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H A R P E R     P O V

My day started with me getting married to Vincent, a guy I fell in love with four years ago. All my friends and family are waiting for me, to witness this joyous day. My bridesmaids look amazing, I looked amazing. Walking down the aisle with my father feeling the happiest I've ever been. Excitement took over me while I stood with Vincent, and he turned to face me. "I can't do this. I'm in love with Helena." He tells me while peering over at Helena. He humiliated me in front of my family and friends. 

My entire world came crashing down around me. Feeling devastated could hear people gasp. My excitement faded fast to hate, sadness and I'm in floods of tears thinking I gave this man four years of my life. And here he is crushing my dreams and breaking my heart. 

Stared at my head bridesmaid who is the one that Vincent is in love with. She seemed very red-faced. Feeling anger boiling in my blood, I turn to Vincent to punch him then punching Helena for what they did to me. Hear a few laughs plus gasps still feeling crushed and my heart is in a million pieces.

Throw my flowers at him walkout, not glancing back at him or her. My entire life had changed; he had embarrassed me in front of my family, friends, people we both knew. And she was supposed to be my best friend. 

Not wanting to talk to anyone from feeling so humiliated, embarrassed for what just happened. All I wanted is to be left alone so I could come to some rational explanation to why this happened to me. Get home, stare at my suitcase that's already packed for the honeymoon. That's when I decided to move halfway around the world where no one knew me. I could have a fresh start to try to get my life back on track. I shoved more clothes in my suitcase picked up my passport and just leave.


Seated on the plane flying to New York. It's the first destination I saw when I reached the airport, so I bought a one-way ticket then boarded my flight. I've been on this plane for a few hours just gazing out the window thinking about everything that happened. I'm so angry with myself for not even realising what they were up to behind my back. 

How could I have been so, fucking blind? Close my eyes for a few seconds then I hear a male voice. "This flight is long." The guy said sitting next but one to me. Strain a smile to peer at the guy who's talking to me and turn to stare back out the window. He's sitting in the aisle seat, the seat between us is empty. He's a hot guy, but I'm still hurting from what happened earlier. 

Just can't believe it happened to me. You read about it happening to other people but never in a million years would I have thought it could've happened to me. I sighed. "I normally fly on my private jet, but my assistant mucked up, so here I am stuck on this flight." He is trying to engage in a conversation with me, but I'm not interested. All I do is glance at him with a smile and nod.

"Look I don't want to sound rude. I've had a day that I wish never happened." My voice is sorrowful and my eyes stare at my hands. I don't want to engage in any conversation. "Would you like to talk about it?" He sounded persistent as well as being nosy. "I wouldn't know where to start." Answering him. He shrugs his shoulders. "I should introduce myself." He glanced at me and offered me his hand. "I'm Scott Wilder." We shake hands.

"Harper Gilbert." My voice is low almost a pitiful tone. He sure likes to smile. What a sexy smile too. "So, now we got that out the way." He replied. Smiling back at him slowly turned to stare away. He's good-looking plus he's very talkative. "So, tell me what happened?" He asks. He looks like he's in his mid-twenties, dressed very smartly in a suit.

"I will cut a long story short. This morning I had a wedding dress on thinking I'm getting married. When I stood at the altar to marry the man, I thought he loved me. He turns to announce in front of my family, friends that he's in love with my best mate Helena. Who just happened to be my head bridesmaid." I peered at my hands then back at him. His smile faded. "I can understand why you are having a dreadful day." He says with a bit of humour. He did cause me to smirk.

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