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I received a letter in the mail, inviting me to celebrity Karaoke. Apparently it's some big party hosted by a different celebrity each year. I wasn't sure if I was gonna go, but I decided to read the letter anyway.

Celebrity Karaoke, the biggest party of the year!

You are invited to attend and participate in Celebrity Karaoke. Everyone invited must be ready to sing the night away with some of the hottest celebrities.

Each invited guest is allowed a plus one.

I decided to go as Carlos if he'd go with me, this would be my chance to work on my fear of crowds.

*Palm Woods*

I walked into the apartment seeing everyone but Kendall cleaning.

"What's going on here?" I asked.

"They got in trouble," Kendall said smiling.

"Oh, are they grounded?"

"Yes, for the next three day," Mama Knight yelled from her bedroom.

"And What did they do?"

"They pranked Bitters and it went a little too far,"

"And you didn't help?"

"I was actually with Jo, so no I didn't,"

"We'll that's great. I just got invited to a party and now I don't have anyone to go with,"

"What about Jo or Camille?"

"They both have auditions tonight,"

"Wait it's tonight?"

"Yeah, I waited till last minute to decide if I was going,"

"I'll go,"

I looked at Kendall in shock, he didn't seeming like the partying type. Instead of asking any further questions, I agreed to let him come with me.

"That's not fair, I'm your boyfriend, I should be the one going with you," Carlos complained while wiping down the counters.

"Last I checked, you were grounded," I said giving him a kiss on the cheek before going over to Kendall.

"Get up, we need to get outfits for tonight...we've got to be on stage," I said grabbing Kendalls arm.

"What? I thought it was just a party?"

"A karaoke part, now lets go,"

I drug Kendall to his room, to see what clothes he had. I ended up getting him a pair of jeans, a green t-shirt, a leather jacket, and some Converse.

"This will look nice, time to go get my outfit,"


"Why did I have to come with you to pick out your outfit?" Kendall said flopping onto my bed.

"Because I need to match our outfits and I like to have a second opinion on what I choose,"

I pulled out a similar leather jacket, a pair of ripped jeans, a red shirt, and black boots.

"Yes or no?" I asked holding up my choice.

"Looks fine, but do you have a different colored shirt, you've worn that one way to many times,"

"Really, I hadn't noticed," I went back to my closet grabbing a purple shirt.

"This one?" J asked.

"Purple's not your color,"

"Okay we're gonna be picky are we?"

"Go for a yellow,"

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