Big Time Camping

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I've been living at the apartment for a couple of weeks now, which has pissed my dad off. Ever since I left, he's been calling me and telling me to come home.

"Mikey!" I heard Kendall yell for the living room.

"What?" I yelled back.

"We going camping, wanna join?"


"Wanna go camping with us?"

"What?" I truly couldn't hear him.


I flinched at the sudden outburst, but got up anyways. Walking to the living room, I saw the guys had bags thrown over their shoulders.

"Wanna go camping with us?" Carlos asked.

"Eww, the last time I went was horrible," I replied.

"I'm offended, how could you say that!" James yelled.

"Calm down James, maybe it wasn't the camping itself...but the people she went with," Kendall said.

"Maybe, I went with my aunt and my mom,"

"See, there's the's more fun with friends,"

"Fine, I'll go," The guys cheered.

"So now that you've agreed, we're having a competition with the girls...guys vs. girls," Carlos explained.

"So I'm on the girl's side then?"

", you're on our side,"

"That doesn't make sense,"

"The Jennifer's don't really want you on their side...they think you've been a little rude towards them ever since Jennifer left," Logan explained.

"Oh, your side it is then. So where are we camping?"

"Just you wait and see,"

*Time Skip*

"A movie set?" I questioned, looking at the fake plants.

"It's the best we got," Kendall said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Excuse you," I pushed his hand off and walked towards the set.

Sitting down on the guys side, I waited for instructions on what to do. Having only been camping once when I was a kid, I didn't know where to start. Looking over, I saw the girls had already started to settle in.

"What do we do?" I asked Carlos.

"Pitch the tent, start a know the basics,"

"I actually I don't remember the basics," I gave and awkward smiled.

"Oh, then we'll do it,"

"Could you explain how to do these things?"

"I think it would be easier if we just did it,"

"Oh, okay...sound great," I smiled and walked away.

Seeing as the guys wanted to set up everything, I decided to walk around the warehouse. It wasn't long before I heard a commotion and decided to head back.

"What happened here?" I asked Kendall, when I saw the guys missing.

"Security showed up,"

"You didn't get approval to be here?!?"

"Keep your voice down! Jo didn't get approval to be here,"

I rolled my eyes and put my head in my hands, I wasn't surprised the guys mess this up. Putting my hands on my hips, I looked up and Kendall and waited.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Kendall got nervous.

"What do we do? If the guys get caught, what do you think my dad will think...even worse what will the media think?"

"I don't know what to do, why do you think I'd know?"

"Because you're the one who always gets us out of these situations,"

"Are you saying I'm smart?" Kendall had a smirk on his face.

"Wipe that damn smirk off your face,"

"Why? Is it too much for you to handle?"

"Are you trying to flirt with me? Nothing is gonna happen between us Kendall, we've gone over this,"

"But that was so long ago," Kendall tried to grab my hand.

"Nope, figure this out on your own," I backed away and headed towards the exit.

*Palm Woods*

After leaving, I sat in the apartment and watched TV with Katie. Sitting there, I began to think about what happened tonight.

"Katie, can I ask you something?" I put my popcorn down.

"Go for it,"

"If a guy that you thought you had feelings for a long time ago makes a move out of nowhere, what would you do?"

"Are you talking about Kendall?"

"How'd you know?"

"Because he was telling me the other day that he thinks he messed up with you and blah blah blah. To be honest I just think he wants someone to get his mind off of his and Jos failing relationship,"

"I though there relationship was good?"

"Not after Kendall was with Lucy, Jo thinks he still has feelings for her,"

"Oh, that's interesting and all, but that doesn't answer my question...what do I do?"

"Well, you could try and be in a relationship with him or,"

"Or what?"

"You could just make it a one time thing,"

"Really? Won't that make things worse?"

"Well you did say not to long ago, that you weren't looking for a relationship right don't make it a relationship,"

"Hmm...I don't know about that,"

"We'll just think about it...goodnight," Katie got up and walked to her room.

*Time Skip*

It was almost midnight and I was still sitting on the couch, thinking about what Katie said. I honestly did know what to do...Spending one night with him couldn't hurt, could it? As I sat thinking, I heard the door to the apartment open.

"You're still up?" Kendall asked walking in.

"Yeah, I am...what are you doing?" I suddenly got nervous.

"James forgot his sleeping masks and asked me to come grab it,"

"Oh," I watched Kendall walked to his room.

Tapping my foot quickly, I stood up and rushed to his room. Walking in, I closed and locked the door behind me and stared at Kendall.

"What are you doing?" Kendall asked.

"This can't turn into a relationship," I walked towards Kendall.

"Wha-" I cut him off by kissing him.

Accepting the kiss, Kendall wrapped his arms around. Pulling away, he looked into my eyes.

"I relationship,"

-James POV-

"What is taking him so long! I said it was on my bed!" I yelled standing up.

Heading up to the apartment, I entered with anger. Walking to my room, I found the door was locked. Putting my ear to the door, I pulled away in disgust.

"Are you two? In my room? That's disgusting!"

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