Big Time Fever

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It was super hot out today, so I decided to head to the Palm Woods and swim with Camille. Upon arriving, I saw the most horrific thing.

"The hell is that!" I screamed point at orange James.

"That's James and his new tan spray," Kendall said.

"Does he know he looks like a yam?" Logan asked.

"He's got Hollywood fever," Camille said.

"Oh no, I told him not to buy those clams from the guy on the freeway," Carlos yelled.

"What? That's not what Hollywood fever is," I snapped.

"We don't have time for this, you guys have a recording session in twenty," I continued.

*Rocque Records*

I decided to go with the guys, in case I need me to help out with James. When we got there, my dad was irritated by the fact that he was orange.

"Why are you orange!" My dad yelled.

"I'm tanning,"

"You look like a freak!"

My dad continued to yell until James took off running, he wasn't gonna give up his tan. I sighed, knowing we'd have to go after him.

"You guys got water guns?" I asked.

"Of course," Kendall said.

*Palm Woods*

"Alright...Carlos you take the pool, Logan you take the park, and Mikey and I will take the lobby," Kendall said.

"Why's Mikey going with you?" Carlos asked.

"I don't know, I just randomly chose," Kendall said nervously.

"Okay then,"

We walked down to our designated areas and began to look, I spotted orange James quickly. I kept firing my water gun, but kept missing. I ended up diving over the couch in the lobby, tacking him. I fought with him for a little, before he sprayed me in the face with the spray. I quickly got up, poured water into my hand and rubbed it onto my face.

"This way Mikey," Kendall shouted.

I followed closely behind, before stopping, seeing Carlos with two of the Jennifers. I watched as he hugged them, while they crying. Before I could say anything I was pulled away.

"Not the time to be jealous," Kendall said pulling me in the direction of James.

We continued running until we ended up in the park. I looked around for Logan, hoping he'd be able to help, but I was wrong. Kendall and I walked over to see Logan in some hippy get-up, with some bongos.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Being at one with the world," Logan replied.

"Not you too," I whined.

"Don't be upset, just relax," Logan said beating on his bongos.

"You need to get up, we need help with James," Kendall said.

"Let James be James," Logan continued to beat on the bongos.

I pulled Kendall to the side, not knowing what to do.

"Lets go find Carlos and then he can help solve this," I said pointing at Logan.

Kendall and I walked back to the Palm Woods, only to be stopped when we saw Carlos. Carlos walked in the middle of the Jennifers, almost like a replacement for the one who left.

"What's this?" I asked walking up.

"Carlos is a Jennifer now," Brown haired Jennifer said.

"Is he now," I snapped.

"Yeah and I'm not gonna let people walk all over me. That means I'm not gonna let you get mad at me when I flirt with other girls,"

"What the hell," I yelled, outraged by what he just said.

Before I knew it, Kendall was pulling me towards the elevator. We ended up going back to the apartment to come up with a plan.

"What do we do?" Kendall asked.

"You tell me, Logan's a hippy, James is orange, and my boyfriend has become an asshole...I mean, I don't know what to do with you guys anymore, it's one thing after another. Are you next, are you gonna become the bad-" I saw cut off suddenly when... Kendall kissed me.

I was shocked at first by the kiss, but than I leaned in. I wrapped my arms around Kendalls neck, while he put his hands on my waist. Realizing what was happening, I pulled away quickly.

"What are you doing, you have a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend," I snapped.

"I-I don't know, it just felt right...why'd you continue the kiss so long?" Kendall asked.

"I don't know, it just felt right," I said panicking.

"You know what, let's just forget that ever happened and fix our friends,"

"Yeah, sure"

I continued to panic as we made the plan, for some reason I couldn't stop thinking of that kiss.

-Time Skip-
*Rocque Records*

Before we could carry out our plan, my dad had called us all back to the studio. I freaked out when I saw Carlos, I didn't want him to know.

"What happened!" My dad yelled looking at the band.

"To much," I said nervously.

Carlos continued to be a jerk and demanded the band name be changed and he get a solo. James continued to spray himself with the tanning spray. Logan continued to beat his bongos and tell everyone to relax.

"You two, you need to fix this," My dad snapped, pointing a finger at us.

"No, we need to divide and conquer,"

*Palm Woods*

Kelly and I went back to the Palm Woods to try and get Carlos back to normal. We figured we'd do one of his favorite things, racing in a shopping cart. I set up the cart and let Kelly climb in, there was no way I was going to.

"Hey Carlos, care to try our new shopping cart slingshot?" I asked.

"I does look fun," He whispered to the Jennifers.

"Last chance, I'm getting ready," Kelly said.

Carlos refused and I got so irritated, to the point where I was screaming.

"Carlos get in the cart now, you have Hollywood fever," I yelled slamming my foot down, that only set off the trap.

Kelly went flying across the Palm Woods lobby, landing on a planter. I quickly ran over to help her.

"I'm so sorry,"

*Rocque Records*

We all came back empty handed, having to come up with a new idea.

"Why are you still normal?" My dad asked Kendall.

"I never lost touch with my roots,"

"And your roots are hockey, you basically lived on the ice rink back home," I continued.

"Exactly, maybe Hollywood fever is just a fancy term for homesickness,"

"Get the guys on ice now," My dad yelled.

"We barley got Carlos in a shopping cart," Kelly complained.

*Palm Woods*

We convinced Buddha Bob to use his wood chipper to shave a bunch of ice down. Getting the guys to our giant pile of snow, we started a snowball fight. It seemed to be working and the guys were back to normal, but I still couldn't help thinking about the kiss I had with Kendall. I stood in place for a second, thinking about how different it was compared to Carlos.

"You thinking about the kiss too?" Kendall asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Well...I um,"

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