Big Time Girlfriends

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My dad, Kelly, and I sat in the studio listening to the guys sing their new break-up song. At the start, it was going really well, then Carlos started sing upbeat and happy.

"CUT! Cut! Carlos, this is a song about when a girl destroys your heart...SO WHY ARE YOH HAPPY?"

"Because I'm just am?" Carlos replied.

"Try to remember the first time girl broke your heart," Kelly suggested.

"Yeah, like Mikey," Kendall said smirking at me.

"I didn't break his heart, it was a mutual break-up, for you information," I protested.

"Yeah, that didn't destroy my heart," Carlos said.

All of a sudden, the guys started fighting about Carlos only having ever had one girlfriend. Before I could stop them, my dad hit his new 'stop fight' button and the guys went down. Wanting to have some time away from the guys and myself, my dad sent us out for the rest of the day.

*Palm Woods*

"What about her?" Carlos said pointing to Marcy.

"No," I said.

"Yeah she has anger issues," Camille continued, while Marcy pulled out a saw.

"Then what about her?" Carlos said pointing to a plant.

"That's a joke right? That's a plant," I said.

"She mine," James said from beside me.

"The hell James, it's a PLANT,"

"She's beautiful,"

"Ugh, I can't find anyone," Carlos complained.

"Carlos, love isn't just gonna run up to you with a corndog in one hand and a hockey stick in the other," Camille said.

"I wish it worked like that," I whispered to myself.

Before I knew it, Carlos was up and talking to Marcy...Nobody was surprised when Marcy got angry at him. While everyone split up, I went and joined Bitter and Katie at the front desk.

"What you loser doing?" I joked.

"Looking for drama...shh, here's some now," Bitters said pointing behind me.

I turned around seeing Kendall and Jo, Kendall had two smoothies in his hand, while Jo took a call. In a matter of seconds, Jo was off for another shoot and Kendall was left alone.

"You just got burned," Bitters said.

"What are you talking about? She just rescheduled," Katie said.

"Don't you three have anything better to do?" Kendall asked.

"No," I said.

"Cables down for the day," Bitters continued.

"But watching you relationship succumb to the pressures of Hollywood is great," I smirked.

"Something we agree on," Bitters said giving me a fist-bump.

-Time Skip-

The three of us followed Kendall to the park and watched as Jo canceled on him again.

"Now, people wonder if they'll survive," Katie said.

"Probably not," I continued, thinking back to what Kendall and I have talked about in private.

Kendall gave us a look of 'really' and went back to staring off into space. Seeing that no one was touching the food, I sat down on the ground and grabbed some.

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