When you hold their hand

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He doesn't have hands...


He will flinch, not expecting you to do that before chuckling, saying you scared him. He will hold your hand, but let go after a few minutes, awkwardly mumbling his palm is getting sweaty.


He will frown, saying you holding his hand will make it harder for him to quickly hold his gun and begin shooting. But when you tell him to just hold your damn hand because there is no enemy in sight for miles, he will sigh but grip your hand, saying he still disapproves of this decision.


She will ask you if it is wise to hold hands when someone can jump out and attack. When you shrug and say you feel like holding her hand, she will push aside her worry that something might happen and hold your hand, enjoying the feeling of her and your hands holding each other.


He doesn't like it when you hold his right hand, fearing he might accidentally hurt you. But if you take his left hand, he will give you a smile and grip your hand back. When he needs to use his hands, he will politely ask you to let go. If you say no, he will chuckle and promise you can hold his hand again when he's done with this thing.


He will grin, giving the top of your hand a kiss before continuing to do whatever he was doing. When you try to let go, he will tighten his grip, jokingly saying his hand will be lonely without yours.


She's not used to holding someone's hand, so she will awkwardly glance down a few times at your hand, wondering when you will let go and how soft or hard she should hold your hand. Sometimes she will pull away, furiously wipe her hand on her jeans to wipe away the sweat before holding your hand again as if nothing happened.


He will complain, saying your hand is tiny and he could break it. When you try to pull away with a "please don't break my hand, I need it" look, he will laugh and say he won't break your hand before softly holding your hand.


He will give you a warm smile before focusing on whatever he was doing. He likes holding hands, sometimes it brings back nice memories of his wife and son. It's a nice feeling he enjoys and it makes him feel better whenever he is starting to get depressed because he feels assured everything is okay and knows he has you now and he's not alone anymore.


He will chuckle, asking what's with the hand holding. When you shrug and say you just felt like holding his hands, he will chuckle again before saying sure and holding your hand. When you're being serious, he will tickle your palm, laughing as you pull away before he asks why you're being so serious.


She will smile, saying she has read holding hands can deepen a bond and releases hormones, then she will curiously ask how you feel. When you say you feel relaxed and enjoy holding her hand, she will give you a big smile, happily saying she also enjoys this.


He will claim he doesn't see the purpose in this. When you tell him it's just a nice feeling to hold your lover's hand, he will raise an eyebrow before saying to him this is simply skin-touching-skin and nothing more. But that doesn't mean he will pull away, if you want to hold his hand, he will let you.


When you tell him to give his paw, he is happy to slap his paw on your hand. Sometimes when you dance, you will take his paws and make him dance along, to which he will happily bark and move along with you.


He has no problem with holding hands, even if it is in front of his men, that will show them you're his. So if you want to hold his hand, he will gladly hold your hand. Sometimes, when you begin worrying, are upset or freak out, he will lift your hand and plant a kiss on it, assuring you everything is okay.


He will frown, saying holding hands is not cool. When you tease him, asking if it will ruin his bad boy act, he will frown even more and complain that it isn't some act but it's real and he really is a bad boy.

Fallout 4 Companions (+King, Benny and Butch) x Reader ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now