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"What are doing?" Katie asked, walking into the apartment.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said while my right leg was thrown over the back of the couch, my left arm was hanging of the couch, and my head was tilted to the right.

"You look like you fell off the fifth floor,"

"I'm comfy,"

"Okay, but you've been here for like three hours, go do something,"

"I have nothing to do,"

"Go write a break-up song or something,"

"Maybe later," I went back to watching TV.

"Mikey, wanna help us?" Kendall asked walking into the room.

"With what?"

"Making a video,"

The guys then proceeded to explain their video idea to me, but I still wasn't sure about it. Having heard it three times, I had to ask again.

"So run this plan by me again, I'm still deciding if it's worth my time," I told the guys.

"Fine...we hide in the Palm Woods freezer until Bitters shows up. Once he shows up, we scare him, get it one video and it goes viral," Carlos told me.

"That sound stupid, I'll sit back and watch,"

"Me too," Logan said.

After establishing who was in, we walked down to the lobby. Logan and I sat back and watched the guys sneak off.

"They're so stupid," I commented.

"Tell me about it...do you have a performance tonight, like us?"

"No, mine's next week,"

"Nice, you excited?"

"What's with the small talk?"

"I don't know, I just don't know how to talk to you after what happened,"

"Like you did before everything happened, we went over this, we're still friends,"

"Okay, wanna go to the museum?"

"Yeah," We got up and left.

About an hour into being at the museum, we got a call from the guys. Although we answered the phone, they hung up.

-Kendall's POV-

"You got us locked in here!" I yelled at Carlos.

"No, you did...you're the one who was supposed to hold the door," Carlos yelled at James.

"I thought you were holding the door!" James yelled back.

"Enough! Let's just call Mikey and she can get us out of here," I said pulling out my phone.

We continued to call her phone multiple times, but the call never went through. On our final call, it finally went through.

"Mikey, we-" The phone was ripped out of my hand by Carlos, who mistakenly ended the call.

"Are you stupid!"

-Mikey's POV-

Leaving the museum, we headed to the venue where the guys were to have their concert. Upon arrival, we saw that none of the guys had made it yet.

"Hey dad," I said walking over to him.

"Where are they rest of the dogs?" My dad asked, seeing only Logan.

"They were making a video, I'm sure they'll be here soon,"

"Well they need to be here in the next thirty minutes, to get ready,"

"They'll be here, we'll call them," Logan reassured my dad.

Walking away, we both pulled out our phones and called Kendall and James. With them not picking up, we looked at each other worried.

"Hey dad, we'll be back," Logan and I tried racing off to go check on the guys, but we were stopped by the guards.

"No you won't, I need someone to go sing if those dogs don't show up and considering you two are here, you'll sing," My dad said walking over.

Logan and I looked at each other, before following my dad back to the dressing rooms. After thirty minutes, the guys still didn't show up, so my dad decided we had to go on stage.

"You two will go out there, tell the crowd the other guys got stuck in traffic and you'll sing a Big Time Rush song...got it?"

"Yeah dad, we got it," Having an attitude, I ripped the microphone out of his hand and walked towards the stage, Logan following behind me.

Getting out on stage, the crowd cheered, but they were confused to only see Logan. I looked at Logan and gave him a reassuring smile.

"How's everyone doing?" I asked, while the crowed cheered.

"So there have been some problems tonight, the rest of the guys are stuck in traffic...meaning they might not make it, but that's not gonna stop us from having a good time!" Logan cheered.

Getting right into singing, we started off with Big Night and ended ten songs later with Boyfriend. Although the crowd did seem bummed about everything at first, it seemed they had a good time.

"How was that?" I asked my dad, walking off stage.

"Amazing! I thought the crowd would kill us, but they loved you guys together,"

"Yeah...we're gonna go find the guys now, so if you'll excuse us," I grabbed Logan's hand and ran off.

*Palm Woods*

Racing into the lobby, we ran directly back towards the freezers. As we ran back there, Bitters ran after us yelling.

"What are you doing!" He yelled.

"Nothing that concerns you," I snapped.

At the freezers, Logan and I pulled open the door, revealing the guys. The guys frowned as they walked out, shivering.

"What took you so long!" James yelled.

"Well we went to the concert venue, thinking you'd be there," I said.

"And when you weren't, we were gonna go look for you, but Gustavo made us stay and sing," Logan continued.

"Long story short, you missed your concert,"

"Ahhhh!" James yelled.

"It's fine, you have another one soon...let's go get you warmed up,"

Logan and I helped the guys to the apartment and got them some blankets. Once everyone sat down, we flicked on the news, to see what was happening.

"A Big Time Rush concert didn't go as planned tonight, three of the four members got stuck in traffic... what's got fans more interested is the fact that Mikey Rocque and Logan Mitchell showed up together. Fans wonder what they could've been doing without the rest of the guys,"

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