Just Do Your Job

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H A R P E R     P O V

Spent the night sitting in an all-night cafe. It was too short a notice to find anywhere to stay. Finished my tea, grab my bag to use the bathroom to have a quick change to freshen up. Brush my teeth. Leave the cafe to walk back to the Hotel to take Lexi to school just like I'm meant to. 

Reach the door to the Penthouse take a deep breath before I ring the bell. Waited for a minute pushed the bell. Stood to wait, Scott answered. "Harper, I need to apologise for last night." He looked upset, but I just smiled. After all, this is just a job.

"You have nothing to apologise for. Is Lexi ready?" Stood by the door, not wanting to enter. He steps back to let me in. "I will wait here." He shakes his head, looks at my bag I'm carrying. "Did you find somewhere to stay?" His voice is sweet, filled with concern. "I found somewhere." I wasn't lying. I spent the night in the cafe not sleeping but drinking tea. "I'm glad about that." He strolls off to get Lexi. She runs up to me, hugs me tight.

"Harper, I'm glad you came back." Put my hand on her shoulder so she could look at me. "I need to make sure you get to school." Not looking back at Scott, we leave. Make our way to school. She tells me about the argument, which I really didn't want to know. "My brother's girlfriend would not stop shouting at him. Telling him to find another sitter." Thinking about what she is telling me is making me rethink. 

Maybe I should get on a plane and travel elsewhere, it seems wherever I go I end up disappointing everyone. Causing unnecessary arguments. Reach the school, she hugs me and walks in. Watch her enter the double doors stroll to the park to sit for a short while. I strolled around to find somewhere to stay. Did manage to find something temporary to tied me over until I find something permanent.  


I have been working for Scott for six months now. His girlfriend is nasty, and it's got to the point I don't want to go near the building. I found an apartment that advertised a room. It's not too bad plus I started to date again which is a bonus for me. Let my heart open up so quickly only to get hurt but time will tell. The guy I'm dating is a dream, but he also is secretive. Not telling me where he lives or what he does for a living. I find I'm the one who is always paying for our nights out plus meals.

It feels like Vincent all over again. I do tell Lexi what is going on only because she asks. Well, I'm getting ready to meet up with Leon for a date. He wanted to go somewhere more romantic. Leaving the apartment to grab a cab to meet Leon at the restaurant. When arriving to see an elegant upmarket joint. Leon is waiting he opens the door for me offers me his hand and we enter the restaurant.

We sit talk for a while order our meal plus drinks. He stands looking dreamy with his short brown hair jelled back. His brown eyes smiling. He gets down on one knee takes a ring box from his inside jacket pocket opens it to show me a ring with a small cut diamond. My wedding still raw in my mind from what Vincent had done.

"Harper, I know we have only known each other for a short time. But when you know what your heart wants, you have to grasp that opportunity. Will you marry me." Glanced around to see people looking us. Could not bear to be humiliated. Or to make a fool outta myself again. "Yes, I will." Smile at him he places the ring on my finger. My mind is not thinking straight. Hope my heart will not get broken again. We kissed finished our meal and I end up paying yet again.

He spent the night with me, talking. That is all we do is, talk we have not been intimate. I have shown him interest, but he seems to not take any notice. We talked about when we should get married. Looked at him shocked when he said he wanted to marry soon. Still in a whirlpool with doubt but, I need to stop comparing every guy with Vincent and what had happened to me. We did finally fall asleep. He slept on the top of the bed while I slept in the bed. My gut is telling me not to go through with marrying this guy, but I did love him. Loved being with him spending time with him. Yes, I opened my heart to him. I want to be loved and he says he loves me.


Arrive to collect Lexi to take her to school. Scott opens the door smiles steps back to get his sister. "Would you be able to watch Lexi, this Saturday evening? I have an event I need to attend." He asks. "Sure, no problem, I will take her to mine." He smiles. Lexi steps out hugs me. "How did your date go last night?" She asks right in front of Scott. "It went well." Smiling we leave. Walk towards the school she tells me about what happened to Sable Scott's girlfriend.

"Scott told her it was over. After she told him that he is too young to tie his life down looking after me." She sounded upset with what this woman had said about her. "Lexi." We stop I bend down to her level placing my hands on her shoulders. "Your brother will not let anything happen to you. You are the biggest part of his life. He will always make sure you are safe. He loves you." Taking her in my arms to hug her she hugs me back. We carry on walking to school.

After dropping Lexi at school walked to meet Leon in a small cafe. Approach him could see he is on his mobile. Sit at the table he hangs up puts his phone in his pocket. "Harper, I have a few venues picked but I want us to marry sooner. I also got some paperwork I would need you to sign." Wow, he is moving fast. Not even giving me time to breath. "How soon do you want us to get married? What about our families?" He shakes his head.

"We don't need anyone there." Something is not right here but I can't put my finger on it. "Could you sign these forms so I can sort out the marriage licence?" He hands me a pile of papers to sign. Read over them, they seem standard to me. Sign where I had too, he stands kisses me. "I will get these sorted now, see you in a little while." Nod at him he leaves. I paid for his coffee stand and leave for home.


Waiting for Lexi at the school a limo pulls up and Scott gets out. Shocked to see him here. "Harper thought I would take Lexi to get ice cream." He is stood facing me with his hands in the front pockets of his suit trousers. "She would like that." We both stood waiting for her. A while later she strolls out with a big smile on her face. "Lexi, your brother is taking you for ice cream." Her smile grows. Step away from them to let them get in the limo.

"Harper, are you not joining us?" She asks. Shake my head at her. "It would be good for you two to spend time together. I will see you in the morning." She hugs me and slides into the limo. "You are welcome to join us," Scott adds.

"I have things I need to do." He smiles gets in the limo and it drives off. I have a wedding to plan in short notice. I feel love from my heart for Leon, but a little bit of doubt is eating at me. Get back to the apartment make myself a cup of tea look at the brochures Leon had got. Looked through the wedding gowns and the one I had for my first wedding is in the brochure. Looked at another one that took my eye. A couple did stand out. Picked up my mobile and order the dress I wanted to try on. Made the appointment for the next day. Sorted a bouquet and all the other bits.

Could not believe I'm doing all the arranging again. Vincent just stood back and left me to it not even having an input into what should have been our perfect day. But with Leon he had given me a list of things he liked plus what he wanted. Made sure I had done everything on the list I had to do for that day. 





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