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H A R P E R    P O V

Two months had already passed, and we are planning a wedding to take place in eight weeks. Not much notice, but I have done it in less time before. Sitting on the sofa making phone calls. Paying deposits, making sure I had done everything on the list that Scott wanted. Made an appointment to try wedding dresses on. My heart is filled with love, but I still had a small doubt that Scott would leave me too. If it does come true, then there is something seriously wrong with me.

Lexi is now at boarding school. She likes it and she made friends too. So, my days are now back to being bored until I get a job which Scott is not overly keen about. I need to earn money somewhere. I have never had a man take care of me it was always me taking care of them. So, it is a little hard to get used too. At the moment, my days are taken up with planning this wedding.

Scott is in his office working. I'm stressing out with all the phone calls I had to make, plus the deposits are high. I could understand why they are so high priced with the cost of the location he picked. He most certainly had expensive taste, plus wanting the best of everything. Even the flowers had to be fresh on the day. He is adamant that the flowers could not be a day old. The florist nodding to his request.

Going over the list, crossing off the things I had done. Place the list on the coffee table rest my head on the back of the sofa. Close my eyes for a few seconds. When I open them, I have Scott staring at me with a smile on his lips. "So, how far have you got?" He asks. Pick the writing pad up to hand to him. He looks over it shakes his head. "I will contact a wedding planner," He tells me.

He turns walks away with the note pad in his hand. Shake my head feeling like I had done something wrong. I had contacted everyone on the list he had given me. Obviously not fast enough in getting it done for him.

Stand to make my way to my room. "Harper," He says while I'm on the fourth stair. Turn to face him not saying another word. Did not want to ridicule myself. "The wedding planner could help you with the last arrangements." Put a fake smile on my lips turn to walk up to my room. That's all he had to say in the beginning before he walked off with the notepad. But he had me second-guessing myself. He really confuses me. Or I could be confusing myself.


Laid on my bed turned the TV on to watch a movie. Another black and white film is on. I did get engrossed plus I watched it all the way through. Channel hopping over the stations to find something else to watch. Found a channel talking about weddings. Sit up to watch it. What some brides do to get their own way. Couldn't understand why they are so argumentative with the people around them. Smiled to myself thinking Scott is the one that's picked everything for his wedding right down to what the bridesmaids have to wear.

Not had time to even look at a wedding dress. Turn the TV off, stand to look out the window. Winter is just around the corner. Scott wanted a wedding in the wintertime. He wanted a Christmas day wedding, but he could not get a vicar or a church to do that with the Christmas festivities. The church holds a service in the morning plus the afternoon of Christmas Day. So, we are getting married Christmas Eve.

Not my choice but after all, it's what he wants. Perhaps it would be romantic with all the decorations plus the trees that line the path to the entrance to the church which they decorate with lights. Gaze out the window lost in my thoughts. There is a knock at the door. "Yes," I say, turn to face the door. "Harper, the wedding planner will be here in a couple of hours." I smile not saying anything. He steps into the room slides one hand into his pocket. "Harper, are you, all right?" His soft voice makes me smile. Nod at him he shakes his head.

Turn to look back out the window. He steps beside me wraps his hands around me pulls me tight to him. "You have been quiet for the last few days." Turn so we are face to face. "I just have nerves." Hope he will buy what I'm saying. He kisses me lets me go steps back to the door. "I'm not going to leave you at the altar." He smiles steps out the door closing it behind him. Just hope he doesn't. My heart could not take any more pain.

My body is aching thinking about it. I know deep down Scott is different. But it doesn't make any easier. Once it's happened it's all that goes through your mind. Overthinking why? Is there something wrong with me? I give it my all and it's my heart that breaks a little each time. I love Scott deeply.


A couple of hours later the wedding planner arrives. We are sitting in the lounge where Scott is in a conversation with her, telling her everything he wanted. She writes down all his requests in her portfolio. They even laugh together. I did not get the joke, but she did. Sit listening to them sort out what had been left. Put a smile on my lips thinking what a relief it is to have someone else do all the planning.

Stood to make my way to the kitchen to make them hot beverages. Place two cups on the coffee table. Look over at Scott he smiles. I leave, he knew what he wanted so there was no point me hanging around. Grab my jacket and leave.

Walked towards the elevator minding my own business. Some guy gets in my face with a camera taking photos. It had to be someone from the media that had got in through security. I reach the elevator hiding my face. The door opens he pushes the cameras into my face knocking my eye. I look up at him and he snaps a pic with my eyes watering from him knocking into me.

Push the button for the lobby try to stop him from entering which I manage. The doors close the elevator slowly counts down the floors. Take my phone out to take a pic of my eye. It did not look good with a red mark. Pulled my hoody up over my head to hide my face. Walked through the lobby until I reached the cold brisk air outside. The media is everywhere waiting to get photos.

I strolled down the street to a small park where I sit for a while thinking how lucky I am. Why do I have a feeling doubt? It's not just a little it's consuming me. I wake mornings thinking about it and go to sleep thinking about it. Yes, Scott's told me he is not like the other guys that left me at the altar. But when the day comes will he still think the same?

Rub my face sit to watch the sun go down the sky gets dark. My phone rings. "Harper, where are you?" He sounds upset. "I will be back soon," I tell him. "Have you seen what's been on the news and what's all over the internet?" No idea what he is talking about. "I don't watch the news," I tell him. "Could you please come back? We have a few things we need to sort." He really sounded upset with me. "I'm on my way back." We hang up. Place my phone in my pocket.

Stand to pull my hoodie over my head to hide my face. Have no idea what is going on and what could be so important that we need to sort out. The only thing that comes to my mind is the wedding. Perhaps he had something to discuss with me, but I highly doubt it. strolled back to the hotel. Wish I knew what the hell is going on. Why could he not tell me on the phone?




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