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I was in my room, gathering my things to head to the studio, when I heard a women's voice outside.

"Hello, is anyone home? I've been knocking and ringing the doorbell, but I'm not sure if you just can't hear because the house is so big or..." The lady yelled.

She continued to yell and I listened into her voice. After a minute, I realized I knew that voice, that high pitch, loud, slightly annoying/comforting voice...Mom.

I wanted to run down the stairs and hug her, but then I remembered what she did to me. I causally walked down to the door and opened it.

"Hello mother," I said without a smile.

"Oh Mikey, it's been so long," She said hugging me.

"Please let go," I said as calmly as I could.

"Okay, sure,"

"Why are you here?"

"I saw you on TV with your dad, I saw the interview and what you said about us. You could've told them the truth, I kicked you out," She said looking down.

"Hmm, still doesn't explain why you're here,"

"I miss you, I want you to come home,"

"I'm happy here, I have friends and a boyfriend, my career is even taking off,"

"I know, but I want you to be with me and you brother,"

"Brother? I don't have a brother, unless... You're pregnant?"

"Yep, found out three months after you left,"

"Who's the father?"

"This nice man I met, Jerry. I started dating him about two weeks after you left,"

"And where's Jerry now?"

"He left when he found out I was pregnant,"

"A real nice man...,"

"I still want you to come home,"

"No, I have to get to work,"

"I'll come with you, we can catch up,"

My mother followed me all the way to the studio. I was a little scared of being her around my dad, but I couldn't get her to leave.

*Rocque Records*

I walked into the studio with my mother close behind me, the guys were the first to notice me.

"Who's this?" Kendall asked.

"My mother," I said with a fake smile.

"Oh," The guys said shocked.

"Mikey, about time you-" My dad stopped mid-sentence seeing my mother.

"What the hell are you doing here!" He yelled.

"I came to take Mikey home!" My mother yelled.

"No you're not,"

"Yes I am, last I checked I still had custody of her,"

"And last I checked you kicked her out of the house,"

Before they could go any further, I stepped in between them, stopping the fight.

"Stop, I don't want to hear any fighting," I said.

"But she wants to take you back to New York," My dad protested.

"She's not taking me anywhere,"

Before I could get another word out, my mom changed the subject.

"You must be Carlos, I haven't heard a lot about you, considering my daughters been ignoring me," She said sticking her hand out.

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