Fresh New Start

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H A R P E R      P O V

When I woke this morning, there was a knock at the door answered it to my shock it is room service. Sending him away thinking this room is already costing me a packet. I still needed to buy clothes. Dressed in the same clothes from the day before. I had to wash my panties, put them in a small bag placed it inside my shoulder bag. Picked my bag up, ready to leave. Grab the key card to walk to the elevator. It is ten in the morning and the sun is out shining when I looked out the window. It felt warm with the sun blaring in on the window. 

Stepped into the elevator pushed the button for the lobby. Just stood in the corner waiting for the elevator to reach the lobby. I am on the twentieth floor, which is on the top floor. The doors open step, out into the lobby walked over to the desk to pay for my room. Looked at the girl with a smile. She smiles back. "Could I help you?" She asks. It is a different girl from the night before. "I would like to pay for my room, please," I say, hand her my key card. She swipes it and looks at me.

"You have no bill. It's been taken care of by Mr Wilder." She informs me. "I would like to pay for my room, I will be checking out," I tell her. She does something on the computer, hands me an invoice. Glanced over it. The room service is on the bill too. I should have just eaten the food, now I am paying for something I did not even want. Hand her my card, she takes the payment. "Thank you," I say to her and leave.


Got outside where the weather is hot. Walked around looking for somewhere to buy some clothes. Did find an expensive shop but, I needed clothes. Chose a couple of outfits and a nightshirt, underwear, paid for my few bits and left. 

Walked around looking for somewhere to stay. It is a lot harder than I thought. Did not have a clue where to look. I am in the expensive side of the city. I just walked around and found a little coffee shop to get a drink and a bite to eat. Sit outside in the sun under the canopy. It is pleasant to sit and look around. Looked at my cup. I heard a little girl's voice.

"Hello, Harper," She says. Look across the table at her. She stood there on her own. "Hello, Lexie." Scan around for any adult that she should have been with her. Did not see anyone. "Where is your babysitter?" Concerned that she is alone walking around New York. "She was on her phone not paying attention to me and I walked away." She sits in the chair opposite me. Well, her sitter is not very good to let her wonder around on her own.

"You really shouldn't run off like that." Telling her in a soft voice. She smiled. "I know I shouldn't, but they never want to play or spend time with me." Her sweet little voice sounded sad. "Do you want a milkshake?" Couldn't leave her all alone. "Yes, please." Her little face lights up. I order her a strawberry milkshake. She sits to drink from a tall glass, sucking on the straw.

"I will walk you back to the hotel when you have finished," I say to her and her face lights up. "Thank you for listening to me." She finishes her drink wipes her mouth with the napkin. "I am a very good listener," I tell her with a warm smile. "No one listens to me." She informs me. I made a sad face. "We should get you back." Rise to my feet. She stands holds my hand. Grab my bags and walk her back to the hotel.

As we walked back, she is talking the whole time about her school, her friends and her brother. Who is always too busy to listen to her. I had to explain to her that he is trying his best to look after her and she would always be his number one priority. She smiled. We get to the entrance of the hotel. Scott is stood there; he looks at me then at Lexie.

"Lexie, I have been worried. Why did you run off from the sitter?" He asks her while taking her hand. He looked relieved to see her. "She wasn't watching me. She is always on her phone talking to her boyfriend or her friends." Lexie tells him. He looks at her for a brief minute only letting a bit of what she said sink into his head. He looks at me. "Thank you for bringing her back." He is concerned for his sister. They walk in the entrance of the hotel. I smiled waved at Lexie, she waved back. Turned to walk-off.

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