Chapter 1: What Happened To Lucy??

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Hi everyone!  Here is the first chapter of my new NaLu // Fairy Tail Fanfiction!  I dedicate this to LucyAshleyHeartfilia because she read my last NaLu story, not to mention a great writer!  I love all of her NaLu fanfictions<33  So I hope you all enjoy this, and give me feedback, k? c:

Ry-chan // xRyrirzuar


"Amazing how it can go from peaceful and quiet to chaotic and loud in just a few seconds..."  Carla murmured, frowning.

"That's Fairy Tail!"  Wendy replied, smiling cutely.

Lucy laughed, watching Natsu and Gray fight like they always do.  Yep, this is Fairy Tail all right.  Lucy, Wendy, Carla and Happy were all sitting at a table drinking their beverages in the far corner, making sure to stay out of the way of the chaos.  Suddenly, Lucy coughed, putting her fist over her mouth.

"Are you alright, Lucy?"  Wendy asked, setting her cup on the table softly.

Lucy smiled.  "You worry too much, Wendy.  It was just a cough."

"But you've had a cough for the last two days."  Wendy protested.

"I'm not surprised,"  Carla replied, looking up at Lucy from the top of the table.  "The whole Infinity Clock situation must've taken a toll on Lucy."

Lucy waved them off embarissingly.  "I appreciate your concern you two, but I promise; it's just a cough."

Wendy hesitated for a second, but then slowly nodded, smiling.  "Alright, if you're sure!"

"Come on, Natsu!  Beat Gray to a pulp!"  Happy cheered, practically on the edge of the desk.  The Exceed waved his arms in the air, jumping up and down.  "Go Natsu!"

"Don't encourage them!"  Lucy yelled, hitting Happy on the head.

"Wahhh!"  Happy cried.  "Lucy's not only heavy, but she's mean too!"

Lucy sighed, shaking her head.  Then she stood, rising from her chair and setting her cup down.  "I'm going for a walk.  If anyone wonders where I am, just tell them I'm out and about!"  She called over her shoulder, dodging Fairy Tail members and pushing a table away from the door.

Once Lucy emerged on the other side, she shut the door quietly and rested her back against it, sighing.  "You could hear the ruckus in there from a mile away..."  She stood up straight, stepping down from the steps and walking along the path.  Maybe Wendy had the right to be concerned.  I do feel like I'm getting sick; I should take it easy for a few days, just to be sure.


Wendy was lying on her arms, sitting in the same spot she was in when Lucy left.  "Lucy sure has been gone a long time..."  She murmured tiredly.

Carla and her were the only ones left at the table.  "I agree.  Something seems strange."

Natsu walked over, rotating his right shoulder painfully.

"Natsu, have you seen Lucy?"  Wendy asked, lifting her head from the table.

Natsu stopped at the edge of the table, and he rubbed the back of his head.  "No; not since she left earlier."  He blinked.  "Speaking of that, where did she go?"

"Lucy said that she was going for a walk, but that was three hours ago!"  Happy replied, floating in the air by Natsu's head.  "And it's already pitch dark outside!"

Fairy Tail: Invincible Wills and Feelings (NaLu Fan Fiction) {Watty Awards 2013}Where stories live. Discover now