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H A R P E R      P O V

Stayed in my room all day out of the way. Scott had left to check on the venue early this morning, plus he said he had a few things he had to do. Laid on the bed engrossed in a film. A very old film in black and white. Got really into it until there is a knock at the door.

Turned the TV down. "Yes." The door opens and Scott looks at me laying on the bed. "Did you not keep an eye on the time?" Peered over at the clock, jump off the bed. "I'm sorry, Scott. I lost track of time. You could go ahead I will see you there." He leans on the door frame in his suit, dressed smartly for his girlfriend. Must say he looks good looking standing there in his grey suit. A noticeable stubble to make him look even sexier.

"We will wait." He closes the door. Sit back on the bed to rub my face, not wanting to go. It is hard enough trying to shut my heart down. Step into the bathroom to have a shower. Rushed like mad to get myself ready. Now making Scott late to meet his girlfriend. I feel so bad.

Stand in front of the mirror with my robe on. He should leave, I'm only making him late. Step to the door to shout down to Scott, but he is waiting on the stairs for me. "You are still not ready?" Shake my head. He steps close to me, tilts my chin. "Harper, if you don't go, I don't go." Now he is making me worse. What a way to use the guilt act on me.

"Scott, I'm not going to be much company, anyway. You should go and be with your girlfriend, just tell her I'm sorry" He smirks shakes his head-turns me around pushes me back into my room closing the door. "Just get dressed." He shouts. Step into the closet look at the dress that he wanted me to wear.

Didn't like it but I had to go with something he liked. Looked at the other dress I had bought when I went shopping with Lexi. Compared the two holding both of them in front of me. The one Scott chose is more sophisticated for the event but the one I got is more me. Slip the dress on I had chosen, do up the side zip.

Looked in the mirror, it looked perfect strapless with extra detailed around the breasts that gave it that slight eighties look which clung to my body. It is blue the same colour Scott had chosen. Smooth the lace material down which comes just above the knee turn my entire body sideways.

Looks perfect, the fit is right too. Slipped shoes on did my hair pinning it up all over the place to give it that sexy mess look. My hair looks like a professional had done it. Grab my little purse that only fits my mobile in it. Take a deep breath, open the door to see Scott with his mouth agape. "Wow." He licks his lips. "That dress looks sexy on you. You look beautiful." He offers me his arm and we leave.


We are sitting in the limo, Lexi looked so grown up. "Lexi, we will find a table out of the way and have some fun," She giggles. "Don't want you going too far." He says. "Harper, could you face the window." Face the window he places a necklace around my neck. Glance down at the piece of jewellery around my neck. Couldn't see it so I took my phone out to take a pic. Oh my god.

"Scott, this is beautiful." Staring at the pic I took. A diamond-studded necklace, that is all it is. Just diamonds all around my neck. What a stunning piece of jewellery. Couldn't stop staring at the pic.

The way the diamonds shined. "I would hate to think about what gifts you have bought your girlfriend." He smiles tilts my chin. "Harper, just have a wonderful evening and don't forget to give me at least one dance." I smiled turned my head from him.

Placed my hands on my lap staring out the window until the venue comes into view. The limo stops by the steps of this beautiful country estate. The driver opens the door. Scott steps out, looks around nods at a few people who are walking up the steps. Lexi slides out and I slide out.

Hold Lexi's hand while she skipped her way into the hall where the event is being held. We found a table leaving Scott to mix with his guests. "Harper, have you met or seen Scott's girlfriend?" Looked around to see if he is with her. "Not yet. Have you?" She shakes her head. We smile at each other.

Scott steps back to the table. "Well, I will be making a speech in a little while. Harper would you please join me?" He offers me his hand.

"You are joking?" He shakes his head smiling at me. "Where the hell is your girlfriend?" He tilts his head to the side giving me the puppy eyes. "Sorry, but I will not do it." Went to stand but, he helps me by taking my hand and wrapping it around his arm. "Smile," He said to me. So, I smiled.

Walk towards the lobby after greeting hordes of people that Scott knew. He pins me to the wall like he always does to make me weak. He looks around and back into my eyes. "Let's get one thing straight." There he goes again with his soft demanding voice. It's making my heart flutter. "You will get up on stage with me and when I ask you a question you will say yes. Am I understood?" Not having time to reply. He takes my hand and hastens our way up on the stage where he starts his speech.

He thanks everyone for coming then he looks at me. I stare at him wondering why I had to say yes to his question. He puts his hand in his pocket went down on one knee. I try to pull him up shaking my head uncontrollably. "Scott, what the hell are you doing?" I whisper through gritted teeth. He gazes at me opens the velvet ring box and there is the ring I had tried on three months ago. My eyes open wide my mouth opens to say something, but nothing comes out.

Eyes are all on us the room is quiet. My heart beating with fear. A fear I would have my heart in pieces. "Harper. From the first time my eyes laid upon you on the plane, I had to talk to you. My heart exploded when you spoke to me. I couldn't stop looking at you. I couldn't stop thinking about you. Harper, I have fallen in love with you will you marry me?" Still gobsmacked with what is happening right now.

My mouth is agape in shock. Nodding he tilts his head waiting for me to say yes. But it just would not come out. Petrified I froze for a few minutes.

He takes my hand to place the ring on my finger. "! Yes!". I scream loud. Everyone clapped. Wait, what? He stands cups my cheeks. "Scott what will your girlfriend say?" He smirks placing his warm lips on mine. My god he can kiss. Lexi gave me a hug. Not having time for what just happened to soak in. Mixed emotions fill my entire body. I love Scott.

Shocked and surprised with what took place. My mind still processing what Scott had asked me. He caught me off guard but at the same time, I'm overwhelmed with excitement.

"Harper, you are going to be my sister." Smiled at her we hug. Scott and I mingled with his guests. My sister's pushed their way through a group of people to see the ring. They could not believe it. "How the hell did you manage to get Scott to fall in love with you? He obviously does not know you as we do. If you ask me, he will leave you at the altar when he realises you won't sleep with him. Just like Vincent did." They laugh turn around walk off. Scott smiles at me.

Now I'm wondering if he heard their lies. They said it loud enough for him to hear plus other people stood around me. Why the hell did I say yes? I know I have fallen in love with him. I should be excited, but the excitement drained from me when my sister's opened their mouths. I'm dreading what will happen on the wedding day.

Scott places his arm around me pulls me tight to his side. He kisses my neck. "Harper, your sister's are jealous. If you are a virgin that is a bonus for me." He made me smile bringing me out of my sad gloom I am feeling. But I'm not a virgin.

It was Vincent that didn't want to make love to me in the last year we were together. I know why now. He had my best mate that once was. We greet more of his guests before the evening came to a close, but we had our first dance then we head back to the Penthouse.




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