Big Time Love Song

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I still couldn't get over the fact that Griffin wants me of all people to be the next big singer. The thought of being famous was a cool idea, but it was scary as hell.

Although I now needed to work on music for myself, my dad still needed help coming up with a love song. I decide I would sit by the pool and observe everyone to see if this could possibly spark an idea.

As sat and watched as the guys saw a new girl walk in, immediately they all started to claim her as if she was a an object. Seeing a potential new friend, I went out of my comfort zone to talk to her.

"Hi, I'm Mikey, you must be new here," I said holding out my hand.

"New indeed, Jo," She said shaking my hand.

"You know I don't have much to do today, you wanna hang out for an hour or two?" I asked.


We sat down by the pool and began to talk, I noticed the guys had left, my dad probably needed them.

"Those guys by the pool, who were they?" Jo asked.

"That was 'Big Time Rush' a singing group, you got Logan, Kendall, Carlos, and James,"

"Which one was the tall blonde?" I smiled at her question.

"Ooo, you like one of them already? That would be Kendall,"

"I don't like him, it's just that he's cute. It seems that you know them, like any of them?"


We were cut off when Jo's dad said she need to come help unpack, luckily I didn't have to embarrass myself. Finding myself in the shade, I observed the people at the pool, surprisingly I didn't see a single couple.

"Hi there," A voice said next to me.

I jumped a little turning to my right to see who it was. A man with brown hair, green eyes, and amazing face structure was sitting next to me.

"Um...Hello," I said.

"You just looked lonely over here, so I thought I would be your company," he said.

"Oh that's nice, who are you?"

"Roger Hick, I'm here auditioning for a role in a movie,"

"Nice to meet you Roger, I'm-"

"I know who you are, the daughter of the Gustavo Rocque, Mikey,"

"Yep, that's me," I said awkwardly.

"What movie are you auditioning for?"

"It's called 'let's love', it's a musical romance," he said.

"So you can sing?" I asked.

"Sure can, what about you?"

"Yeah...My dads boss actually wants me to do demos,"

"That's exciting,"

"Not really, I get nervous around people especially large groups, so I don't think I'll do good on stage,"

"Well all you got to do is practice, sing in front of as many groups as you need,"

"Easier said than done,"

Just as he was about to continue the conversation, I noticed a few familiar tree hats sticking up over the bush. I tried to see what was happening, but I was pulled away when Camille came running over.

"Mikey, I need your help, Logan likes the new girl and I'm not about to let that happen," she said grabbing me.

"I'm having a conversation Camille,"

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