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H A R P E R  P O V

The shit really hit the media this morning all to do with Scott Wilder and Mellie Polcotter. My eyes are glued to the TV as the events unfold about the little boy not being Scott's son. Even I'm speechless with what they are saying on the TV. 

The little boy actually belongs to her deceased sister, and they don't know who the father is. Scott should have done more and sought advice from the doctor, and just maybe he wouldn't be all over the news. Four weeks ago Scott pleaded with me to forgive him, telling me he loved me. 

He rings every day, pestering me to return home to him. He told me he had found a place for Mel and Kyle to stay the same day I left on the jet to England. I'm afraid this time I'm not going to forgive and my lawyers have sent the divorce papers. 

Stress is all he's giving me when he rings and the last time he spoke his voice was different. He sounded saddened with every word he spoke to me. It's too late to fix, too late after it's already happened. I'm trying my hardest to get through all the heartache and feelings of regret and bitterness I have.

Should I contact him to find out how he's feeling? Or do I just leave it and carry on as if I know nothing? Rub my face as I stare at the TV watching, listening to all the false allegations Mel made towards Scott. How could she do this and think she would get away with it? Knowing Scott would find out in the end or someone who knows her steps forward. 

Glanced at my mobile sitting beside me on the arm of the seat. Shake my head, fold my legs under my body and grab the phone. Get his number up and stare at it, hesitating to call him just to tell him I'm sorry to hear about all the false allegations. Placed the mobile down, shake my head with the way I have acted towards Scott, I would be the last person he would want to hear from.

Pick my cup up to sip my tea as I look back at the TV. I'm not surprised really with the way she walked around slyly and wouldn't take the child out with Scott or even let Scott take the child out. What the hell did Mel think she could achieve by this? Yes, I know she wanted my husband that was obvious from the start with the way she dressed. Dressed to impress and seduce him into her web of lies. 

If only Scott acted like a husband, none of this would have happened, or perhaps it could have. Guess I will never know the truth from either of them. Feel so sorry for Scott he loved the child like he was his own. He's going to be beside himself, even in pieces from all this. 

I thought my life was complicated, but poor Scott overtakes my complication by far. Stand to grab my empty cup to place in the kitchen sink. Step over to the window to see the mist and rain in the night sky. The days seem gloomy when the weather is cold and the nights get darker quick. It makes the day extra long, which isn't good for morale when all you want to do is see the sun shining.

Smiled thinking about our honeymoon in the sun and golden sand. How perfect it all was with miles of soft sand beaches, crystal clear waters and the perfect guy holding you. What a dream to have when you look around watching other couples on their honeymoon enjoying every second.

Wish things had turned out differently, and I never took the flight to New York, I would never have met Scott Wilder on the plane. Turned to look over my shoulder at my mobile ringing. The beautiful sandy beaches will have to wait for another daydream. 

Stepped into the lounge to answer the mobile with a smile on my lips. "Lexi, how are you," I haven't heard from her in a while it was just after I left, she contacted me? "Harper, I'm okay, but Scott is in a right state. He won't speak to me, and he's locked himself in his office with a few bottles of whiskey. I don't know what to do and I'm worried," I could hear how distraught Lexi is in her voice. 

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