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H A R P E R  P O V

The flowers arrived this morning, so did a few wedding gifts. Scott is still stuck on his business trip he called to say how sorry he had been and promised to leave right away. Then he phoned me to tell me his plane couldn't take off with a storm heading his way. Could this be an omen telling me what my gut feels?

I told him a woman had been looking for him and he went quiet, not saying another word about her. I could not handle my nerves any longer and broke down crying. Rubbed my face while I'm still on the phone to him. "Harper, I'm sorry, but they gave us a weather warning." His voice did sound sorrowful. "It's okay. You can't help the way the weather is." I said, not letting him know how disappointed I am. "Baby, I will make it up to you." "It's fine. I will see you when you get back." I hang up, slide my phone in my jeans pocket.

Walked to the spare room to look at my dress. Just one day and I would be walking down the aisle again. I hope I am. Stood staring at my dress thinking I should be getting married tomorrow, but Scott is stuck halfway across the fucking country. Will he make it? I honestly can't see it.

Walked into the lounge to sit, going over the list to make sure everything had come. The flowers had arrived. So did his suit. Take a deep breath and the doorbell rings. Rise to my feet to answer the door. To my horror, it's the woman from two days ago. "Is Scott here?" She asks. "No. He's still on his business trip." She shakes her head. "That's a likely story." It sounded like she is accusing me of lying.

Who the hell does she think she is? "His flight is delayed from a storm," I tell her. She shakes her head. "I've tried ringing him. He's not answering me." She informs me. Surely that tells her something. "I'm sorry I can't help you," I said. She turns about to walk off, then turns back to look at me. "Tell him Mel called. He needs to contact me it's urgent." She walks away towards the elevators.

Closed the door, took my phone from my pocket to ring Scott. "Harper this storm is really bad." I shake my head. "Scott, the same woman called again. She said to tell you Mel called, and it's urgent." I could hear him breathing. "Why the hell did she show up now?" He said. "Harper. Please don't talk to her. I will see her after the wedding." I could sense he was holding something back from me.

Do I ask him who she is? "Scott, who is she?" The phone went quiet for a few seconds. "Baby, I will tell you after we are married." My heart is beating fast. "Will you be back in time tomorrow?" "I will get there one way or another. Harper, I will get back and we will be married." He sounded so sure of himself. "Perhaps someone is telling us this is not meant to be?" "Harper, listen to me. I will be back in time to marry you. I promise, baby." Promises are easily broken. Sit on the sofa talking to him not sure what else to say to him. After a while, we hang up.


Lexi and her friends are sound asleep. I couldn't sleep. Got up to make my way to the kitchen to get a hot drink. Paced around the penthouse hoping Scott would be back in time. I watched the sun come up. I make my way to the spare room to make sure everything is ready for me. Had a shower and sit on the bed in my towel when my phone rings.

Looking at it to see Scott is calling me. "I'm in the air I will be back in time. I will make it." Smiled, but it's a nervous smile. "Scott, I will see you at the church. "I have arranged for someone to collect my suit and meet me at the airport. I will be there, baby." Look over at my dress. "Harper, I love you." "Love you too." "I will meet you at the church. I will be waiting." Smiled at what he had said. "I will meet you there." We hang up.

I get his suit ready to be collected, plus all his other bits. Explained to Lexi what was going on. She could not believe what was happening.


We are ready to leave to head to the small church where Scott should be waiting for me. We slide into the limo to make our way to the wedding. The traffic is jammed up. Could this day get any worse? Now I'm going to be late. Lexi contacts Scott to find out where he is and to tell him we are stuck in traffic.

My mind went back to the day Vincent told me he loved my best mate. My day had been filled with mishaps after that. I lost my case; I didn't get married. I could not help but feel the same was happening to me. Glanced over at Lexi to shake my head. "What is the point?" She is still on the phone to Scott. "He wants to speak to you." She hands me the phone. "Harper, I'm on my way to the church. I will be roughly half an hour." He tells me.

Close my eyes to let my tears fall. Could not help it. "Scott I won't make it. The traffic is backed up. The entire city is at a gridlock." "Harper, can you get to Times Square?" "Yes, it's about twenty minutes to walk." "I need you to trust me. You need to get outta the limo and make your way there. I will meet you there, baby." Take a deep breath hand back the phone to Lexi.

Opened the door to step out and Lexi follows me. Gather my dress up in my hands and we walk to make our way to Times Square. We had people watching us, plus the media are following us. Stopped to take my shoes off and to look at Lexi who smiled then we run. We are running through New York with people stopping to watch us. It feels so surreal with people staring at us.

We had the media hot on our tail filming our every move and before we knew it. We are all over the live screens that filled New York. Couldn't believe what I was seeing on the large screens. Two police officers on horseback stopped us and offered to take us the rest of the way.

I'm in my wedding dress meant to be on my way to the church to marry Scott. But I'm now on the back of a horse, trotting through the streets to get to Scott. The media are everywhere.


We reach Times Square I'm glancing around to see if Scott is here. Slip my shoes on and smooth my dress down. Scott runs up to me taking me in his arms smothering me in kisses. "I told you I would be here." All I could see is us on the screens and everyone stopped what they are doing just to watch us. A vicar appears and we actually get married there and then with millions of people watching on the TV. Plus, we had people surrounding us.

The whole of New York went quiet while we held hands and said our vows. When we kissed all, we could hear is cheers and applauds. We are finally married in the middle of New York. With millions of witnesses. Scott takes me in his arms holding me tight to him while we looked at everyone around us. I was married finally married. Could not believe that it happened.

Looked down at my wedding ring and glanced over to Lexi. The day had been filled with too many mishaps, but I'm now married to Scott Wilder. He cups my cheeks. Looks deep into my eyes. "I would not have missed our wedding for no one. I love you so much." We kissed and the people around whistled. A while later we made our way to the venue where we had our wedding guests waiting for us.

My family sits waiting to see us. Scott would not leave me. I leant into Lexi she smiled. "You will always be my favourite." She hugs me. Scott looked so happy with the way Lexi and I get on. None of his other girlfriends ever liked the fact that he had looked after his sister. I didn't only marry Scott I had married a family. My gut is now settled.

Scott stands to do a speech and thanking everyone for coming. "Mrs Scott Wilder, I love you." He says and we clink our glasses. The day had started with doubt, but we did something that people could only dream about. And that is to marry in the open, where the media and the whole of New York were part of it.

When the celebrations finished, we went back to the penthouse before taking off to our honeymoon. I'm now married no longer a jilted love.





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