aiming at you, but he decided to shoot another one, thinking you will probably see the enemy and shoot them yourself. But sadly he failed to notice you were too busy fighting off someone else to even know a gun was pointed at you. So when he heard your scream, he was quick to shoot the enemy before running over, asking what happened. He knew what happened, he just wished that it wasn't true and that you would say just a graze, but sadly the bullet hit you. When you angrily yelled, he told you to calm down before he examined the wound, saying he's no doctor but he thinks a bullet going right through is better than a bullet being stuck so you have that good thing going for you. He helped you up before helping you out the battlefield area. He looted everything he could find, hoping for a stimpak. When he finally found one, he wiped the needle clean with the cleanest part of his sleeve, begging this damn thing doesn't give you some weird disease or something before he pushed it into you, mumbling this will feel weird for a few minutes but then you will be all better.


He shot you... He was very drunk, so when someone suddenly burst in, a gun in their hand, he shot you out of reflex, thinking you were an enemy. When he heard you angrily shouting it's you, he cursed, immediately sobering up before he ran to you. He held your face, asking you if he shot your beautiful face. When you yelled he shot your shoulder, he gave your shoulder a kiss so you softly hit his head, saying the other one idiot. So he kissed the other one, ignoring the blood smearing on his lips as he mumbled drunk apologies.

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