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H A R P E R    P O V

I had spent a few days with Lexi when I didn't have work. We had fun with what little time we had together. Scott had asked me out for dinner a couple of times, I had to turn him down. Could not go through having him shout his angered words at me. 

Every day, I arrived at work, there is always a bouquet waiting on my desk. I had no idea who they are from or who they are for. There's no card, so I left them in the kitchen in water. 

My landlord contacted me to tell me he is putting in central heating. Could you imagine what was going through my head? Yes, how much extra would it cost me? But he reassured me it would cost no more. What a relief to hear that. I just make enough to scrape by each week.

Had arranged to meet Lexi, to see her leave at the airport. She got upset that I would not come with her when she asked if I would go back home with her. She had another four weeks off before returning to boarding school. I do miss spending time with her and talking. So much happened, I'm finding it hard to forgive Scott. 

I'm on my way to the airport to see her. I had to walk, didn't have money to spare for taxis or any other transport. Arrived at the airport to see Lexi stood with Scott waiting for me.

Stepped over to her to hug her. We make our way to the private side of the airport where their jet is waiting. "Harper, thank you for coming," I couldn't let her down and not show up. We stood on the tarmac looking up at a huge jet. This is the first time I had laid eyes on their plane It's some size. "Wow, that is some jet," I say to her and Scott looks over to me. "It's comfortable and spacious," He says, stepping towards us.

He had tried so many times to have a conversation with me and to tell me how sorry he had been. "Have a safe journey," I say to Lexi taking her in my arms. Kiss the top of her head. Scott stares at me. "Harper, could I talk to you please?" He asks in a sweet calm voice. Lexi stands back to let her brother talk to me.

He stands a few steps away from me. Keeping a small distance between us with one hand in his pocket and the other combing through his hair. "Just hear me out before you say anything please," I nod to let him talk. "I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you. I know the way I spoke is unforgiving but I'm truly sorry." He takes a step closer sliding both his hands in his trouser pockets. The remorse is shown in his expression. "I need to know why you had the money transferred back to my account when it belonged to you? It was the money you had before, you know. I'm sorry." Lower my head to look at the floor. "Did you get the box?" He asks. Look up at him. All I could do is, nod to him he closes the gap between us. "Harper. I know I hurt you and I'm no different from the men that leave you but, I feel guilty for what I did to you." I step back from him look over at Lexi.

He shakes his head turns his face from me to hide his tears. "Lexi, this is where we say goodbye." She trembles and sobs. I couldn't listen to Scott and the excuses for why he had acted as he did. Take her in my arms holding back my own tears. It's so hard to let her go. "Harper I will miss you." Smile down at her wipe her tears. "You have friends and before long you will grow into a beautiful young lady." My tears do fall. "I hate goodbyes," She says and steps back. "Perhaps one day we will meet again? When you are all grown up." She turns to walk to the jet steps. 

My heart is aching. I had only known her for a short time. Scott steps back looks at me. "Harper, I wish you would forgive me?" Wipe my eyes. "Scott you will find someone." His eyes let his tears fall. "What about you?" He is asking me a question that he already knew. "I will be fine the way I am. I have given up on love. I've been jilted too many times." He shakes his head. "I'm so sorry for breaking your heart." The softness of his tone filled with guilt. I smiled at him he steps forward kisses me on the cheek.

This is the final farewell, our goodbye. "Scott you never broke my heart. My heart was broken when I met you. My heart never healed. Hope you find that special someone. You deserve more." He turns walks to the step of the plane. I turn to walk from the tarmac. "! Harper!" He shouts over the roar of the engines. 

Turn to face him standing on the steps. "Did you ever love me for real?" My eyes stare at him. "Yes, I did," I shout. "I still love you," I whisper to myself. He laughed. "Will you have one last date with me?" He made me laugh. "One last date," I say back. He smiles. "I will need you to come to America?" My eyes opened wide. "I want to have our last date, Christmas Eve." He took me by surprise. "I will have to see what I can do." He smiles. "I will see you, Christmas Eve. And Harper." Lift my head to look directly at him. "I love you too." He walks back onto the plane.

Watched the door close, the plane took off. I had no idea why he wanted to have one last date with me? Plus, he told me he loved me. Wish him every happiness but the last date will never happen. I could not forgive him that easily for the way he spoke to me. If he did love me, he wouldn't have said what he said.


Arrived back at my flat. Looked around at all my possessions. Didn't have a lot most of it came with the flat. Cleaned up the kitchen put fresh bedding on my bed. Grabbed my coat to go to do a little shopping. Needed a few things. Walked to the supermarket to pick up the few bits I needed. Waiting at the checkout. A guy strikes a conversation up with me. "The weather is colder." He says. Smiled at him. "It's going to get worse," I say he smiles places his few bits down for the cashier. He bags it up and pays then leaves. Did my few bits, leave?

Strolled through town to make my way home. Looked in a window to see they wanted help. Could do with something more meaningful. Stepped inside to find out about the position they are offering. It's a clothing store. The manager gestured for me to follow her to the office. Had an interview and got the job. It is a better wage too. Now I had to leave my other job. I would have to give in my notice, but I needed to start the new job right away plus it comes with accommodation.

Made my way to my other job to hand in my notice. The manager was sorry to see me leave but he understood. He also told me if I left right away, I wouldn't get paid for my last few shifts. I agreed to it and left. I know I would be losing money, but the new job is a better wage.

Step into my flat and packed up my few bits I had. Smiled while straightening my back from packing two boxes. That is all I have. Could not wait for the next day to start. I'm finally Saying goodbye.




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