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H A R P E R     P O V

A month had gone by and I am getting married tomorrow. When I spoke to Scott and told him I am getting married, he lost his smile and asked me questions about him. Wanting to know what he is like and how I met him. It felt awkward telling him about Leon when he's my boss. I got the courage to ask Scott if he would be a witness. He said yes with hesitation. Leon is meeting me at the little chapel. I'm nervous, excited with what is happening. Lexi and I are eating ice cream talking about the wedding. My mind kept going back to what Vincent had done to me. Smiling at Lexi, we finish our ice cream and walk back to the Hotel.

"Harper, I will see you in the morning. I have never been to a wedding." The excitement in her voice. Smiling down at her, she holds my hand as we stroll back to the Hotel. Exiting the elevator, make our way to the door of the Penthouse. Ring the bell, Scott answers it. He smiles at me but does not say a word. Smile back at him Lexi walks past him. "See you in the morning." She says. I turn to walk away.

"Harper," Scott calls me. Turn to face him. "Are you sure you are doing the right thing marrying this guy you barely know?" He asks. Look at the ring on my finger. He reaches, placing his fingers softly on my chin to tilt. We are in a locked gaze. He takes his fingers away tilts his head slightly to the side making a sad face which makes me laugh. "Scott, I feel love for him, but I have my doubts." He slides his hands in his pockets. "Scared I will get to the alter then it all comes crashing down on me. If it happens this time I will be getting on a plane to Africa." He steps back.

"Harper, I will be there, and he better not leave you at the altar." Smiling at him he smiles back. "See you in the morning." Nodding at him step into the elevator. Just hope my worst fears do not happen. Already been down that road do not want a repeat. Do not want my heart to feel pain like that.


Laid on my bed looking at my dress hanging over the door. Thinking about what I had paid out for yet again. Closing my eyes to go to sleep my mobile buzzes. "Hey, Harper will see you in the morning at ten. Love Leon." Smiled place my phone down and fall asleep.

Morning arrived the excitement filled my body to capacity. Had a quick breakfast which is an apple. Had a shower did my long dark hair myself. Slipped into my dress which looks amazing. White lace off the shoulder hugging my body perfectly with a small fishtail my hair cascaded down the back. Slipped the heels on picked up my little bouquet take one last look in the mirror. Look perfect yet again.

Pick my phone up to put in my little bag that fits around the wrist. Leave the apartment get outside to see the car waiting for me. Scott insisted I used his limo; I was going to get in a cab. The driver opens the door for me. Slide-in drive to the little chapel.


Glance out the window when the limo pulled up. Could not see anyone. The driver gets the door I step out walk towards the arch doors. The vicar approaches me telling me that Leon had not arrived yet. My heart starts to sink. We enter walk down to the front of the aisle where Lexi and Scott are sitting.

Scott looks at me his eyes go wide. "If you guys want to leave, I will understand," I say to them. My body sank into the pew of the seat. Dread filled me with what is going on. My gut feeling becoming a reality again. "We will wait," Scott adds. "You look beautiful," He tells me smiling the entire time. He looks dapper in his silvery-grey suit. Lexi hugs me, I kiss the top of her head. I'm trying to hold back my tears. A half-hour went by. Stood spoke to the vicar to tell him there is no wedding. Look over at Scott.

"Thank you for coming. I'm so, sorry to waste your time". My tears cloud my eyes. Walk back up the aisle to leave when Scott stops me. "Harper. I'm truly sorry. The guy is a jerk to leave you." Strained a smile pull my hand from his. "That is the second time it's happened to me. What is wrong with me? All I ever do is open my heart and they rip it away from me". My tears fall. Turn run out from the chapel down the road trying to hail a cab. Scot is running after me.

"Harper. Stop." Gathering my dress in my hand I stop. Scot steps in front of me. "Stop running and take notice of what is in front of you." He pauses wipes the tears from my cheeks. "Sorry, but I can't take this anymore I need to leave. Please explain to Lexi how sorry I am." Raise my hand a cab pulls up. Open the door glance back at Scott who looks mortified with the way I'm just leaving. "Thank you for all you have done." Get into the cab get home to pack my case and leave.

The feeling of humiliation took me over. My entire body ached with pain from my broken heart. Why? That is all I could think.


Arrived at the airport walked up to the desk to book a flight to go back home. Handing over my card to pay she looks at me. "It's declining your card." She informs me. "There must be some mistake I have over fifteen-grand in that account." She tried it again and it still would not go through. Got my mobile out to check my online bank. My account had been emptied completely. Not a fucking penny left. Take the card, I find a seat to sit. I have nothing. No money left, no job, no place to stay. I'm fucked, talk about CRASH AND BURN. What is the goddamn point?

With my hands on my lap let my tears fall. Why do men walk all over me like they do? Two times it's happened to me. Rest my face in my hands feel someone sit beside me. "You didn't get very far?" Peer to my left to see Scott sitting there in his suit that he wore to my non-existent wedding. "I went to buy a ticket, but all my funds have been taken from my bank account. I have been scammed." He shakes his head.

"That is just too bad." He did not sound upset for me but cheery. "It means you will have to stay." He smirks grabs my case. "Come on the limo is waiting plus we need to take a detour." He is acting strange. He takes my hand pulls me up from the seat. Not letting go of my hand he walks me out to the limo gives my case to the driver.

He pulls me leans me against the limo pinning me. "Now, let's get one thing straight." Nodding at him he places his hands either side of my shoulders to stop me from moving. His scent circulated around with the warm air. "You will not run. You will be living with me no matter what plus you need to get rid of that tacky ring." His soft demanding approach made me weak at the knees. Take the ring off he takes it from me passing it to a passer-by.

He takes my hand pulls me away from the door opens it so we could slide in. "So, Harper, there will be no more running away." Nod at him he tilts my chin making me smile. He smiles the limo drives off. He is telling me off which I found amusing and loving. Oh, no I can't fall for him. He is too nice, too sexy, and goddamn good-looking. 


The limo stops at a jewellery store he slides out takes my hand. Not letting go we enter the store where my eyes go wide with so many diamonds on display.

"I would like to see your most expensive ring collection please." She nods and escorts us to a back room that is secure. Not entirely sure why we are here but he is not letting his grip go of my hand. My hand is beginning to sweat with the grip he's got. We are seated and they bring out expensive diamond rings that are beautiful. He looks at them takes my left hand sliding different ones on. "Scott, what are you doing?" Needed to open my mouth. He is placing rings that are worth millions on my wedding finger.

"Looking for the perfect engagement ring," He said not taking his eyes off the rings. I gulped my mind went blank. "I'm pleased you stopped fidgeting. It makes it easier for me to find the perfect ring." Well, still have no words to what he said to me. "This one is perfect," He says. after letting my hand go. Looking down at my finger to see a sizable rock but wow. "I can see you like that one." He gives me a peck on the lips, which caught me off guard. He nods to the woman who takes it off to have it shined and placed in a velvet ring box.

"Mr Wilder we have charged it to your account" Folding my arms kept quiet in shock. Still shocked from what he is doing plus the peck on the lips. She hands him the box he grasps my hand, and we leave to be flooded with the media bombarding us. He says nothing to them or answers their questions. The driver opens the door, and we get in heading back to the Hotel.






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