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H A R P E R    P O V


Four years have passed by so fast. Lexi writes to me once a month just to tell me how she is doing. She never mentions Scott, which I find a relief. She's told me about a guy that asked her out. I did ask a few questions about him just to find out his age. Lucky he is the same age as her. She's sent me photo's over the years, and she is a beautiful young girl who is growing into a beautiful woman.

I changed my job three years ago plus I moved into a better property. I'm happy with the way my life is, and I have had no male contact. Every time a guy would ask me out for a drink or on a date. I would just tell them, NO. Bluntly and straight to the point. They would stare at me with eyes glaring, not believing what I had said. I have enough problems with my boss Craig.

I'm sitting in the airport waiting for a flight to New York where I'm hosting an event. I sent a letter to Lexi to tell her I would be in New York for six weeks. She wanted to meet me, so I sent her my hotel details. I'm promoting the new up-and-coming restaurant, due to open in three weeks in New York. I'm a PR for a well-known agency. I travel all over the world helping the businesses get the recognition they deserve. Making sure everyone is satisfied with my decisions.

Boarding my flight, I'm sitting in business class. They do have a jet that I use but I wanted to travel a few days earlier so, I could meet Lexi. It's been over four years since we have seen each other. I kept my distance just like Scott wanted. Relaxed in the seat did my belt up and the plane took off. The seat next to me is empty for a reason and that is because I booked it too. I hate having people sitting next to me. I just didn't like to have that conversation. I put my earphones on rested my head back closed my eyes.

I had to meet the guy that is opening the restaurant in a few days. My boss had spoken to him, sent all the plans over to him. Open my eyes to look out the window. The sky is blue no clouds at all. It's a beautiful summers day. But when I land it will be morning over there. The hostess offers me a glass of champagne. Shake my head she smiles walks to the guy behind me.

The last time I flew to New York was when Vincent broke my heart. Funny how he married Helena. They didn't stay married long within six months of marriage they divorced. I couldn't help but laugh. She had got fed up with him lounging around sponging off her. Now she knows how I felt. And I did it for four years. She's lucky she got out while she could. Never heard from Leon or anything about him. Then there is Scott. I try not to read the papers or magazines, but you get to hear about things.


Lexi doesn't speak to me about him which I prefer. He has done well for himself. Did hear he is getting married. I'm happy he found someone. My heart healed but I will always have a small doubt when a guy asks me out for a date. That is why I say no. I can't go through heartache every time I fall in love. Mind you, my sisters are happy. Did hear that Mia is having a baby. Didn't hear that directly from her but from a friend that just let it slip when we met for drinks. She apologised to me after telling me. I'm pleased, my sisters have happiness.

The flight is landing. I sit up, make sure my belt is tight. The plane lands grab my small carry case with a few bits in. Did it just in case my case went missing again. Ever since that happened, I travel with a small carry on case. Not chancing anything. Make my way to collect my case. Didn't have to wait long for my case. What a relief it came out. Went through passport control then to meet my ride to the hotel.

Stood in the airport looking at the drivers holding up names for passengers. Didn't see one for me. I had just flown hours, I'm tired and I wanted a shower. Sit with my cases in front of me. Lean on the big one hiding my face in my hands. "Why me?" I whisper. Someone sits beside me. Glance to my left and my eyes open wide. "Lexi." She hugs me. "The car is waiting." She tells me.

Shake my head while looking at her. She's tall but not my height. She is beautiful. Her long auburn hair flowing down her back. She should be a model with the figure she's got. "Harper, you look amazing." She tells me. "Now you are stunning and beautiful." She smiles stands takes one of my cases. I stood pulled my skirt straight. "Harper, you look sexy." I looked at her with a frown. "I can't believe you have no boyfriend with a figure like you got?" She said. She's still the same Lexi. Full of mischievousness.

We walk out to the stretch white limo. The driver takes my two cases places them in the boot opens the door. We slide in and drive to the hotel I'm staying at.


Can't believe I'm back here. "Harper, could I ask you a question?" Turn to look at her. "Sure," She faces me tilting her body slightly. "Did you hear Scott is getting married?" Boy, what do I say to her? "I did hear something, but I never took any notice." She looks at her hands then at me. "The thing is he's the one who is opening the restaurant. He didn't want you to know it is him." Rub my face letting her words soak into my brain. "He thought if you knew you wouldn't come, and he said you are the best at your job." Not sure what to say to her.

Take a deep breath. "He is getting married when you are promoting the restaurant. He wanted to tell you." Why would he tell me he's getting married? it makes no difference to me what he does with his life. "Lexi, this is my job, and I am a professional. Scott doesn't have to tell me he's getting married. He's a free agent to make up his own mind. If he's happy that should be all that matters." She looks down at her hands. "Lexi, what are you not telling me?" She bites her cheek.

I stare at her waiting for an answer. She doesn't look at me. "Lexi," She smiles. "He wants you. He's in love with you. He arranged for you to do the event so he could ask you to marry him." Place my face in my hands. "I'm only telling you, because if you said no it would break him. The past four years he's been non-stop talking about you. He finally told me why you two split. I couldn't believe what he said to you." I can't listen to this. I can't listen to what Lexi is saying to me.

Shake my head stare out the window. "You are going to have to tell him he cannot ask me. I will say no, and I will not stand there listening to his anger coming out of his mouth. He needs to get on with his life." She nods. "I have told him, but he loves you." "What he said doesn't come from someone who loves. Lexi, you need to tell him. Better still I will not show up and be humiliated." Couldn't believe it. I'm here to promote for him. I had to phone the office to tell them to send someone else.

The limo pulls up to the hotel. The driver gets the door and my cases. Lexi slides out to stand with me. "Harper, what would you think if I liked females more than the males?" Smiled at her, pulled her into my embrace. "I wouldn't love you any less. You are still Lexi, a beautiful young girl." She smiles. "How would I tell Scott?" "Now that could be tricky. Just tell him. I'm sure he will love you just the same." She smiles. "You always know what to say." She says. She steps back to the limo. "Meet you tonight for dinner." She shouts with the window down. Grab my case to enter the hotel I'm staying at.

Approach the desk to check-in. Make my way over to the elevator to my room. I had a two-bedroom suite. Reach my room to have a bouquet of flowers waiting for me. The card just had the letter X on it. Roll my eyes place my cases in my room to sort out. Well, this is home for the next six weeks. Had a much-needed shower laid on the bed to have a sleep before meeting Lexi at the restaurant for dinner? Couldn't understand why the hell Scott had not got on with his life? Placed my head on the pillow closed my eyes to have a sleep.




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