Chapter 13: Confrontation

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Heya!  Here's another chapter of Fairy Tail: Invincible Wills and Feelings!  I hope you like it!♥ I dedicate this chapter to littlesmile07... NaLu ftw! ;) Enjoy the chapter everyone! ★

Ry-chan // xRyrirzuar


The next day, Lucy was sitting with Erza as Natsu and Gray fought like usual despite all the things they been through.

"Don't come near me, Flame Brain!"  Gray yelled, summoning ice from the air as Natsu lighted his fists on fire.

"Then don't bump into me on purpose!  It's annoying!"  Natsu exclaimed, tackling Gray as ice and fire flew everywhere.

The rest of the guild broke them up, laughing as Gray realized his clothes disappeared again.  Happy appeared beside Natsu's head, floating.  From this distance, Lucy couldn't understand what he said, and turned to look at Erza.  In the background, Gajeel started to get Natsu angry, and Lucy knew where that was gonna go.

"Erza?"  She asked.

"Yes, Lucy?"  Erza replied, her cheeks full of strawberry cake.

"Is there a magic possible for people to manifest only in front of one person instead of multiple?"

Erza set down her now-empty plate, thinking.  "It's possible, I can assume.  but it's very high advanced; only S-Class Mages could probably pull it off."  Erza crossed her arms.  "Of course, you have to have the type of magic to be able to even preform the spell."  Erza looked over at Lucy suspiciously.  "Why do you want to know?  Is something wrong?"

Lucy shook her head a little too urgently.  "N-No!"  She replied, waving her hand dismissively.  "I just heard about something similiar in a book I got at the library-I was just curious."

"I see."  Erza replied, standing.  "I have to talk to Master about daily subjects...See you later, Lucy."  She waved, walking away.

Lucy watched her go, and sighed heavily with relief when she disappeared.  "That was close."  She murmured to herself, rubbing her forehead.


Lucy looked over, to see Wendy standing a little shyly at the end of the table.

"Oh, Wendy!"  Lucy exclaimed in surprise.  "What is it?  Is something wrong?"

Wendy shook her head, her features neutral.  "Carla wanted to talk to you about something."

Lucy looked down at the floor, to see Carla standing with her arms crossed and a bead of sweat falling down her forehead.

"S-Sure."  Lucy said surprisingly, standing.

Lucy was surprised when Wendy stayed behind, going over to talk with other Fairy Tail guild members.  She was more surprised when Carla led her outside, and to the stump in the middle of the backyard of the guild.

"What is this all about, Carla?"  Lucy asked, watching Carla hop onto the stump.

"Lucy.  I need to ask you something about Celestial Keys."  Carla replied quietly, her face strained.

"Celestial Keys?"  Lucy repeated in confusion, surprised.

"How many other Silver keys are there?"  Carla blurted, nervous.

After a moment, Lucy thought about Carla's question.  "Tons, I guess.  There are some that I don't even know about there are so many."  Lucy winked.  "It's the Twelve Zodiac Keys you want."

"But...Are there any forbidden or wierd undiscovered ones?"  Carla asked, stressed.

Lucy paused for a moment.  "Well, I guess it's possible..."  She wandered off, suspicious.  "...I haven't seen any yet, though.  but it's possible someone could have created one that isn't a Silver or Gold key."

Carla was silent for a moment as she jumped down from the stump.  "I see.  Thank you, Lucy."  She mumbled, walking away.

"Wait, Carla!"  Lucy exclaimed.  "Why did you want to know?"

Carla didn't answer, just continued to walk away until she disappeared around the corner, back into the guild.

Sensing Carla didn't want to be pursuited, Lucy didn't follow.  What's up with Carla?  She wondered, the wind blowing her hair as she stood alone in the backyard.


Lucy sighed, looking out over the glowing city.  It was the middle of the night, and she couldn't sleep.  The wind blew gently, making Lucy's pig tails move in the breeze.  She leaned her body up against the single oak tree, her temple resting against the bark gently.  It was a little chilly, but Lucy didn't mind.

She took a deap breath.  I feel so much better now that I've gotten fresh air.  She thought, smiling slightly in content.  She closed her eyes, enjoying the quiet of nature.  I was dreaming about the Dark Man again...  She thought, opening her eyes slowly.  He's a stubborn little imaginary being, he is!  After a moment, Lucy sighed heavily.  Next time I see him, I've got no choice.  I've gotta talk to him, despite him being imaginary.  Lucy's eyes finally began to droop, and she felt herself lean on the tree with her back, her legs spread straight out in front of her as she drifted into a dreamless sleep.


When Lucy woke, she felt fabric against her shoulders, and she opened her eyes wearily.

No one was there, just the mysterious blanket was left.

Or so Lucy thought.

Once again, Lucy felt that familiar feeling of being watched, and jerked her head to the right, looking into the woods.  And there he was, just like before.  But this time, he started to walk out of the woods, towards her.

"You."  Lucy murmured, frowning.  "What do you want with me?  Why are you following me around?"  The Dark Man looked down at her, his face set in a scowl.  Lucy cowered back instictively, and flinched when her back hit the tree.  Looking back up at the mystery man, she stood, defiant.  "Answer me."  She replied, retreating to a safe distance.  "What do you want?"

For a few minutes he was silent, but then he tilted his head in curiousity, frowning continously.  "I'm just simply observing."

"Who are you?"  Lucy asked, resting her hand on her keys.

He smiled evily, and Lucy flinched.  "I'm created from you."

Fairy Tail: Invincible Wills and Feelings (NaLu Fan Fiction) {Watty Awards 2013}Where stories live. Discover now