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H A R P E R    P O V

Arrived at my desk to see another bouquet. Looked for a card, but nothing. Picked them to take to the kitchen, put in water. Would like to know why they are on my desk. Sit at my small desk to start work. The morning is quiet I wasn't getting calls like the others were. Slouched in my seat to wait for calls. Looked around at the six small cubicles. Take a deep breath, I'm now bored. If this job doesn't pick up, I would die of boredom.

Lunchtime had been and gone. I had a handful of calls before leaving for the day. Leave the building to walk home. On the way home, I looked into some of the shop windows to see the beautiful Christmas Decorations. The town looked amazing for this time of year. They decorate the main street leading into town with pretty lights. The tree that stood in the centre of town looked amazing. It had been decorated by the children.

Reached the end of town to make my way home. It's colder than it had been the last few days. Crossed the road to the park to walk through, where I live on the other side. Could see the high-rise building from where I stood waiting to cross over.

Entered the park to see Lexi walking towards me. "Lexi, what on earth are you doing out at this time of night?" I'm concerned for her safety. This is not a place for her to be hanging around. Too many drug dealers plus not so nice people around here. "I wanted to see you," She says. Shake my head take her hand to walk to mine. I had no way of getting in touch with Scott to tell him where his sister is. I had no phone; I couldn't afford one. It looks like I would have to take her back to where she is staying.


Get back to my flat where I make her a hot chocolate while I changed into something warmer to walk her back to the hotel. "Lexi, did you run off from Scott?" I had to ask her. "No, I asked if I could go for a walk and he said yes but to stay in the hotel." Stood in front of her looking down watching her drink her hot drink. "Lexi, your brother will be going frantic not knowing where you are." She bows her head. "Could you ring him?" Take a breath to sit with her. "Wish I could but, I don't have a phone". She looks around the room.

She finished her drink. Made sure she is wrapped up warm. Put my coat on grab my key and leave to walk her back. We get outside the building to see a limo pull up. Scott gets out not looking very happy at all. Held her hand walked towards him. I didn't get too close. "Lexi, I've been looking everywhere for you." She steps towards him. He takes her in his arms hugging her tight. I turn to walk back to the building. "! Harper!" He shouts. Turn slowly to look at him. "Thank you. You could have called me". He says. "Harper doesn't have a phone," Lexi adds and gets in the limo. He slides his hands in his pockets. "We are going to dinner; you are welcome to join us?" He asks.

Shake my head turn to walk away. "Harper" Turn to look at him again. "I should apologise for the way I acted to you." Shrug my shoulders. "What you said is how you were feeling. It's fine you don't owe me an apology." What did he have to apologise for? It was all my fault I take the full blame. Walked back to my flat, locked myself in. Grab a tea looked in the fridge shake my head. "Not much left. A few eggs and four slices of bread." Only have to wait two more days until it's payday. Had a shower got in bed to keep warm.


Christmas is three weeks away. All I could do is look into shop windows and admire the beautiful gifts that are on sale. It is payday. I'm on my way to the bank to see how much I have left after all my bills have been paid. It's so cold walking around in the icy wind. Could not get warm at all. My hands are freezing my feet are the same. Just could not warm myself up. Arrived at the bank. Stood in line waiting to be seen. Smiled at a few people who smiled at me. A few people with bags of Christmas shopping.

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