Big Time Demos

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I reluctantly walked with Kelly to get the guys their plane tickets. If their demos weren't picked, they'd be going home and that means Carlos and I would be separated.

"Hey guys," I said walking up.

"We just came by to drop off your tickets," Kelly said.

"Oh, hockey tickets?" Kendall asked.

"Concert tickets?" James asked.

"Nope, plane tickets," Kelly replied.

"You guys do know that if your demos don't get picked by the record company tomorrow, you'll be heading back to Minnesota," I said.

"What?!?" The guys yelled.

*Rocque Records*

"We don't wanna go home," Kendall told my dad.

"Yeah, we wanna stay here and get famous," James finished.

"Yeah about that...To bad. The demos are done and that was the deal," My dad yelled.

"What are demos again?" Carlos asked.

"They're the sample songs we've been recording, if the record company likes yours and mine, we'll become famous, but if not we're done with our singing careers," I said.

"Exactly, if they don't pick it, Mikey and I'll be out on the street and working at my fathers scooter business and you'll be in Minnesota," My dad continued.

"But we've worked so hard," Kendall said.

"Yeah we're so close," Carlos continued.

"No you're not," I said.

"Halfway there?"

"No, you half way to the halfway mark,"

"What she said, now I'm going to my office, nobody follow me," My dad said.

"How could Griffin not pick us? He loves us," Kendall said.

"Guys, he love all his bands and solo artists, but only one of each gets picked," I said.

"Yeah and the band everyone is talking about is Vampirah," Kelly said.

"Vampire dudes with guitars, we don't stand a chance," James said.

"We do stand a chance and you know why because what's the one thing we've learned since we got here?" Kendall asked.

"That black is the new black?" James said.

"That is you drink cold milk on a hot day, you die?" Logan said.

"That every time you leave your house, your toys come alive," Carlos said.

"That I can't stand spending more than three hours with my dad," I said.

"No, that you don't wait for dreams to happen, you make them happen," Kendall finished.

"How do they pick demos?" Kendall asked.

"Don't know, they've never told us, it's 'top secret' I guess," I said, when we heard talking.

"Yeah I'm in an ugly study, mini barfing right now, bye," A woman said.

"I'm here to pick up the CD for Big Time...Whatever," The girl who I recognized as Mercedes said.

"I'm sorry who are you?" James asked.

"Mercedes Griffin, as in you boss' daughter,"

"Oh and I need...Mikey!!" She yelled running over and hugging me.

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