Chapter 3: Searching For The Cure

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 Hey everybody!  Here is chapter 3!  I hope you like it~!  I dedicate this chapter to supahkewlkat101 because she is a fellow Fairy Tail lover!  Feedback? c:  Thanks and I hope you enjoy the story!<3

Ry-chan // xRyrirzuar


"Where the hell is that antidote?"  Natsu mumbled, pushing his way through the brush with Happy flying in the sky above him.

Everyone had made it to the forest on the other side of the city, but they had a lot of ground to cover.  They had the mountains and the forests to search for one small plant.  Natsu and the others had split up, hoping to cover more ground and find the plant faster, but so far it had been the end of the first day.  They hadn't even found something similar to the antidote.  Just a bunch of trees and other weird plants.

Happy floated down to Natsu's side.  "No sign of the antidote in the sky, Natsu."

Natsu clenched his teeth.  "Damn."

"It's only been a day since we got here, Natsu.  I'm sure we'll find it soon."  Happy encouraged.  "Erza wanted us back at camp by sundown, so we should head back."

"Yeah, alright."  Natsu replied, taking one last look around before running back in the direction Erza had set up camp.


Natsu appeared from the woods to see Gray, Erza, and Wendy and Carla already sitting by a fire.

"Oh, there you are, Natsu."  Erza replied, looking up as he approached.

"Here."  Wendy handed him some of the food she had packed, and Natsu took it gratefully.

"No luck so far where I'm looking."  Erza reported.  "I've rulled out a lot of ground, though."

Gray and Wendy nodded.  "So have we."

Natsu looked up at the stars.  "Yeah, same here."

There was a moment of silence.  Wendy was hugging Carla sadly, while Erza and Gray stared at the fire.  Natsu continued looking at the stars.

"It's not the same without Lucy."  Happy mumbled, looking at his fish sadly.

Everyone acknowledged that fact, their faces sad.

"I wonder if she's doing okay."  Gray replied, rubbing the back of his head.

"Poluchka said that it would get worse the longer Lucy was sick, so we have to find this antidote as soon as possible."  Carla replied.

Everyone found some place to sleep after awhile, but Natsu stayed awake, think about Lucy.  Later on in the night, everyone was eventually asleep.  Carla lay wrapped in Wendy's arms, sleeping soundly.  Suddenly, she sat straight up, her eyes wide with fear.

"No..."  She whispered, terrified.  "Not-Not another premonition!"


"How's Lucy?"  Levvy asked, walking in quietly.

Poluchka was sitting down in a chair by the wall, and she turned her head to Levvy annoyingly.  "She's no better.  Without that antidote, I can't do anything for her."

"Poor Lucy..."  Levvy replied.

Lucy started to cough, and Poluchka stood from the chair, walking over to Lucy's bedside.  Blood trickled out of Lucy's mouth, and Levvy flinched in fear.

"Get me some cloths."  Poluchka ordered.

"What's going on?"  Levvy asked, scared.  "I thought it was just poison!  How is it making blood come out of her mouth?"  She handed Poluchka the cloths.

"Like I said, this is a rare case.  Something else was added to this girls condition when she was attacked."  She rubbed the blood away.  "When Lucy was attacked, someone put a binding spell on her."

"What?"  Levvy took in a startled breath.

"I didn't want to tell the others, but this is Dark Magic.  Someone wants to take Lucy.  A Binding Spell is only used when someone wants to take control of another's body."  Poluchka sighed.  "The process is very painful."

"Bu-But who would do this to Lucy?"

Poluchka threw away the rags.  "Mosty likely someone who despises Fairy Tail and thinks Lucy is an easy target."  She turned to Levvy, her face dire.  "I was wrong with the time limit.  Lucy has much less time than I previously thought."


Natsu pushed his way through the brush, frustrated.  "Are we ever going to find this stupid fruit?!"  He yelled.

It had already been a week, but no luck.  Everyone was getting frustrated, not to mention worried for Lucy.

"Calm down, Natsu."  Erza replied, appearing from the woods with Wendy and Gray close behind.  "We've looked everywhere except over that mountain."

"Wait a minute!"  Wendy exclaimed pointing.  "Look!"

In the distance was a large mansion, surrounded by trees.  It looked enclosed, all by itself throughout the wilderness.

"Who would have a house as big as that all the way out here?"  Erza asked, suspicious.

"Do you think the people there could tell us about the antidote we are looking for?"  Wendy asked.

"Are you guys there?"  A voice reverberated through their minds.

"Warren?"  Gray asked, looking up subconsciously.

"What is it?"  Erza asked.

"We've got a problem."  Warren replied, his voice stressed.

Everyone froze.  "What's wrong?"  Natsu asked, thinking of Lucy instantly.

"Lucy's been under Poluchka's care so far, and she's not looking good.  Turns out Lucy's been casted on with a Binding Spell."

"A Binding Spell?"  Wendy repeated questionly.

"It's a spell that gives someone the control of someones body."  Erza replied.  "It's Dark Magic."

"Correct.  Turns out Lucy has a lot less time than we previously thought."

"How much time does she have?!"  Natsu exclaimed.

"A week."

There was a deadly silence.  "Only a week?"  Erza replied, breathless.

"It'll take us just a week to get to the mountain!"  Gray exclaimed, frustrated.

"Damn!"  Natsu yelled.

"Looks like we have no choice to head to the house."  Erza replied.

With the odds against them, everyone nodded, setting off down the cliff they were on.

Fairy Tail: Invincible Wills and Feelings (NaLu Fan Fiction) {Watty Awards 2013}Where stories live. Discover now