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H A R P E R    P O V

I woke a little while ago to get ready for dinner. Lexi is meeting me at eight outside the restaurant. I hope she had a word with Scott about his plans. Could not go through that again, no matter who he is. I loved him once, but not anymore. I have no feelings for any guys and that is the way it will stay. I will do my job and leave to go home.

Leave the hotel to make my way to dinner in the limo. Driving through New York with the crazy noise of sirens plus traffic. Forgot how hectic it is. Arrive at the Restaurant to see Lexi stood waiting for me. The driver gets the door. Slide-out to stand, put my dress right and walk towards Lexi. We hug, enter the door, tell the hostess who we are, they show us to our seat.

Order a glass of wine, Lexi had a soft drink. We order our food, sit talking. "I spoke to Scott about what he had said to me." She places her hands on her lap. "Harper, I got it mixed up. I'm sorry. I thought he said he was going to propose to you, but he's proposing to his girlfriend." I smiled with relief. "He said you are promoting his restaurant and the event, you are hosting. That is when he wants to propose." The waitress places a glass of wine on the table plus Lexi's drink.

Pick my glass up to take a sip. "I'm glad about that." She smiles. "Did you tell him about you?" She bows her head, shaking it. "I couldn't with the way he reacted for me getting it all mixed up." Sit forward place my glass down. "Lexi. He's your brother. If he doesn't like it, he will only be mad for a short while. It might take him time to come to terms with your sexuality. He will never love you any less." I'm trying to reassure her. But I'm glad she sorted out the dilemma with what she had told me. I need to ring the office later this evening to arrange for another PR to come.

I will do the event for him, but I must step back. I can't be there when the restaurant opens. I still can't forgive him. I know it's been years, but I can't do it. Our meal is placed on the table. "Are you attending the event?" I ask while we eat. "Yes, I will be there. Not looking forward to it. I haven't even met his girlfriend. He talks about her saying how he finally found someone to share his life with." She looks over at me. "Harper, I'm sorry to bring it up." Take a mouthful of my food. She smiles and we finish eating.

The waitress takes the plates and brings me another wine. "Lexi, I'm happy for your brother. It's nice to know he's found someone to spend his life with. You haven't got to apologise to me." She smiles. I drink my wine then we leave to stroll around looking in shop windows just like we always did.

We laughed a lot. We strolled back to the limos she got in hers I got in mine. Went back to my hotel.


In my room on the phone to the office. "You need to send someone else. I will do the event, but I will not open the restaurant. I will gladly stay and make sure it runs smoothly." Waited for his answer. "Harper, you are the best how could anyone compete with you?" Take a deep breath. "As I said I will help but I will not be there for the opening night of the restaurant. I can't do it." My tone is slightly angered. He sighs down the phone at me. "You leave me no other choice. Harper, I'm sending the jet with someone to take over I want you back here in two days. If you can't do the opening, you can't do the event. You cannot have it both ways." My god, my boss lost his temper with me. I have never had this happen to me before.

Placed my face in my spare hand. "Craig, I quit." "Harper, you are making the wrong choice. Think about what you are doing?" Look into the mirror at myself. "Craig, what other choice do I have? You want me to come straight back like I'm some naughty school child. I have worked my butt off for your company plus I worked hard on this event." Stood to look out the window. "I will be on a flight tomorrow. I will hand in my resignation." I hang up.

For three fucking years I have worked my butt off for him. And not once did I complain to him about him and his advances towards me. I would just walk away from him when he would get too close to me. Asking me to have meetings and to fly with him to see potential clients. Every time we would fly anywhere, I would make sure I had my own room.

We did have a night of passion but that was all it was. A night that should never have happened. Now he thinks I will go with him every time he's got a business meeting out of the country. Should never have shared the room with him. Perhaps I should have left the company back then, but he promised me it wouldn't happen again. It's not happened again but he tries with his advances.


Pack my cases ready for the morning. I will have to see Lexi, to let her know. We only spent a few hours together. She's old enough to understand the truth. Get undressed to have a shower. There is a knock at the door. Shake my head. Put my robe on, walk past my cases to open the door.

Shock horror to see Scott stood staring at me. He sure looks well, plus dreamy like he always did. "Scott, what can I do for you?" Fold my arms waiting for him to talk. "Could I come in to talk?" Step back from the door to let him in. He looks over at the cases turns to face me a bit too fast almost knocking me out. We collided. Rub my forehead from his shoulder knocking into me. "I'm sorry." He says. looking at me. "It's fine I will just have a headache." Put my hand's up in surrender. He laughs. "Are you leaving?" He asks. "Unfortunately, yes. Craig has other ideas for me." Roll my eyes.

Gesture for him to sit on the sofa. I sit on the chair pulling the robe over my legs. He stares at me. "So, what does he have planned for you? I thought you are doing the event?" Close my eyes for a split second. "Well, we had a few choice words not even an hour ago and I lost my temper with him. Telling him I quit my job." He smiles shaking his head. Not responding to what I had said. "What did you come here for?" I am curious to why he had shown up like this. "Lexi." He replies. I have a feeling he's going to tell me how he feels about what she said.

I stood walked to the minibar. "Would you like a drink?" He nods. I take out all the whisky which is in small bottles and pour it between two glasses. We had half a glass each. Pass him his glass we clink and sip. I sit back in the chair waiting for him to start telling me what's on his mind. Really, he should be telling his girlfriend and talking to her about this.

He smiles sits back in the sofa with his legs apart holding his glass between them. He did look sexy in his suit. "She told me what you had said to her about the engagement. No idea how she got confused with what I had told her?" Sip my drink and listen. Didn't want to go down that road. "She spoke to me when she got back from having dinner with you. She asked if I would love her any differently if she liked girls and not boys. I froze. I fucking froze Harper." I could see he is beating himself up from the way he reacted. "Did you say anything at all?" Waiting for him to say something but all he does is shakes his head. "Scott, how the fuck could you do that to her?" I'm angry with the way he treated her.

Stand to look down at him. Down my drink. "Where is she?" I ask him. He bows his head. "I left her sobbing. I didn't know what to do. I froze." Placed my glass on the side. "Have you spoken to your girlfriend about this? To see if she could help you?" He shakes his head. "Scott" He sits up looks over at me. "I didn't think I just came right here to see you. Knowing how close you are to Lexi. I'm stupid." Shake my head at him and he bows his in disgrace. "I will get dressed and go with you. You can't leave your sister sobbing her heart out when I have already told her that you would love her no matter what." Rub my face and went to dress. Lexi needed my help and so did Scott. Just hope she will listen to me. 




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