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My dad didn't like the thought of me leaving for so long, but he allowed it anyways. Once I was in Canada, I found things were a lot drama, no constant problems, you know everything that came with the guys. As of right now, I was two months into filming and I was having a wonderful time.

"Let's run that scene again," The producer yelled.

After running the scene, we wrapped up filming for the day and everyone went home. While at home, I got a call from my dad.

"Hi," I answered.

"Hi, how's filming?"

"It's good, how are the guys?"

"Good, we're going on tour next week,"

"Nice, Tell them I said good luck...I'll let you go, I'm really tired," I said yawning.

"Alright, bye,"


-One year later-

It's been a year since I've seen any of my family or friends, sure I've talked to them over the phone...but that's not the same. As of right now, I was boarding my flight back to Hollywood and I was extremely excited.

After an hour or two of flying, I finally landed and got off the plane. From the information I gathered from my dad, I'd be picked up by Katie and Mama Knight.

"Mikey!" Katie yelled hugging me.

"Hi Katie! Look at you, you've grown so've change so much," I fake cried.

"She's still scamming people, hasn't changed that much," Mama Knight said pulling me into a hug.

"Cheers to that, I don't know what I'll do if she ever stopped,"

"We'd live in peace,"

"The guys not back yet?" I asked, wondering why they didn't come to pick me up.

"Nooo," Katie said nervously.

"Hmmm," I squinted my eyes at her.

After a short car ride, we were finally at the Palm Woods. Although I wanted to head home and drop my stuff off, Mama Knight insisted I didn't.

"So is there a surprised something?" I asked.

"Just wait," Katie pulled me towards the apartment.

Walking in, I saw balloons and party decorations everywhere. Just as I smiled, the guys came over and hugged me.

"We missed you," They said in unison.

"I missed you too," I replied.

"Look how much you've changed," Kendall said.

"I haven't changed that much,"

"You're hair is a natural color, you're wearing a pant suit instead of a sweatshirt, and you've got a full face of makeup,"

"Oh, I didn't even notice...but who cares, I'm still me," I smiled and hugged the guys again.

Once I was done reuniting with the guys, I reunited with my dad and we chatted for awhile. Once all the catching up was done, everyone sat down to watch the trailer for my new movie. As expected, everyone was amazed by my dancing and singing...not gonna lie I was also amazed by myself.

"That looks amazing, we'll all go see it when it comes out," Mama Knight said.

"Yeah, I'll be going to the premier...I'll see if I can get you guys in,"

"Sound great," My dad said.

Once we were done watching the movie, we all decided to eat dinner. Sitting at the dinner table, Mama Knight put fish sticks and nuggets out in front of me. For the first time in my life, I felt repulsed by the meal I front of me.

"What's wrong?" Carlos asked.

"Um...I'm just so used to eating steaks and fish for dinner, I don't know if I can eat this," I replied.

Everyone at the table dropped there food and looked at each other. I wasn't sure what they were doing, so I gave them a questioning look.

"You've been changed!" James yelled.

"No I haven't, I just don't like this food anymore," I protested.

"No, you've changed...look at you, you're sitting up straight, you look different, your taste in food is different. You're not Mikey!"

"That's a little dramatic, I'm just a better version of myself,"

"Are you sure about that?" Carlos asked.

"I'm sure, in fact I'm actually not hungry right now...I hand food on the plane, so if you'll excuse me," I got up to leave the apartment and get fresh air.

"See, another change...Mikey would never turn down food," James yelled as I walked out of the apartment.

I rolled my eyes and continued down to the lobby. In the lobby, I was met with paparazzi and interviewers.

"Mikey, over here," A woman said.


"What was it like filming the new upcoming musical?"

"It was wonderful, I was able to meet new people and experience a whole new world, I-" Before I could finish I was being drug away.

"You've changed!" James yet again yelled after he pulled me into the broom closet.

"I'm still Mikey!"

"No, Mikey would never willingly answer questions and let paparazzi take photos,"

"You know what fine, I've changed James...I'm a better person, who can handle the world in a better way. I'm not gonna go back to the old me just for you,"

"I wouldn't ask you to do that Mikey, I'm sorry...I'm just not used to you like this,"

"It's fine James, it's not a big deal," After I said that, James leaned in like her was going to kiss me.

I put my hand up, stopping the kiss. Shaking my head, James pulled back and waited for a reason.

"You're a great guy James, but I'm not like I was...I'm not gonna jump into relationships, in fact I-"

"We can take things slow, I don't mind,"

"James, let me finish...I'm not gonna jump into relationships, in fact I'm not gonna jump into any relationship, while I'm in a relationship,"

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