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H A R P E R   P O V

We only have four days to go until we get married. I'm excited that everything is sorted and now I'm with Lexi having my last dress fitting. Found the perfect dress. Just hope Scott will like it. Guess I will find out soon enough when I walk down the aisle. Scott had to go out of town on a business trip. Thought it was too close to us getting married, but it's his work.

I'm stood admiring the dress while looking at myself in the mirror. Lexi smiles. "Harper, my brother is a lucky guy." Turn to face her look at my hands. "Why the sad face?" She asks. Shrug my shoulders. "I don't know," I respond with a low tone. Am I having second thoughts? Or is this just nerves? Wish I knew why I felt like I did. "I'm not sad. Just don't want to be left standing at the altar." She steps forward.

She makes a face to make me smile. "Harper, my brother loves you. He wouldn't do that to you. He's been waiting four years for you to come back into his life." Lexi said. "I know he loves me, and I love him." Couldn't help the way I'm feeling, but I had this feeling before and look what happened. Leon never turned up and once again I was left at the altar. I'm such a fool to put my trust in men so easily. Opening my heart. I know Scott is not like Vincent or Leon, but my gut is telling me something.

Turn to look in the mirror when the dressmaker smiles. She fiddles with the lace to get it right. "It's a beautiful dress. It's perfect." I put a fake smile on just so Lexi couldn't see how I'm feeling. "The dress is stunning. You look amazing." She says while smiling at the dressmaker. Make my way to the changing area to change. Hang the dress up and stare at it. Take a deep breath and dress. When I'm done, I carry my dress in the protective cover.


Arrived at the penthouse. I hung my dress in the spare room so Scott could not see it. Walked through the lounge to see wedding gifts that had been sent. I put them in the spare study where the rest of the gifts were. Lexi had gone up to her room. Stepped into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. Take a seat at the small table in the kitchen. Stared out the window at the blue sky. Almost five years ago Scott and I should have been married but that never happened.

Why the hell am I pondering over the past? I should be looking forward to the future with Scott. Sip my tea and look at my phone to see who it is ringing me. Smiled when I could see Scott. "Hey, baby." He said with a soft voice. "I'm missing you," I tell him. "I'm missing you too. I will be arriving back at the airport late tomorrow. Just got one more meeting to attend tomorrow." His calm voice is sweet sexy voice.

Close my eyes for a few seconds to picture his smile. "Can't wait for you to be home. I picked up my dress today." "Harper, I promise you I will not leave you stranded. I will not leave you at the altar." Lexi must have phoned him. "And I can't wait to see you in your wedding dress. I love you, baby girl." Smirked at what he said. "I love you too." "Harper, I will see you tomorrow." We hang up.

Place my phone on the table and finish my tea. A short while later Lexi steps into the kitchen. "Did Scott ring you?" She asks. "Yes, he did." She hugs me. "I wanted to find out when he was coming home. I mentioned to him about how you were feeling." Hugged her tight and kiss her head. "Lexi, I love you just like you are my own sister." She pushes back from me.

She steps over to the fridge opens it and screws her face up. "I thought you might get mad at me for telling Scott how you felt." "Lexi, I could never get angry with you." She looks over to me with a huge smile. "I knew there was a reason I liked you." We both laugh. "We should order pizza and binge watch TV." She makes a sad face.

Pick my cup up to walk over to the dishwasher. "Or maybe not. You have plans?" I said. She nods. "You go and have some fun. I'll order and binge watch TV." She smiles and leaves. Stepped back to the table to pick my phone up to order pizza but had second thoughts. I couldn't be bothered so I made my way to the bedroom to relax on the bed.


I woke early had a shower got dressed ready to finish getting my last bits. Lexi had left to meet up with her friends. Opened the door to have a woman stood looking me up and down. I have no idea who she is. My eyes have not seen her before. "I'm here to see Scott." She said. "He's on a business trip. He will be back late tonight." She smirks. "I will catch him at the airport. Do you know when he's due to land?" She asks. "I have no idea. I'm sorry." She looks me up and down lets out a smirk of a laugh turns and walks away swinging her hips.

She is pretty with a body I would love. But I'm taller than her. Mind you her blond hair looked amazing in perfect condition with a shine. I could only imagine having hair like that too. Even her clothes were perfect. Look down at my body and clothes thinking I looked like a tramp compared to her.

Make my way to the elevator my mind thinking about the woman who just showed up asking for Scott. Reach the lobby to see the woman talking to the receptionist. No idea who she is or why she wanted to see Scott. Now my mind is speculating putting ideas in my head. Could she be an old flame? Why the fuck would I think such a thing? The pit of my stomach is giving that feeling, that something is going to happen.

Step out from the hotel to make my way down to the shops. The walk would do me good and help to clear my head. Looking in the shop windows not paying attention to what is actually on show. My mind giving me a sinking doubt. All morning I could not shake the feeling that this unexpected woman is going to spoil our wedding. It's bad enough that Scott invited my family to attend.

Enter one shop looking around but find myself lost in my thoughts. I'm looking for a gift for Scott. Shake my head to get the thoughts outta my head and think of what I'm meant to be doing. Glanced at the watches I had money saved plus when I worked, I had been paid well. Found the perfect gift for him. Handed over my card to pay for the watch.

The assistant gift wrapped it for me. I needed to find a wedding gift for him from me. What the hell do you get? I had no idea what to get him. He could get whatever he wanted, and my gifts would never match what he could buy. Doubt filled me. Am I out of my league? All I know is I wanted everything to be perfect. Perfect like I always wanted. Three days to go until we get married.

I did some more shopping before heading back to the hotel. Stood outside the hotel to look at the pretty Christmas decoration. Stepped into the lobby to see Lexi with two of her friends. She steps towards me. "I was going to order pizza in and have a girlie night with my friends. You are welcome to join us." We enter the elevator with her friends. "I will give it a miss. You have fun with your friends." She makes a sad face.

The elevator door opens, and we stepped to the door of the penthouse. We enter and she walks to her room with the two girls following. I went to wrap the gifts I had.


The evening arrived and Scott had not arrived yet. I had a shower got into bed. Placed my phone on the side and closed my eyes. Two days to go and he was not even home yet. Perhaps his meeting took longer than he wanted.





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