Big Time Beach Party

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My day was filled with constant interviews, one right after the other. I was heading to my last interview, when I decided to call Camille. After not picking up, I called her two more times, still nothing. Figuring she was just at an audition, I went in to do the interview.

-Camilles POV-

I got a call from Mikey, while I was sitting on the beach. I went to go answer, when I suddenly pulled away by James.

-Mikey's POV-

After my interview, I headed to the Palm Woods to see what everyone was doing. Walking in, I found almost everyone gone, the only people still there were parents who I didn't know. Confused, I walked up to the apartment and used my key to get in.

"Where is everyone?" I asked looking around.

I wanted to know what was going on, so I called Katie.

"Can't talk right now Mikey, making a business deal," Katie quickly hung up.

"Okay?" I whispered to myself.

After that, I not only called James, but the rest of the guys. Not one of the guys picked up, so my last options were Mama Knight, my dad, and Kelly. The first person I called was my dad.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Have you seen the guys?"

"What?" My dad yelled.

"Have you seen the guys?"

"I can't hear you, it's static," Getting annoyed, I hung up my phone.

At this point, I didn't want to call anyone else, but I wanted to know what was going on. I called Kelly, but she didn't pick up and neither did Mama Knight. Throwing my phone at the couch, I went to clean, I had nothing better to do.

-Camilles POV-

I saw Mikey called a few more times after James let me go, so I tried to call her back. She didn't pick up, so I figured she was doing something, I'll just wait for her to call again.

-Mikey's POV-

After about an hour of cleaning, I started to get annoyed, I wanted to know where everyone was. Instead of just sitting I decided to go drive around and see if I could find them.

-Camilles POV-

It's been an hour, Mikey should've been done with her interviews by now and she should've been here. I walked along the beach, looking for the guys, finally spotting Kendall.

"Have you seen Mikey?" I asked walking up to him.

"I thought she was with you?"

"No, she hasn't showed up yet, she had interviews all morning,"

"Oh no,"

"What you mean 'oh no'?"

"We forgot to tell Mikey about the beach,"


"You could've told her,"

"I thought you did!"

-Mikey's POV-

I drove for a while and couldn't find the guys, so I decided to head back to the apartment. On the way there, I realized I left without my phone...great what if they called back.

-Camilles POV-

"Have you gotten through?" Kendall asked referring to calling Mikey.

"No, she called me like five times and I didn't pick think she's mad?"


-Mikeys POV-

I got back to the apartment and just decided to watch TV till the guys got back from wherever. While watching TV, I dug in the cushions of the couch, trying to find my phone.

"Where the hell is it!" I yelled, throwing the couch cushions onto the floor.

"Oh, there it is," I grabbed it out of the couch, seeing I had missed calls from Kendall and Camille.

I tried calling them back and I got nothing, I'm sick and tired of this. I tried a few more times, but nothing.

-Camilles POV-

"This is stupid, making Kendall race for a girl he doesn't care about," I said to James who was next to me.

"What?" James yelled because of how loud the crowd was.

"Never mind, I've gotta go," I walked back to my chair.

I grabbed my phone out of my bag and saw Mikey had called me back. I threw my phone and the sand and yelled, I don't understand how we keep missing each other's calls.

-Mikey's POV-

I sat watching the news, that's when I found out where the guys were. I watched as the filmed a party that Big Time Rush was performing at. I had a bowl of popcorn with me, that I threw into the air.

"What the hell!" I yelled, angered by the fact that they didn't tell me.

Just then, Camille called me and this time I was able to pick up.

"What the hell is happening?" I asked before Camille could speak.

"They guys got to use Griffins beach house today, I've been trying to call you, I honestly thought the guys told you,"

"They didn't and I've been trying to call you too...the guys and I made that deal with Griffin, how could they forget me?" I asked with irritation in my voice.

"I'm not sure, but we'll be back soon and then we can hang out,"

"Hmm," I hung up the phone.

I suggested that plan with the guys, I helped them convince Griffin and yet the forgot about me.

-Time Skip-

I sat on the couch and waited for the guys to come back and when they finally did, I lost it.

"You forgot about me?!? I helped convince Griffin to let us do this if one of us got a Gold record!" I yelled.

"We know, but we were so excited, we forgot to tell you," Kendall said.

"What an excuse...what an excuse," I said clapping and grabbing my things.

"Come on Mikey, don't be mad,"

"I am mad, I called just about everyone today and none of you picked up!" I left the apartment, meeting Camille in the lobby.

"You ready?" I asked Camille.

"Yeah, why are you actually mad?"


"I know not getting to go to the beach is not what is making you mad,"

"I don't like being forgotten, especially by those closest to me,"

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