Big Time Crib

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Mikeys POV:

I was standing at the entrance to the pool, watching the dog food commercial play out, when the guys, who I just met a few days ago, decided to walk on set.

"What's this? I didn't order extras," the director yelled.

"We live here, this is our pool," Kendall said calmly.

"No, this is the set for the sexy dog, dog food commercial, starring Lightning the tv wonder dog," the director said in a harsh tone.

"Hey Lightning," the guys said in unison.

The dog waved back at them, giving me chills, no dog should be able to do that. I decide I didn't want to watch the rest of the scene unfold, so I headed to apartment.

-Time Skip-

*Rocque Records*

I walked in seeing a team of sales representatives and Griffin standing around a table. Deciding I didn't care enough to stay, I grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil, closing myself in the sound booth.

Remember when I said I didn't want to be a dancer or a model, that's because I want to be a songwriter. I haven't shown any of my songs to my dad yet, not even my mom. I like to keep things private, but maybe being stuck in LA at a music company, I'll finally open up.

Just as I was about to start writing, someone opened the sound booth. I looked up to see none other than the guys smiling above me.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"We need your help making the 'fake' crib our 'real' crib" Kendall said.

"What does that even mean?" I asked putting my paper down.

"It means let's go to the Palm Woods while we explain," James said grabbing my hand and yanking me off the ground.

*Palm Woods*

"Okay so let me get this straight, you want me to help you fake a construction sight, while the real construction sight is here in your current apartment?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes, now let's grab Camille," Kendall said.

Kendall said something about the future famous and waiting, but I couldn't hear anything once I zoned out. An audible slap could be heard as I turned my head seeing Kendall was the victim.

"Trevor, I trusted you with my heart. My soul. My money," A brown haired girl, who I assumed was Camille said.

"Camille," Kendall shouted.


"We need to barrow your acting," the guys said in unison.

"Sure... Who's this?" Camille said pointing to me.

"I'm Mikey, Gustavos daughter," I said shyly.

"Well nice to meet you you look nothing like you father, you're all dark and mysterious and—"

"Camille, let's focus okay," Kendall said grabbing her arms.

*time skip*

Camille manage to act her way to victory as the construction team said they would be able to move sights, but of course the construction manager had to call 'Griffin' and make sure. That's where we are now.

"You guys got us into this mess, now one of you do your best Griffin impression," I said turning red.

"Calm down, Logan's got this," Carlos said.

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