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H A R P E R   P O V

We arrived at his penthouse. Not saying another word to him, I went straight to Lexi's room. Take a deep gasp before knocking lightly on the door. Raise my hand to knock when Scott comes into view with his hands in his pockets. He creases his brows, looks down at the floor before his eyes locked to mine. His lips curl into a smile. He steps closer to me, so close I could feel his warm breath. The scent of his cologne filled my senses.

What the hell is he doing to me? I could feel that feeling I had four years ago sweep through my core. All my reasoning for not forgiving him leaves me. I felt warm inside again. But this is wrong. Blink for a second when his fingers lift my chin. "Harper." He whispers in his sexy rasped voice. Lick my dry lips, he leans back to place his hands either side of me on the door frame. Trapped with him gazing at me. I'm fighting the urge, but my body betrays me. Fall forward into his muscled frame. I'm weak.

Close my eyes, he snakes both his arms around me. Bury my face in the crook of his neck, he moves my hair to kiss my neck. What reason can I give him to stop? I trembled with want. My mouth opens, but my words will not come out. Stuttering to get the right words out. "Scott, please." I sound needy but also begging him to let me go. Push myself from him, he skims my lips with his thumb. "Harper, I'm still in love with you." I don't know what to say.

My mind is blank. Think Harper think. Easy trying to tell myself to do something but it's not working. "You have a girlfriend. Please, Scott." He steps back places his hands in his trouser pockets. "I don't love her as I love you. I thought after four years of not seeing you I would be fine. But to be honest I'm not. When you opened the door, my body flooded with love for you." Why do his words hit the core of my heart?

Turn to knock on the door. "Please Harper say something." Shrug my shoulders. He steps further away to watch me. Knocked on the door. "Lexi." I open the door to step in and she's not here. "Scott, she's not here," I shout walking back to the door. "What?" He shouts. "We need to find her," I tell him.


We have been all over the city to the known places she would go, looking for her. Scott is beside himself and scared for her. We still had one place to look and that was where their parents are buried. The limo pulled up to the entrance of the graveyard. Scott slides to his feet doing his jacket up. I rise to my feet and we walk along the path to where his parents are buried. To our relief, Lexi is sitting on the bench.

He looks at me. "What do I say to her?" He asks me like I got all the answers. "Scott, you need to talk from your heart." He smiled and kissed me. Talk about a surprise. I stood back so Scott could talk to her. I glanced at my surroundings and strolled around with my thoughts. Emotions are mixed with words of what Scott said plus my heart filled with wanting him. Stepped up to the little church my lips curl into a wide smile. What a quaint and beautiful little church. This is a place I could only dream of getting married in. The archway of the door is filled with scented flowers.

I stood staring at the building. Didn't hear Lexi and Scott approach me. "It's beautiful inside too," Scott says, bringing me out of my thoughts. "My parents were married here just after I was born." Turn to see his face filled with a memory and a smile. "It's beautiful. I can see why your parents married here. It's perfect for any bride." I said. Lexi steps up to hug me. Placed my arm around her. "Lexi, I'm glad you are safe." Hug her tight.

We strolled back to the limo. "I need to get back to the hotel. I'm leaving in the morning." Lexi stops. I turn to look at her. "Harper you just got here." The sorrow in her voice is tugging at my heart. "I will spend a couple of hours with you." She folds her arms and makes a face at Scott for him to say something. "Harper, can't you at least stay a couple of days?" He asks. "I'm sorry but I can't." I slide into the limo. I could hear Lexi and Scott whispering. A few minutes later they both got in and we leave to head back to his hotel.

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