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H A R P E R     P O V

I'm struggling to keep up with my bills. I have never had this problem before. But with my job, paying the minimum wage is making every week a struggle. I have looked for another job, but there is nothing at this time of year. 

Four weeks had passed so quickly. My mind keeps thinking about Christmas Eve. Christmas would never be the same for me. Each passing year will remind me of what could have been. The guilt is eating me up on the inside.

 Anna, my sister, had her wedding in a few days. I know she invited Scott. I will not be attending I have work, anyway. Plus, she never invited me. On the invite was Scott's name and Lexi, no mention of me at all.

It's an icy morning. I'm on my way to work. Walking helps to keep my body warm, so I don't feel the cold so much. Arrive at work to have a message left on the desk informing me I am wanted in the manager's office. It could only mean one thing. 

Take a deep breath, make my way to the office, knock on the door. "Come in." I enter, close the door behind me. "Harper, we have been bought out by an American Company." I stood in front of his desk. Not too sure what is actually going on. "With a mediate effect, the hourly rate will rise to twelve pound an hour." That made me smile. "Plus, they are offering accommodation with a small fee." Just knew it was too good to be true.

He looks up at me. "I would rather stay where I am." He nods. "Did you not want to hear about the small fee?" Shake my head. He nods I leave to head back down to the room. I would rather have the money at the moment to pay my mountain of bills I have. One of them is my electric, which needs to be paid soon or they will cut the electric. I'm struggling to survive on the wage but now with a pay rise will help a little.

Sit at my desk answering calls for the rest of the day. When the day ended, I stood, grab my coat, and leave to walk home. It's dark plus cold. Get home have a shower dry, dress quickly. Wrap the quilt tight around me. Sit on the sofa with my hot tea. Tomorrow is my day off. I get to stay in bed in the warmth. Glanced around the room with silent tears. Could not understand why I'm feeling sorry for myself? Wipe my eyes make my way to the bed to sleep.


Just arrived at work and it is the day my sister is getting married. Grab a tea then make my way to my desk where my eyes see a beautiful bouquet. Stepped closer my mind racing wondering why they are on my desk? Surely someone messed up. Look to see if there is a card. Could not find one. Picked them up the aroma filled my nose. They did smell beautiful. Walked over to the kitchen area placed them in water and left them. I'm sure the real owner of them will find them.

Carried on with my work until lunch. Had a quick lunch and back to work. Two o'clock came smiled thinking about Anna. This is the time she is getting married. I wish her all the happiness. Just hope she has more luck than me. I didn't have a mean bone in my body, always wondered why people treated me different. Even the guys I had been dating acted strange around me. Well, I will not be dating again. I have had a very disciplined talk to myself. Will not be going through heartache again.

The afternoon is quiet not many phone calls at all. Half hour left of this workday. Got another call to put through to the main office which I did. That is it, my day had ended. Put my headset down grab my coat, bag, and leave. Step outside into the cold air pulled my coat collar tighter to my neck. Walk along the path to make my way home. I stop in my stride to see Scott and Lexi stood in front of me. Shake my head turn and walk back the other way. Couldn't understand why the hell he is here, after the way he spoke to me.

Crossed the road to get far away from him. "Harper. I want to talk." Shake my head carry on walking. He had said enough when he enraged at me. Pick up my pace wanting to get home sooner.

Reach the tall building where my flat is. Could see a limo parked up people staring at it. It looked so outta place for this side of town. Lexi steps out walks towards me. I wanted to hug her and talk to her but with what Scott had said to me I had to keep away. "Lexi, don't come any closer." She stops stares at me with an unsure look. "You should go." Turn my back to step in through the door. "Harper, I thought you were my friend?" Closed my eyes the tears well up and fall.

Turn to face her to see Scott stood by the limo. Shake my head. "I can't have any contact with you. You need to go." Opened the door to walk away. My heart is aching for turning my back on her. How heartless I must be to turn away from her. "Harper." She shouts with a sorrowful voice. I climb five flights of stairs to get to my flat. Wipe my eyes put the key in the door. "Harper, Scott said I could see you." Turn to face her. Place my bag on the floor held my arms open she runs to me. Wrap my arms around her kissed her head.

Held back my tears. I love Lexi like she is my own sibling; we are more than friends. "You have grown since the last time I saw you." She smiles steps back from me. "Boarding school is fun sometimes." Smiled at her. For an eleven-year-old, she is turning into a beautiful young girl. "You are meant to be learning?" We both laugh. "I will walk you back to the limo." Opened my door to place my bag down. Closed the door turn to walk down the stairs.

Didn't want to see Scott but, I had to make sure Lexi got to the limo safe. This is not a nice part of town. We reach the bottom of the stairs, open the door to walk towards the limo. "Harper, would you be able to show me around?" We stop. I look down at her. "Lexi, I have work. My time is taken up. I would have loved to have shown you around." She smiles. Not stepping to close to the limo where Scott stood with his hands in his pockets. Give Lexi a hug. "We are staying in town for two weeks. Maybe you could have dinner with us?" Her smile is melting my heart. Glanced over towards Scott he smiles at me.

Look back at Lexi. "I'm sorry honey. I wouldn't be able to." I hate myself for doing this to her but what Scott had said I must comply with. Plus, I didn't have any money to eat out. Hell, I didn't have the money to even go grocery shopping. She looks back at Scott hugs me turns walks back to the limo. He opens the door. I turn to walk-off. I have already gone against his wishes. Didn't want him to hate any more than he did.

It was nice to see Lexi. Reached my door unlocked it stepped in closed the door locked it and sobbed my heart out. Why did he do that? Was it his way to see if I would go against what he had said to me? Is he testing me? Made myself a cup of tea. Sit on the sofa. 

How did he know where to find me? or even know where I lived? Thinking back to what the manager said about an American Company taking over and the wages went up. Plus, he said about accommodation. Please I hope this had nothing to do with Scott? Guess when I get to work tomorrow, I will be asking who this Company is that took over.

What would I do if it is him? For one I need the job and two I just hope he stays away. He made himself clear not to contact him or Lexi so why the hell is he doing this? He is using Lexi because he knows she is my weakness. Had a shower got my PJ's on, slide into bed quickly pulling the quilt around me. Glare at the light lost in my thoughts.





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