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H A R P E R  P O V

The wedding was amazing, and the honeymoon was filled with making memories. We returned home this morning after having a perfect honeymoon in the sun. The penthouse is quiet with not having Lexi here. Sadly, she's at college, but she will be home in six weeks. 

Placed the cases on the bed ready to unpack. Scott had a few things he needed to take care of at the office and left soon as we returned. 

Sorted out our clothes for the laundry and hung up his suits from the dry cleaners. Stepped into the bathroom to put all our hair products away when the doorbell rings.

Shake my head, thinking we had only been back an hour, and already we have guests. Made my way to the front door and opened it. 

I'm taken back by seeing the woman who wanted to see Scott before the wedding. 

She certainly is all dolled up for some reason. "Is Scott here?" She asked, looking me up and down. "He was called to the office," I said. "I still wish to see him. He never contacted me," She said, flipping her long hair back over her shoulder. "I'm sorry he's not contacted you. I've given him the message," I said softly to her. 

She looks around her and back at me. "I need to see him. I was hoping to see him before he married," Now her tone is a little raised. "All I can do is give him a message. You would be better off calling him if it's important," Put a smile on my lips when I spoke. 

She shakes her head and steps away to leave. Closed the door to carry on with what I was doing. I'm lost not knowing who she is and Scott never said anything about her. He said he was going to tell me who she is. Stepped to the counter in the kitchen to grab my phone.

I need to know who she is and the only way is to contact Scott and ask. Placed the mobile on loudspeaker to hear Scott. "Harper, I will be a little longer than I thought," I wasn't worried about him being late. "Scott, the woman called Mel showed up again," It went quiet for a short while. "Scott, you still there?" I asked. "Yes. Harper when I get home we will talk and I will tell you who she is," I could hear the hesitation in his voice.

Stood by the window staring up at the sky something just didn't feel right. "I will see you when you return," I said in a low tone. "Harper, I love you," I hang up. Looked at my phone overthinking everything like I normally do. Shake my head to get back to what I was doing but I can't concentrate. 

Managed to sort the laundry out and now I'm sitting at the counter in the kitchen. My eyes gazed out the window but for some reason, they fill with tears. Look down at my cup wiped my eyes finish my tea. Stand to put my cup in the dishwasher when Scott steps into the kitchen. 

He makes himself a coffee steps over to the doorway when the doorbell rings. He looks at me with a sweet smile. "I'll get it and we need to talk," He said as he leaves the kitchen to answer the door. 

He had been at the door for some time. Stepped over to see who it is and it's Mel the girl who keeps calling. Scott looks at me shakes his head. He steps back to let her in. I could see he didn't look happy with her being here. Perhaps I will find out who the hell she is. 


We are all in the lounge sitting. I'm waiting for Scott to tell me what the hell is going on. All he does is shakes his head and couldn't keep eye contact with me. There is definitely something happening here and I can feel my body fill with an uneasy niggle. "Scott," My voice is barely a whisper. He still couldn't look at me. "Harper. Meet Mel. An ex-girlfriend who just told me I'm a father to her child," He said still not looking at me. 

Stood to look at both of them. Tears cloud my eyes. We have only been married for three weeks and this happens. I don't know what to feel at this moment in time. Shocked, surprised, outraged and saddened. Yet again my heart is ripping into pieces. 

Looked at her and she is smiling like she had just won the fucking lottery. "Scott, I don't know what to say. What does this mean for us?" Slip my hands in my jeans pocket waiting for him to tell me what he wants or is there an us?. "I'm not going to turn my back on my own child," His words sound harsh towards me. But I wouldn't expect him to turn his back on his child. I just want to know where I stand.

What does it mean for our marriage? "The last thing I would want you to do is to turn your back on your own child," I said calmly. He looks at Mel with a smile. "I want to know what this means for our marriage?" I asked. He shakes his head. "Harper," He couldn't even look at me. Throw my hands in the air and leave for the bedroom. 

Just couldn't be around him. How stupid could I be thinking I had finally married and no longer a jilted lover. I should have kept my heart closed off from his charm. But instead, I fell at his feet with weakened knees and my heart exposed. How fucking gullible can I be? Looked at my wedding finger staring at the two rings. 

Three times I have fallen in love and all three times my hearts been ripped into a million pieces. Where the hell do I go? I'm going to be the laughingstock of my family yet again. I'm done. This time I will let my heart grow like ice. 

Stayed in the room for most of the day. Not once did Scott come to check on me or to see if I'm all right. Guess he's given me the answer with his actions towards me. Stepped into the closet to grab my case.

Looked around me to see our possessions. Took my clothes and filled the suitcase. Ramming all my clothes in. Stepped into the bathroom to grab my hair products when Scott makes an appearance. "Harper, what the hell are you doing?" He asks. "What does it look like?" I said in rage. "It looks like you are running from me again," He states the obvious. "Scott, I hope you will be happy and I wish you well," I said as I cram my hair products in my case. 

Stepped to look at my finger with the rings. Went to slide them from my finger when Scott stops me. "Harper, I love you. I'm in shock," He pleads with me. "Yes, I can see. And it's a shock to me too." I paused. He looks at me. "Scott, I'm happy for you. I really am. You need to be with your child." "Harper, I want you too," Stepped away from him. 

Take a deep breath. "What about Mel?" I asked folding my arms. "She is the mother of my child and I said they could move in," He said sliding his hands in his pockets. "Do you know how stupid and ridiculous that sounds right now?" I shout at him. "Yes, I know. They have nowhere to go," He yells back at me. "What about paying for a room for them," He shakes his head at what I said.

I could see there is no reasoning with him. Once Scott makes his mind up there is no changing it. "I will move out and when you have made your mind up what the hell you want let me know?" Took my rings off and placed them on the nightstand. "Harper, please. I'm begging you. Don't leave. Stay and we'll give it a few days until I find them somewhere appropriate to live." Close my eyes knowing I will regret it if I stayed. 

I caved. I fucking caved again. Letting him have his own way every fucking time. He steps towards me. I place my hands up to stop him, shaking my head. "The honeymoon is over," I spit with so much anger he steps back bowing his head.

Closed my case up not putting my clothes away. Why am I doing this? My heart is aching and at this rate, I'm going to end up an emotional wreck.






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