Big Time Songwriters

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I had just gotten to the studio to go over some songs with my dad, but when I got there, there was a fight going on. Two people I didn't recognize were beating each other with various instruments.

"Who the hell are they?" I asked.

"Songwriters I hired, so I can get a Big Time Rush hit," Griffin said, coming out of nowhere.

It wasn't long before the two songwriters were being hauled off to the hospital and Griffin was demanding a new set of writers.

"I'll do it, if you pay me more," I said.

"You get paid too much, I need someone who can write a hit and take a punch," Griffin said punching my dad on the arm and leaving.

"We'll do it!" The guys yelled.

"No, there's no way," I laughed.

"Mikey right, you aren't prepared to write any songs," My dad said.

"You can write it with us," Carlos said.

"No, you are the dogs and I am the lone wolf songwriter,"

"Here's and offer, I'll help the guys and ensure they don't ruin the song," I suggested.

"Fine, but if this song is a flop, it's coming out of your bank account,"

"Over my dead body," I snapped.

"Is that a challenge?"

"You gonna kill your own daughter,"

"Don't test me,"

"Don't test me,"

"WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP!" Kelly yelled.

"You know what, that makes me not wanna let you write the song," My dad said, throwing up his hands.

"Fine, I'm leaving...let's go guys," I snapped.

The guys followed closely behind me, until we got outside. Instead of making the guys take a cab back to the Palm Woods, I gave them a ride.

"What's the plan?" Kendall asked.

"We need my dad to take a day off, then you guys can write the song," I said.

"What's in it for you?" Carlos asked.

"I want some money,"

"Why should we give you money?" Logan asked.

"Because last I checked, I'm the only one out of all of us that writes songs,"

"Fair point,"

*Palm Woods*

We decided to go get Katie for this plan, we needed a real business worker. The guys found her coming out of the elevator and gave her a creepy smile.

"Eww, stop," I snapped.

"What do you guys want?" Katie asked.

"We need Gustavo out of the studio so we can write a song," Kendall said.

"He'll kill you,"

"Not if he's at a luxury spa, one that you'll be running," I said smiling.

"I want twenty percent of profits on the song,"

"Listen here Katie, I truly love you, but you're gonna need to knock that down to ten...I'm the one putting in the real effort to make money here and there ain't no way in hell my share is being cut,"

"And what's your share?"

"Forty and it's gonna stay that way because I need this money for a future investment,"

"Don't you make a ton of money on your songs?"

"Yeah, but most of that is going towards college,"

"Wait, slow're in college?" Logan asked.

"Yeah, don't you remember me telling you I did online school, I worked hard enough to graduate early,"

"That's besides the point, I want fifteen," Katie snapped.

"Twelve with that attitude,"


*Time Skip*

After getting my dad out of the office, the guys began to write their song. Of course it ended in a battle, where the guys had different opinions.

"I say we do the Oh song," Carlos said.

"Well I say we do the Yeah song," James said.

"How about we do NO song!" I yelled, gaining their attention.

"Be quiet Mikey, we're talking here," Logan snapped.

"Excuse me, who the hell peed in you're Cheerios this morning," I snapped back.

"How'd you know?" Carlos genuinely asked.

"Please tell me you're joking," Logan said, almost throwing up.

"Yeah, just a joke," Carlos laughed nervously and pulled out his phone.

Text from: Carlos


"I think I'm gonna be sick," I whispered to myself.

"What was that?" James asked.

"Nothing, but how about we combine the two songs?"

"The Oh Yeah song!" Carlos cheered.

After my suggestion, I left the guys to work on their own. Seeing that they made a mess of the studio, I began my long clean up. Just as I was about to start, I got a call from Camille.

"Hi babe," I said answering the phone.

"Hi, whatcha doing?"

"Cleaning up the mess the guys made, you?"

"Helping Katie with her spa,"


"Hey can I ask you something?"


"Can I stay at your place for a week or two, my dad's going out of town for a business trip,"

"I'll ask my dad, but I don't see a problem with it,"

"Nice, oh and by the way, your dad is head to the studio now,"

I quickly hung up the phone and scrambled to clean up the mess the guys made. I only made it about halfway through, when Kelly and my dad showed up.

"Hey," I said nervously.

"Hey? This place is a mess!" My dad yelled.

"It's not my fault!"

"You tricked me,"

"You saw it coming,"

"Yeah, you're right...Dogs!"

After showing my dad the song, it later turned out to be a big hit with Griffin. I decided to wait till everyone was gone to ask my dad about Camille.

"Why are you still here? Shouldn't you be at home?" My dad asked.

"Well, I wanted to ask if Camille could stay with us for a week or two, her dads going out of town," I asked nervously.


"What? Why?"

"Because I don't want you and your girlfriend sharing a room,"

"We can have separate rooms," I lied, knowing we'd end up in the same bed.

"You're lying,"

"Whaaaaat? Noooo,"

"If she stays over, I don't want anything to happen, got it...that means no-"

"Awkward, awkward...I promise no sex or anything like that," I hated when my dad talked about things like that.

"I was gonna stay, no sharing a bed,"

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