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I was trying to sleep, but I kept hearing a constant tapping noise outside. Throwing my covers off, I jumped out of bed to see what it was. Sticking my head outside, I found that it was raining.

"It's raining!" I cheered going to get dressed, I loved the rain.

I got dressed in jeans and a hoodie, ready to go outside. Right as I opened my bedroom door, Katie came in.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned.

"I'm here to help you,"

"With what?"

"Asking Camille out,"

"I don't- Umm, how did you know?"

"Logan fears me, now let's get you something better to wear,"

"Katie, I wanna go outside in the rain,"

"You can after we change this," She gestured to my clothes.

"Don't you have anything better to do?"


"Wonderful," I sighed.

Katie ran me through her outfit idea and it was not what I wanted. She picked an orange dress with sandals, which was cute, but it's raining.

"Can't I wear jeans?" I whined.

"No, my plan only works a certain way,"

"What plan?"

"Well, I've got a romantic day set up for you and Camille,"

"Does she know about this?"

"All she knows is that you're meeting her at the park in an hour,"

"Can I at least know the plan?"

"You're gonna hang out with Camille at the park, but since it's raining, she's gonna wanna go inside. Instead of letting her go inside, you'll dance with her in the rain and then you'll kiss her,"

"Romantic...but how do we know it'll work?"

"We just do, now let's go,"


Katie and I waited for over twenty minutes in the rain. Calling Camille, we were informed she'd meet us later because she had an audition.

"The plan just works, huh?" I asked while rain poured down my face.

"It was supposed to, I didn't account for this,"

"Well, we're already soaked...you wanna go jump in puddles?"

"Umm yes," Katie said jumping up.

After about ten minutes of jumping in puddles, we got bored and decided to walk to the Palm Woods. As we got to the edge of the park, we noticed James chasing a girl.

"What's going on?" I asked James.

"I asked the new girl out and she said no,"

"What?!?" Katie and I asked surprised, normally everyone says yes to James.

"Excuse me!" I yelled towards the girl he was chasing.

"Yes?" She asked turning around.

"Um yeah, hi...my names is Mikey and you seem to have turned down my friend here, can I ask why?"

"I don't find him attractive,"

"You're joking right, look at his face," I said, trying to help James.

"I'm not joking, he's too much of a pretty boy," The girl walked away.

"Holy shit, is that the first time you've been turned down like that?" I asked James.

"Yep," He began to cry into my shoulder.

"She doesn't know what she's talking about," Katie said trying to comfort James.

-Time Skip-

We finally convinced James to go back inside and cry, at that point Camille showed up. Katie decided to go sit at a nearby table and observe.

"Sorry I'm late, we can go hang out at my place, it's getting dark," Camille said, taking in the fact that my clothes were sort of wet.

"Umm, no I'm fine,"

"How long have you been out here?"

"Well I was out here an hour, then I went inside for a while, but I'm good,"

"You sure?"


"Great! What do you wanna do then?"

"Shall we dance in the rain?" I asked as calm as possible, although my heart was going to explode.

"It would be my honor," Camille grabbed my hand.

We spun each other around for a while, before we both got tired. We stood staring at each other for a while, until I went in for the kiss. Surprisingly, Camille kissed back, wrapping her arms around my neck. Pulling away, I looked her in the eyes.

"Look Camille, it's taken me some time to realize, but I have feelings for you...I can understand if you don't feel the same,"

"Of course I feel the same Mikey, you're probably the smartest, most beautiful girl I've ever met,"

"So do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love to, under one condition," Camille said nervously.

"And what's that?"

"We keep it a secret for a while, I don't know how my dad will react,"

"Anything to have you in my arms, but let's not keep it a secret too long...okay?"


After that, Camille and I shared another kiss before continuing to dance. My heart thumped as I held her close, I couldn't believe what was happening was real. All of a sudden, we heard cheering from the right, looking over it was Katie.

"I told you it would work," Katie said walking up.

"What would work?" Camille asked laughing.

"My romantic date idea,"

"You planned this?"

"Yep and her plan involved freezing me in the rain all day," I said looking at Katie.

"Sorry, but it worked didn't it?"

"It did, thank you Katie," I said giver her a hug.

"Any time,"

After another hour of hanging out, I decided to go home and relax. Although today went amazing, I was still having a mini panic attack. Opening my bedroom door, I found James sitting on my bed eating a tub of ice cream.

"What took you so long?" James asked, tears in his eyes.

"I was with Camille,"

"You two a thing now?" My heart dropped.

"I don't know what you're talking about,"

"Katie told me,"

"Of course...what's your problem?"

"I've never been turned down like that," James continued to cry.

"Oh dear god...will you feel better if we watch Jersey Shore?" I asked sighing.


Sitting down next to James, I turned the TV on. As we watched the show, I could help but wonder who else knew I liked Camille.

"Who else knows?" I asked James.

"Knows what?"

"About me liking Camille?"

"It's only myself, Logan, and Katie...that's it,"

"You sure, cause Camille doesn't want anyone to know about us, till she tells her dad,"

"I'm sure and when are you gonna tell your dad?"

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