Chapter 16: I'm All Fired Up!

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Kon'nichiwa!  Here is the next chapter for all you Fairy Tail lovers out there!  Not to mention NaLu lovers!!♥ NaLu foreverz! c': Anyways, I dedicate this chapter to MsBiancaDragneel for making such an awesome Fairy Tail fan fiction, and just loving Fairy Tail in general!~★ I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I'll be updating soon, nyan! Feedback and votes a greatly appreciated, don't forget! Till next time! ♡

Ry-chan // xRyrirzuar


"What'll we do?!" Levy exclaimed, horrified. "I don't want Lucy to forget me!"

During this whole time, Natsu had been explaining what Lucy had told him, and Lucy sat in a chair in the middle of everyone, holding in her tears. Her face was crestfallen, but Lucy held it all in for her guild members.

"Lucy what was the name of the man?" Makarov asked, appearing in front of everyone.

"Virel..." She murmured, looking at the floor sadly.

"We need to find this Virel at once!" Makarov exclaimed, his face panicked. He turned to Levy. "Levy! Is there anyway to track a wizard?"

Levy grimaced in surprise, but then nodded. "It'll take me a few hours to get everything set up, though."

"It's settled. Get everything done as soon as possible!" The Master ordered, and Levy ran off. He turned back to the rest of his precious guild. "All we can do now is wait."

"Wait?! How can we do that when Lucy is in so much trouble?!" Natsu exclaimed, and Erza and Gray nodded in agreement. "There has got to be something we can do!"

"There is no choice; we have to wait for the hours it takes until Levy gets everything collected." Elfman grumbled.

I can't. Lucy thought, clenching her teeth tightly. I have to find him now! She stood, her face hidden by the shadows. "I need some air." She replied, storming off out the door.

Everyone watched her go. "Poor Lucy." Mira replied, getting teary-eyed. "The things she must be going through."

"Let's give her some time to think." Erza replied.

Natsu watched the doors Lucy left from with worry, hoping she was okay. _______________________________________________________________________________

Lucy rubbed her cheeks, trying to rid of her tears. This is no time for crying! She thought, looking up at the sky.

We're Soul Beings. Virel's voice echoed through her mind. We share the same senses...All because a piece of your soul is in my body.

A piece of my soul, huh? She thought, scowling. If that's true, can't I track you or something? The stars shined in the sky, and suddenly a shooting star went by. There's gotta be something... Lucy thought, narrowing her eyes at the sky. I've got no choice. Her eyes shook with grief, but she continued to look at the sky. I have to leave and find him myself. She then looked down from the sky, looking back at the guild building. Before she knew it, more tears fell down her face. Fairy my life! She thought, turning her head away, unable to take the pain.

"Lucy?" A voice asked, tentative.

Lucy looked up, and turned back towards the guild to see Natsu standing there.

"Natsu." She replied, wiping the tears with her fingers. "What are you doing here?"

Natsu's face was sad. "I knew you would want some company, since...a lot is going on."

Lucy smiled through her tears. "I see."

"Levy will be done soon, so don't worry!" Natsu exclaimed, trying to make her feel better. "We'll get to Virel in time, I promise!"

Lucy was silent for a moment. "Are you sure?" She asked, hiccupping. "I hate to admit it, but...I'm scared, Natsu. I don't want to forget you or anyone else in the guild!"

"You won't."

Lucy looked up in surprise.

Natsu gave her his usual grin, giving her a thumbs up. "I promise I'll save you first!" His face turned serious. "So don't go running off by yourself."

Lucy took in a sharp breath. "How did you-"

Natsu laughed sadly. "I've known you long enough to know you would try to pull something like that!"

"But I can't wait, Natsu!" Lucy exclaimed. "If I try, maybe I could try and use the connection Virel and I--apparently--have, and track him that way!"

Natsu had his arms crossed, and his face was impassive. He then set a hand on Lucy's shoulder. "Well then I'm going with you!"

"What?" Lucy asked, surprised.

"We're a team, right? I won't abandon you!" Natsu exclaimed, grinning widely. He turned, looking back at the guild. "Happy!"

"Aye sir!" Happy flew down from the sky, coming to a floating stop by Natsu. "Team Natsu is back!"

After a moment of surprise, Lucy's face softened and tears gathered on the corner of her eyes again. "Thank you, Natsu." She murmured, smiling.

"Of course." Natsu replied, grinning.

"Let's go!" Happy exclaimed. "Lead the way, Lucy!"

Lucy nodded, turning to look back towards the woods. She closed her eyes, and suddenly an image flashed through her mind. It was of Virel, standing in a large historical town that was mainly built to represent time. Of course he would be there. Lucy thought. He want's to know everything he can about Time Travel, I bet. She opened her eyes. "He's in Time City!"

"Aye!" Happy exclaimed, and they started to run down the path that led to the city, where they could take a train. "Let's save Lucy's memories and kick some Virel butt!"

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu exclaimed, grinning wickedly.

Fairy Tail: Invincible Wills and Feelings (NaLu Fan Fiction) {Watty Awards 2013}Where stories live. Discover now