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I decided stay in today and just Skype with the girls, I had a lot to talk about.

"Hi," The girls said when they joined.

"Hey," I said while leaning back into my hanging chair.

"What's our first topic?" Camille asked.

"Boyfriends?" Jo suggested.

"Ugh, don't even get me started on Carlos," I said.

"That bad?" Camille asked.

"Yeah, he's been so annoying and clingy lately,"

"I'm sure it can't be that bad," Jo said.

"During our date night, I got so annoyed with the way he was chewing, that I got up and went to stand in the bathroom for five minuets. I wasn't even in there for a minute before he told me to hurry up because he missed me,"

"Ooo, that's bad,"

"Yeah and last week when we got stuck in the well, I almost hit him because he irritated me so much,"

"Maybe you're just spending too much time together," Camille suggested.

"Oh trust me we are, but there's nothing I can do about clingy Carlos... It's almost like our relationship is at it's breaking point,"

"Don't say that Mikey, I'm sure it'll improve,"

"I hope so...Jo, your turn,"

"Kendall and I have been fine, I think we're the complete opposite of you and Carlos. We never spend much time together, not only because of our schedules, but he always gets himself into trouble with the guys,"

"Well at least you guys have a boyfriend,"

"You've got Logan don't you?" I asked.

"It's like we're always on again off again. He doesn't even have the guts to ask me out,"

"Ask him out," Jo suggested.

"I've tried and he get nervous and runs away,"

"Move on,"

"Mikey! Don't move on, keep trying,"

While we were talking, I heard my dad shouting from his music room.

"What!" I yelled back.

"Someone's at the door," He said.

I got up and brought my laptop with me, so I could continue to talk. I got to the door and looked through the hole.

"Oh hell no," I whispered.

"Who is it?" Jo asked.

"Carlos...I just want one day away from him,"

I ran back upstairs, to my fathers music room.

"Who was it?" He asked.

"Well it's Carlos, but I don't want to hang out with him today, need to answer the door and tell him I'm not here," I said running back to my room.

I listened as my father went to go answer the door. Instead of telling Carlos I wasn't home, he let him in.

"No no no, what do I do?" I asked the girls.

"Out the window, into the bush below your room," Camille said.

"I'll do anything for some time without him,"

I closed my laptop and dove out the window, into the bush. It hurt like hell landing, but once I did, I took off towards the main road, going to get a cab. Climbing into a cab, I opened my laptop, seeing the girls were still there.

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