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Mikey's POV:

I tried to push away the image of my mother screaming at me, but that's all I could think of...

"You're out of control,"
"Your a mess,"
"Why did I fight for you if this was going to be how you turned out?"
"I made a mistake keeping you,"

I tried to tell myself that I didn't know why she was kicking me out, but I knew exactly why, I ruined her 'chance at love' as she puts it. She was dating a man that was so rude and unbearable, so I may have sabotaged her date, causing him to leave. I wish I didn't have to do that, but I couldn't let my mother stay in an abusive relationship and I was no way in hell gonna let him abuse me if they ever got married.

I wish there was only one reason she kicked me out, but I think that last one was just the breaking point. The first time she got really pissed was when I dyed my hair burgundy. She always wanted me to be a dancer or a model because I was quote "so beautiful", but that's not what I wanted, so I became as many would say "rebellious". The next stepping stone towards the snap was when I got my septum pierced, as well as my right nostril, I'm surprised she didn't kick me out just for that.

Anyway, I guess it's my fault she kicked me out, but what can I say? She wanted me to be something I wasn't and she was falling in love with a monster.

Good news though, I have somewhere to go... Bad news, I have to fly to LA and leave behind the home I know and love.

The bus finally stopped and I got off, pulling out my phone and heading into the airport.

*Calls Dad*


"Hey dad, I'm at the airport, did you get my ticket?"

"Yep, your flight is in an hour, so get check in early and just wait. I don't want you wandering around and something happen,"

"Dad I'll be fine, are you gonna pick me up when I land?"

"No, Kelly's gonna pick you up and take you to the Palm Woods, where you'll be staying,"

"Why can't I just stay in the mansion?"

"Mikey, we've been over this, you're clumsy and I have a lot of expensive items that I'd rather you not break,"

"Wow okay, but are you gonna buy me nice furniture at least?"

"It's already taken care of, now I have to deal with the dogs, have a safe flight, love you,"

"Love you too, dad,"

*Hangs Up Phone*

Dogs? Did dad get a dog, he hates dogs... or does he?

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