Big Time Photo Shoot

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This week was picture week, Pop Tiger was sending out a messenger to pick up photos of both me and the guys for mini posters. Not knowing what to wear, I got to the Palm Woods early to get some help from the Jennifers.

"Hey guys," I said as they opened their door.

"Mikey!" They all cheered.

Over the past few weeks, I've really gotten along with the Jennifers, especially after they helped me the first time. The Jennifers said I should change my name so I can be apart of their group, I told them I'd think about it.

After an hour of going through clothes, I finally found a nice pair of jeans, a red top, and a leather jacket to wear.

"Wow, you look stunning. I'm sure people are gonna love this photo of you," The curly haired Jennifer said.

After finishing my make-up and hair, I went to go get the guys for the shoot. I didn't even have to knock on the door, considering Kelly got there first. I walked in right when a loud air horn went off.

"Kelly, what gives?" I asked holding my ears.

"I'm trying to get the guys to stop, so that I can explain the photo shoot to them,"

"Get your helmets off and your smiles on," She continued.

"My dad pulled some strings and if we hurry, we can make the next Pop Tiger hot-new star, pin up fold-out special spring issue poster," I said.

"Babe...english please," Carlos said.

"It's picture day, move it!" Kelly yelled hitting the air horn again.

*Rocque Records*

"Katie, what are you doing here?" Kendall asked.

"What, I can't come to see my big brother...Who I love?"

"Here to see Dak Zevon?" Kelly asked.

"I just want him to autograph this picture for my wall,"

"Really? I didn't think you were into that stuff," James said.

"I'm a preteen girl, he's a cute pop star. I'm not made of stone you know,"

"Oh yeah, let me take a look at that," Logan said grabbing the poster.

Logan proceeded to impersonate Dak until a large group of girls came running towards him, thinking it was the real thing.

"Is he dead?" I asked.

"Don't think so," Kendall replied.

"Now...Where's Dak recording?" Mama Knight asked.

"Sorry not allowed-" Kelly was cut off by me.

"Studio B down the hall to the right," I said.

"Mikey!" Kelly yelled.

"What? I've promised Katie that if I ever knew where he was, I'd tell her so....Go get 'em Katie,"

"So where are we doing the shoot?" James asked.

"Well, Mikey will be in studio C and you guys will be in our regular dance studio,"

"I'll walk down there now, you wanna come Kelly?"

"No, I need to make sure the guys' photo goes smoothly,"

I headed down to the studio and found the picture to be quite simple really, I did a few poses and talked with the photographer, that was about it. Just as I was about to take one last photo, the guys came running in.

Carlos ran towards me and wrapped his arms around me.

"You need to help us, that photographer is crazy," Carlos said.

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