My New Job

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H A R P E R   P O V

When we got back to the hotel, I'm shown to a room that would be mine. It is spacious and elegant. It had everything I needed, plus more. Had a shower and got into bed. Looked around the room admiring the beautiful furnishings, which are so elegant and well thought out. Could see a lot of detail had gone into decorating this room. The bed is soft, and my body just sinks into it. Stretched across the bed and still couldn't touch the ends. This bed is a queen-size or custom made.

The lamps on either side of the bed had a gold stand, the neck swirled in a spiral that fanned out with the light in the middle. I had never seen anything like it; it is surely unique. The bedside tables were the same design as the lamps and matched with all the other furnishings. Turned the lamp off, closed my eyes. Knew I could only have a couple of hours of sleep before starting my new job. Scott said he needed to talk to me to get a few details. I did finally fall asleep.


Walked into where the kitchen is. Scott and Lexie are sitting eating breakfast. He looks up at me with a smile. Lexie is smiling too. "I hope you had a good couple of hours' sleep?" He asks takes a sip of his coffee. "I did, thank you". Replying while looking at him. "Did you want a coffee or something to eat?" He asks. "I don't like coffee much; prefer tea and I eat very little. I tend to live on fruit," I said, he raises his brows. "That would be why you look so fit." He says while looking at me. I think I'm blushing. He thinks I'm fit.

"I do a lot of walking," I replied and he laughs. "I will get some tea in for you but, please take a seat." Step towards the table and look at Lexie. "I'm glad you will be watching me." She says hugs me tight. I hug her back. "Lexie. I need to speak to Harper in my office for a few minutes to sort a few things out then she'll be right with you." Scott tells her.

"Don't take too long." She replies in a demanding tone and leaves the kitchen. "My sister can get very impatient." He's looking at me with his eyes shining from the light coming in through the window. "She's sweet and very talkative," I reply. "She acts all sweet so, don't let that fool you. She will run from you the first chance she gets." He informs me.

"Lexie needs someone who will listen to her, to keep her active with games and going places," I tell him. he sits back in his chair. "You sound like you know what you are talking about." He responds with a surprised look upon his face. "I do. I have worked with children since I was fourteen. Did babysitting and when I turned sixteen helped at the local school." I looked at my hands.

"Well, let's get to my office and fill this paperwork out," He says. He stands picks up his cup fills it with coffee. I follow him to his office which is just down the hall. He opens the door gestures me to go first. "Take a seat and we'll get started," He says taking his seat behind his desk. His office is clean and tidy. Couldn't see a thing outta place. He opens his drawer to take out a file to hand me. Which is a work application. Glanced at it smiled, take a pen and start to fill it in. There are five pages I had to fill in. I filled in all the appropriate questions that applied to me. Looked across the desk at him, he Is doing paperwork.

"Mr Wilder," I say to get his attention. He shoots me a look. "Please call me Scott." He smiles. "I need to apply for a work permit," I tell him, he sits back in his chair. He places his hands on the desk clasped. He looks at me, his lips start to curl into a smile. I thought he is dreamy but, I am hurting and didn't want to feel that pain again. "We have an office in England that I will register you with and that will resolve any issues with work permits." His smile gets wider and what a smile it is. His dark hair styled spiked slightly. His unshaven face giving him a dreamy look. I thought Vincent was dreamy, but this guy is more than just dreamy.

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