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S C O T T     P O V

Could not believe what my eyes are seeing on TV while I'm watching the news. Shake my head at what they are saying about me. How the hell could this happen? They have a photo of Harper with watery eyes showing a red mark by her eye. I stood with my hands in my pockets, staring at the TV. Got my phone to call her straight away. Now she is on her way back.

I would never lay a finger on a woman. This is going to cause a media stir, plus my reputation is going to take an impact with what they are saying. How the hell could she let this happen? I have told her time and time again to not take any interest in the media or talk to them. Why is she doing this to me? I have so many questions. This must be why she's been acting strange the last few days. Poured a large whiskey while I wait for her. Down the glassful and poured another. My anger building with rage.

The doorbell rings. Stand to walk to the door open it she steps in. Watch her while she takes her hood from her head. Gaze at her eye to see the red mark shake my head. "Care to explain how you got the red mark on your eye?" My voice is calm for the moment, hiding my anger. "One of the media guys was waiting outside the penthouse with a camera when he shoved it in my face, knocking my eye," Shake my head, not too sure if I should believe what she is saying. "Do you know your photo is all over the news? They are saying I hit you and that is why you had a bruised eye plus you were crying," I raised my voice. She looks at me, shaking her head.

I just wanted the truth. "Scott, I swear I had no idea." Step away from her to pick my glass up. I had to make things right before my business got damaged. She walks to the stairs. "Harper, we will have to postpone the wedding until this mess is sorted." She nods. "Whatever you think is best." She answers me. It's not what I wanted to hear her say. It just didn't bother her. She showed no interest in this wedding at all. She added no input or even acted excited. I'm at a loss.

Place the rim of the glass to my lips to down the liquid. Watch her walk up to her room. My lawyers are sorting out how this could happen. Got my phone out to contact security so they could look at the cameras and tell me what really happened. At the moment I feel like she has played me for a fucking fool. She's lying to me. I could see why the guys left her at the altar. If she lied to them what does she expect?

Sit on the sofa staring into my full glass. Wish I never asked her to marry me. Harper appears standing in front of me. She places the ring on the table, which gives me a sense of relief. "Scott, I had nothing to do with what's on the news, but I can see how upset you are." She places the card on the table steps back turns walks towards the door. "So, you played me?" I shout to her, rising to my feet to look at her. She shakes her head. Could see her case beside her. "I've never hurt anyone in my life. I'm so sorry this happened. I wish I could rewind what happened. I'm sorry." Her tears fall.

Could not help but think I made a fool outta myself. She walks to the door pulling her case. "Please tell Lexi, I will miss her." She made me laugh with the way she mentioned my sister. "Stay away from my sister and stay away from me. I do not want to see you ever again. Do I make myself clear?" She nods and leaves. Sit back on the sofa, rub my eyes finish my drink.

Look at the coffee table to see the ring plus the bank card I had given her. Lean forward to pick the ring up. I throw it at the wall with rage. Can't believe she conned me. My phone rings. I answer it. "Mr Wilder, we have looked at the footage. The media guy had some nerve. He hit your fiancé with his camera in her face which made her look up at him that is when he snapped the photo." Listening to what the security guard is telling me made me stand.

What the hell had I done? I accused her before finding out the actual truth. Before finding out the facts. Comb my fingers through my hair. Threw my glass at the wall. Hang up the phone. I feel guilty for what I had done to her.

All that went through my mind when I watched the news is how she played me. I had it in my mind she is guilty even before finding out the facts. Telling her to keep away from my sister and me. Why did my mouth move without me thinking first? Now I had to do damage control. I will have to give the disk to my lawyers so they could clear my name. But now there is no wedding. Plus, she is gone. There is no point running after her with the way I spoke to her. Take a deep breath sit on the sofa with my face in my hands.

H A R P E R     P O V

Could not take his harsh tone blaming me for what had happened. When he said he wanted to postpone the wedding I knew what he really was telling me. All he had to do was tell me there is no wedding. I would have been fine with that. But his face changed shape when I told him it's his choice. What did he expect from me? He planned the wedding.

Hailed a cab to take me to the airport. Still have no idea where the hell I'm going but I need to be far away from here. He did upset me when he told me to keep away from his sister.

Arrive at the airport look at the board to see what available flights there are. England is the earliest to take off. Purchased my ticket to return home. Sit in the departure lounge with my passport in my hand plus my boarding pass.

My flight is called. Line up with the rest of the people waiting. Make my way to my seat which is right at the back where there is just one seat. I didn't feel like sitting with any strangers. The flight took off. Rest my head back close my eyes.

My eyes open when the plane lands in England. Could not wait to get off the plane. Had my passport in my hand leave the plane. Grab my case go through customs make my way to the travel lodge to spend a couple of days until I find somewhere to live.

I'm practically starting again from scratch. Had to find a job too. Reach the lodge pay for my room. Couldn't wait to have a shower and get some shut eye.

Reach the room make myself a tea have a shower lay on the bed to fall asleep.


Woke in the morning showered dressed went looking for a job. It took most of the day before I had found the perfect job working for a switchboard. All I had to do is ask the person on the end of the phone what department they wanted and that is that. Didn't have to meet anyone.

A few days later I found a small flat to rent. Didn't contact my family to let them know I am home. Knowing my sister Anna had her wedding in a few weeks. And then it would have been mine on Christmas Eve. Three men have broken my heart. But the worst of it is Scott who used his harsh voice to vent how he was feeling towards me. There is no need crying but it hurts. He couldn't have loved me or trusted me. I feel guilty for what they said about him.

Scott would never lay a finger on any woman. He is the gentlest guy I know. Just hope he sorts the mess out like he said he had to do. Arrived at my new flat after work. Sit on the sofa look around me. What I have is not luxury but it's mine. Stand to make myself a tea. Get my cup put the kettle boiling. Went into the bathroom which is small to wash up. Make my tea sit on the sofa with my feet curled under me. Place my hands around my hot cup warming my hands up.

Winter is harsh this year. The mornings are frosty plus the temperature does not go above three degrees. The wind is icy too. Drink my tea have a shower rush to get in bed to stay warm. Yes, the nights are cold minus five most nights. Reach over to my left side to turn the lamp off. The room is dark My eyes close, I snuggled into the quilt shivering with the cold. My flat is cheap with no heating whatsoever. I had to make the most of what I had. My job pays minimum wage plus I only work four days a week. I asked for extra but there just is not enough work.

I'm grateful for what I've got and for what little I have. I had to open a new bank account too. Scott gave me a card for an account he had set up. My account I did have closed and transferred all the funds into the new account. I had no idea what money was actually mine, so I left it. Didn't want to touch what isn't mine. Or for him to accuse me of taking his money. He thought I played him. Hanging on to the guilt I feel that I had caused him. I'm truly sorry about what happened to him.





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